Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

NXT isn't really canon to whatever goes on with the main shows.

That and it's taped 3-4 episodes at a time like a month in advance.
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Reports that a Buried Alive match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title between Kane and Daniel Bryan is planned for WWE Payback next month is now confirmed.

Evolution and The Shield are also scheduled to go at it again. While there is talk of doing the six-man rematch at Payback, there is also talk of doing a series of 3 singles matches with members of each group going at it one-on-one.

The big discussion at this week’s WWE tapings was what to do with The Shield and Evolution at Payback, so they are going back and forth on different ideas.
I really feel bad for the way they booked Bryan this past Monday. Completely made him look like a joke running away from a dude he beat just a night ago. :frown:
Reports that a Buried Alive match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title between Kane and Daniel Bryan is planned for WWE Payback next month is now confirmed.

Evolution and The Shield are also scheduled to go at it again. While there is talk of doing the six-man rematch at Payback, there is also talk of doing a series of 3 singles matches with members of each group going at it one-on-one.

The big discussion at this week’s WWE tapings was what to do with The Shield and Evolution at Payback, so they are going back and forth on different ideas.
better not have evolution beat the shield. that would be disastrous. should let the young ones win
Just finished the HBK podcast.

He pretty much said that it was Vince's decision to have Taker lose and that it was made 4 hours before the match.

He also said that he could find out the details if he wanted to, but that it's not really any of his business.
better not have evolution beat the shield. that would be disastrous. should let the young ones win
It's been a trend lately that the up and coming talent is winning. And shield won at extreme rules...but we have all heard that Reigns is gonna be going against HHH @ SummerSlam...so to extend the length of the beef/feud chances are Evolution is gonna win. At this point the shield has beaten up the vast majority of superstars...Cena,Evolution,Taker,and countless others. One loss doesn't derail over a years plus worth of momentum and beat downs. The only people they've lost to consistently is The Wyatt's in all honesty.
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Man, JR really exaggerated the seriousness of Shawn telling his story about being in gorilla position at WM30. The only real news that came from that was learning that the end decision was made 4 hours before. He was being super vague.
So Vince made the decision?

Or was it Taker said he was okay with losing the streak and left it up to Vince if it was best for business (no pun intended)
My girls cat and I go at it. I'm allergic to cats so he's my natural sworn enemy. So were always playing around and I'm chasing him around. I slap my chest with one hand and point to my girl. I've been doing that on instinct.

I was watching a PPV last night on the network and Christian came out. Now I know where I got it from smfh
Just finished the HBK podcast.

He pretty much said that it was Vince's decision to have Taker lose and that it was made 4 hours before the match.

He also said that he could find out the details if he wanted to, but that it's not really any of his business.

HBK has his own pod casts?
Thanks. I'll give it a listen. Started listening to Y2J's just this morning and some of his topics don't interest me as much as SCSA's.

He's only good when he's by himself or when he's got a wrestling guest. His rock and roll buddies are more miss that hit IMO. Check out Jim Cornettes he's got the second best podcast overall to me.
Thanks. I'll give it a listen. Started listening to Y2J's just this morning and some of his topics don't interest me as much as SCSA's.

I tried to get into Jericho's as well.. I think the fact that he has a lot of heavy metal band members on doesn't help my attention either. I guess some of his wrestling ones are ok. The Lita one was pretty good.
Nothing beats the LAW guys for me.. tbh. I don't like Jason Agnew at all.. but Pollock/Wai are a staple in my daily podcast listening pleasure. I even go back to older Reviews of theirs just cuz I think they have good chemistry and their side stories are just funny. Pollock is one hard workin' dude.. he's always doing shh for MMA/Wrestling.
Thanks. I'll give it a listen. Started listening to Y2J's just this morning and some of his topics don't interest me as much as SCSA's.

He's only good when he's by himself or when he's got a wrestling guest. His rock and roll buddies are more miss that hit IMO. Check out Jim Cornettes he's got the second best podcast overall to me.

Dad no idea he had one too (I'm still new to PC's). I could listen to Cornette tell his stories all day. Sucio Zeb too, since his interview on Stone Cold's was great.
LAW is by far my favorite podcast. Specifically the Review a wai. Straight comedy.

i like SCSA podcast as well. JR's is alright..it puts me to sleep someone of the time. Haven't listened to Jericho's, cheap heat, MLW or colt cabana podcasts yet
LOL @ Daniel Bryan is the new Rey Mysterio... That's funny.

I think Evolution should have picked up the win against The Shield to keep the fued running a bit more. They hyped Evolution's return as this classic powerful group only to drop their FIRST match back? Eh.

Shield could have took the L and still looked strong, just like against the Wyatts.

Speaking of which, what if they had a 3-3-3 tag match between Evolution, Wyatts, and Shield? My God.
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