Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Typical IWC fanboy. wtf is wrong with you man? how can you hate legends like triple h, sheamus, and batista? first of all sheamus doesnt even hog the main event, he puts over plenty of people.. hes always in irrelevant storylines. whens the last time he went for the world championship anyways? batista just put over reigns and daniel bryan both CLEAN. hes been booked weak as hell since his return. kane puts over countless people. hes one of the most selfless guys in the company. he puts over literally ANYONE, he doesnt give  a crap. triple h is very selective about who he puts over. i dont blame him, u cant just put over a guy who is not going to be successful in the future. you gotta be 100% sure u can trust the person before u put him over. besides, hhh put over chris benoit, daniel bryan, the shield, batista, john cena, jeff hardy, randy orton, sheltan benjamin. hhh may hurt a lot of peoples momentum (cm punk, kane, booker t), but every time he puts his effort and heart into putting someone over, he succeeds. just look at daniel bryan and shield

View media item 957974
Lol but no, let's revisit my Bottom 5 list for you.

Sheamus is no where near legend status in the WWE. Never has been, never will be. He's a close friend to HHH, and that's likely why he's gotten as much success as he has. IE: Him beating Ambrose for the U.S. title last night. I had a feeling going into the start of that Battle Royal that he would be the winner. Regardless of last night, I find his matches pretty consistent, but in the sense that they aren't all that entertaining. And his character? Stale as all hell. A heel turn would be best for him, but even then, I've just never been a fan of his.

Batista was gold on the mic... years ago. Nowadays, he's cutting lame promos and nothing 'Animalistic' about him. Plus, his matches are real sloppy. You can tell dude is there for the paycheck and to promote the new movie he is staring in. Again, he is a friend of HHH, and his Rumble win was probably very heavily influenced by that.

Kane nowadays is such a bore. Nothing monstrous about him, especially after the fact of him being mask-less just a few weeks ago, this time in a suit and tie. The fact that they are keeping this storyline going screams to me they have no clue what's next for D. Bry. And that's sad/worries me as a fan who would like for him to have lengthy, legit run as the top guy.

Swagger... :lol: . Gotta believe that most of us here don't see anything special in him. Never have, never will.

And if you read my list, you should have been able to tell that by listing HHH by his real name and staying why I dislike him, that I was clearly joking around. I respect HHH, the character and the man behind the curtain, even when his shoveling is pretty damn obvious sometimes. He knows the ins and outs of the business and is making the correct strides to better it, knowing in the distant future it will be him and Steph left in charge. I can be jealous of the guy for having a hot wife...

Get some sleep homie. You have a Nike release to wake up and cut class for...

View media item 958002

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View media item 957974
Lol but no, let's revisit my Bottom 5 list for you.

Sheamus is no where near legend status in the WWE. Never has been, never will be. He's a close friend to HHH, and that's likely why he's gotten as much success as he has. IE: Him beating Ambrose for the U.S. title last night. I had a feeling going into the start of that Battle Royal that he would be the winner. Regardless of last night, I find his matches pretty consistent, but in the sense that they aren't all that entertaining. And his character? Stale as all hell. A heel turn would be best for him, but even then, I've just never been a fan of his.

Batista was gold on the mic... years ago. Nowadays, he's cutting lame promos and nothing 'Animalistic' about him. Plus, his matches are real sloppy. You can tell dude is there for the paycheck and to promote the new movie he is staring in. Again, he is a friend of HHH, and his Rumble win was probably very heavily influenced by that.

Kane nowadays is such a bore. Nothing monstrous about him, especially after the fact of him being mask-less just a few weeks ago, this time in a suit and tie. The fact that they are keeping this storyline going screams to me they have no clue what's next for D. Bry. And that's sad/worries me as a fan who would like for him to have lengthy, legit run as the top guy.

Swagger... :lol: . Gotta believe that most of us here don't see anything special in him. Never have, never will.

And if you read my list, you should have been able to tell that by listing HHH by his real name and staying why I dislike him, that I was clearly joking around. I respect HHH, the character and the man behind the curtain, even when his shoveling is pretty damn obvious sometimes. He knows the ins and outs of the business and is making the correct strides to better it, knowing in the distant future it will be him and Steph left in charge. I can be jealous of the guy for having a hot wife...

Get some sleep homie. You have a Nike release to wake up and cut class for...

View media item 958002

what releases tomorrow

1. D-bry

2. Rollins

3. Brock

4. Cesaro

5. Shovel

Honorable Mention - Punk



2. Santino

3. Sheamus

4. Big Show

5. Cena
Top 5:

1.) Cesaro
2.) Shovel
3.) Rollins
4.) Brock
5.) DB

Honorable Mention:


Bottom 5:

1.) Sheamus
2.) Miz
3.) Big Show
4.) Khali
5.) Eva Marie
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Besides the Bryan match, Wyatt's matches have just been overbooked to hell. If They just chill with that and let him do his thing...i think he would look a lot more impressive.

Reigns has been sucking it up lately to me as a tweener and now a face. His tag work with Rollins last year was great, but now all he does is the same hot tag segment over and over again. It was cool when he first did it at Elimination Chamber but that was 3 months ago son...show me something else. How long will it be till people start complaining about how contrived it is that dudes are conveniently hanging on the ropes for Reigns to do his outside dropkick like the 619?

Also, he really needs to chill with them exaggerated mannerisms
Leave my man alone. Dudes still learning, he barely has any wrestling experience outside FCW and WWE.

Roman Reigns Battle Cry > Lesnars "Lets Do ThiiIIIiiiiIIIIsss"/Shovels troll yell

Roman Reigns Spear > Swagtistas Spear

Shield Triple Power bomb >> Tista RKO Bomb
Holdddddddddddd on there chris 

Holdddddddddddd on there chris :wow:


Not sure if you're serious about that RKOBOMB or just goin' for laughs..Cause there's noway that "botched every time they do it" move is the best move since the Razor's Edge..
Saw some one post this on twitter...

but I always forget how much I love this damn theme

When those chords hit at like :36....**** get you feeling immortal man
Holdddddddddddd on there chris :wow:


:rofl: I think I like roman reigns yell beforehand more than the move itself

Dude sounds like the opening to a death metal song of some ish :lol:
Just looked at the roster.... on the main (non-NXT) there are 65 male performers, 15 female performers, 12 outside the ring personalities/managers, 13 broadcast and 7 refs.

Include NXT, 22 male, 6 female and 8 outside/refs

Why can't the two brands work? Just make sure that there is ZERO crossover until PPV (what is it called now on the app?)?

Make your suggestion for roster splits and title belts.... I'll follow up with mine.
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