Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

I'm telling y'all Batista has xpac heat at this point . People aren't booing him because he's a heel they are booing him because he sucks
Oh yes it was PLVN





Lol Steph
I agree the 2 belt thing is a little stupid at this point. And the fact that Orton is still carrying both means that eventually they will split them back up eventually. The whole unification thing was just a ratings grab for TLC since it had no hype going into it since it was Orton/Cena for the millionth time. 
I think they still have both because mainstream-wise, most people think of the Big Gold when thinking of what the "World Title" looks like in a general sense (Also due to Flair, Hogan, etc.) . . . . I remember a football player a couple months ago having one . . . it's more recognizable in the mainstream​
They have the WWE Logo Belt because that's the one they've been sending out to sports stars, to Lebron and the Heat, to the Seahawks after the Superbowl . . . also obviously it's a big advertisement with their logo being on the front​
Personally I think it's dope to have two belts on each shoulder, sets them apart and makes the title of being WWE WHC look more official . . . that **** hard bruh 
Although I am interested in what a new belt would look like​
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I like the two belts one champ as well. I think it's pretty dope. If Bryan doesn't win, RKO has to go home with the title. He's done an excellent job in his reign here.
I doubt they'll make one new belt since they just debuted the new WWE title last year. I'm a fan of both belts because they just look good together.
Watched bad blood 03 today, besides flair and micheles what a waste of time. Weak main event Nash has to be the laziest wrestler of all time. No taker, rock, angle, Austin in a "pie" eating and burp contest. Just weak all around
:x :lol: Bad Blood 03. I forgot HBK/Flair even had a match on the card. I mostly just remember HHH/Nash and Goldberg/Jericho, and the Dudleyz being stale as dirt around that time.

The Bellas trying to get the crowd hype is the worst.
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:x :lol: Bad Blood 03. I forgot HBK/Flair even had a match on the card. I mostly just remember HHH/Nash and Goldberg/Jericho, and the Dudleyz being stale as dirt around that time.

The Bellas trying to get the crowd hype is the worst.

I just feel really bad when Brie tries so hard to hype the crowd up and no one responds :lol:
As Regal says, Alicia Fox has such a beautiful bridging suplex. Seriously. Perfectly up on those toes. The Bella's yelling is so damn annoying.

Kamala On Vince McMahon: “Vince McMahon has certain people that he will pay. If you get along with Vince, do him sexual favors, you’ll get along good with him. But if you just (do your job and) mind your own business, then he doesn’t like you for some reason. Lots of Serious Juice Mayne business going on. There was a lot of men with men in those days and even men with boys. . I know a lot of guys that (failed drug tests) and it was documented that they passed, and I know what they did.”
Uhm...........what? Anyone believe this?
Apparently the Alicia Fox and Aksana tag team is named FOXSANA.

Say that out loud a few times.

This is a real thing.
I know yall got your new little WWENetwork toy and all but don't forget about Podcasts.

Regal on Austin
Austin on Jim Ross
Uso tying belt around his neck is on par with Orton strolling around with his belts the way he carries them

El Torito hit Billy Gunn with a huricanrana. As 4w says, "Stuff like this makes people laugh at wrestling."
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