Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I need to check out warby parker for new glasses. I usually buy at costco but their selection is always crap.

Warby parkers are good for the price. Some or all I think are made with acetate not plastic. Don't expect team to last forever tho. 1 year maybe 2 if your lucky tops. I don't need glasses but I like wearing them.
A lot of people need to get them eyes checked then. Heard warby parker got them cheap prescription lenses for them too.

Preferences man. I think Rihanna looks like an alien, but LOTS of other guys think she's the hottest thing that's ever walked the earth. I think Miley Cyrus is gross, but dudes beast over her all day. It's just tough to speak in definitives when something is so opinion based.
The downward spiral of Rusevs life continues... :lol: that's what he gets for being too cheap to buy shoes
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Man, that really sucks.. I really enjoyed his performance on Monday, as much as I thought he would fail without Lana before the actual breakup, he's been doing pretty great on the mic and has really sounded good in whatever he's trying to convey.
Rusev is going to be at home recovering while Lana rides up and down the roads with the Show Off :smokin

Edge/Matt/Lita the 2015 version! I'll allow it!
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