Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

I didn't watch the show but judging by the responses in this thread these are the results..

Lesnar defeat HHH
Cena v Ryback (draw)
The shield won the us & tag team titles
Y2J won
Sheamus won
Miz won
Del Rio won
Nobody gave a damn about Orton v Big Show

Is this correct?
The only other positive part about this show other than the Shield, is the Brock/Trips feud finally ending.
Even though people didn't talk about the Orton/Show match, I thought it was alright and the Punt at the end added a nice touch to it.
Even though people didn't talk about the Orton/Show match, I thought it was alright and the Punt at the end added a nice touch to it.
its people like you who make wwe think that they did the right thing by booking this storyline and allowing it to extend for 3 months
jk.not really though...
My stupid self predicted no title changes yet had Ambrose beating kofi lol

And same with the shield. What's wrong with my brain
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Even though people didn't talk about the Orton/Show match, I thought it was alright and the Punt at the end added a nice touch to it.
its people like you who make wwe think that they did the right thing by booking this storyline and allowing it to extend for 3 months

jk.not really though...

I don't think the feud has been going on for that long but if you say so.
I don't care one bit for the storyline, all I was commenting on was the match.
Show has been putting on pretty good matches these past PPV's with Del Rio so I thought he did a good job on this one, I usually go into Big Show matches with a ZZZZZZ mentality but he's turned that around for me at least.

Sometimes I don't care if WWE books storylines for months if the matches are good, Christian and Orton had like 4 PPV matches back to back last year I believe and I didn't mind because I knew those matches were gonna be good even though the feud wasn't.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Heyman involvement aside, I think Brock came out looking strong from this match

He "injured" his knee relatively early in the match and proceeded to get the piss beat out of him by Triple H because of it. Despite his multiple efforts though Triple H couldn't put him away. Brock overcoming the odds against the almighty Triple H god helped restore his persona as a legit badass a bit.

The knee injury will also explain why Brock won't be on TV the next few weeks, since he only has X number of appearances in his contract.

The next time we should see him again is probably for SummerFest.

The only question is against who?

I'll say Orton.
Just caught the ppv..... how do u not give the title to ryback? Last man standing rules he won the match.......
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