Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Heyman with the ringside ad-libs.
Just like WM, the crowd is dead for the HHH/Lesnar match.  No one wanted to see this match twice, let alone 3 times.
A Former UFC Heavyweight Champion getting PWNED two matches in a row by The King of Burials
If somebody wins by pinfall or submission, I'm gonna be so angry. You win by going through the door or climbing over the type...that's how I remember it.
So let me guess Ryback and Cena will be feuded with each other now for the next few months. 
  Same old boring BS
This goes to show how important Punk is. Hell, even with Ziggler left they barely have anyone left to carry the load
I like how all medical staff went to cent in the title match. Ryback rules #2 states "Ryback will never get medical attention."
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