Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

How was the card last night?

I did not end up purchasing the PPV even though I got a nice buzz going when I went out to watch the Bruins game.

I am proud of myself.
How does having Brock sell a leg injury for the whole match make sense? It makes him look like the babyface and Trips the bullying heel...
How does having Brock sell a leg injury for the whole match make sense? It makes him look like the babyface and Trips the bullying heel...

To make him look like an unstoppable beast when he prevails. Its the WWE man leave logic behind it makes it easier to stomach.
I've cared so little since the post wm Raw I forgot to do the predictions contest 
How does having Brock sell a leg injury for the whole match make sense? It makes him look like the babyface and Trips the bullying heel...

To make him look like an unstoppable beast when he prevails. Its the WWE man leave logic behind it makes it easier to stomach.

But needing Heyman to interfere the sharpshooter and then lowblow Triple H to get the win doesn't make Brock a monster at all, he looked weak the whole match and the announcers saying "this is his only chance" or "this is only hope" every time Brock makes a move doesn't help.
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Ref Charles Robinson on twitter - RT @WWERobinson: To those complaining about me not counting i was in shock of what happened and was more concerned about their safety. I did what was right.
Even though people didn't talk about the Orton/Show match, I thought it was alright and the Punt at the end added a nice touch to it.

The punt being brought back was a nice surprise. Probably a one-time thing considering the circumstances.
Sometimes I don't care if WWE books storylines for months if the matches are good, Christian and Orton had like 4 PPV matches back to back last year I believe and I didn't mind because I knew those matches were gonna be good even though the feud wasn't.
I'm with you on this too.

Emphasis on "if the matches are good". If it's the same repetitive **** with neither guy doing anything different...I don't care for it.
So Paul Heyman is teasing to debut a new member to his stable tonight.

Here's the tweet & article:

Paul Heyman is teasing some “#BreakingNews” for tonight’s episode of Raw. Heyman tweeted the following:

“#BreakingNews … @WWE #RAW A New #PaulHeymanGuy? @BrockLesnar @CMPunk”

Heyman then linked to an article on his HeymanHustle.com site, which reads:

“It appears as though WWE needs to brace itself. Following Brock Lesnar’s epic victory over Triple H at Extreme Rules, our very own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman is set to make history … AGAIN!”

“WWE is about to get a little more EXTREME! Our boss, the Hustler De Tuti Huslters Paul Heyman is keeping quiet on this for the moment, but it appears as though we’re about to be introduced to Brock Lesnar and CM Punk’s new stablemate!”
Any guesses?

I will go with RVD, due to the EXTREME comment from the article.

Would be dope also if it were Ohno or Corey Graves, but i doubt it.
I really hope its an NXT or young main roster guy.

I'd honestly be upset if it was RVD. I'd rather Heyman's talents go to someone like Cesaro, Ohno, Etc.
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It could also be a false flag considering WWE has a history of doing **** like this to get people to tune in...but then again, that article I posted a few days ago from their website hinted this was gonna happen. Gotta wait and see but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
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