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Word going now is that D Bry will work 2 matches at WM 30 (vs HHH and the triple threat vs Orton and Batista). Dude gonna get PAID that night.
Hopefully that's true. But I wonder what HHH thinks about being on the first or second match on the card? Unless they plan on adding 4 more matches, or a whole bunch of pointless segments to give Bryan some rest
They should make him do back to back matches then win the title; crowd noise would register on the Richter Scale
Hope it's true cause if not ill be looking like Troy

Isn't wrestlemania a 4 hour ppv with multiple performances ? I'm sure dbry could handle it

Played royal rumble on the dreamcast today what a disaster lol, I tought it was fun back then though
Word going now is that D Bry will work 2 matches at WM 30 (vs HHH and the triple threat vs Orton and Batista). Dude gonna get PAID that night.
so that's why WWE's stock keeps going up :nerd:

There's not much I want, but seeing Bryan, after being buried weekly for the past year, seeing him holding up that belt to end the show—that'll be special man.
I might have to break out a yes chant in my house if that happens and he wins the Belt. 

But they are almost forced into making that match at this point. Batista hasnt proved he can last more than 10 minutes in a match. And for the most part the only way he gets to 10 is if hes getting his *** kicked for 9 of them. I cant see Him/Orton being anything other than the worst match on the card. And yes I'm anticipating there being a Divas match possibly involving a dance off.
I might have to break out a yes chant in my house if that happens and he wins the Belt. 

But they are almost forced into making that match at this point. Batista hasnt proved he can last more than 10 minutes in a match. And for the most part the only way he gets to 10 is if hes getting his *** kicked for 9 of them. I cant see Him/Orton being anything other than the worst match on the card. And yes I'm anticipating there being a Divas match possibly involving a dance off.
I've been waiting for a monster day day trading to do a Yes chant around my block. This would be a nice consolation prize, man. Kid works so hard he deserves to shine on the biggest stage.

Bootista is here for a while so he could always get a reign down the road. They'll probably troll us though. Bryan will go over Hunter with a roll up. He'll hit Randy with the running knee. Bootista will spear Bryan and a quick count will end the show. Trash thrown everywhere.
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I just don't think shovel would bring back his boy Batista without letting him hold that strap
We all know this is coming eventually. But hopefully he can realize Batista just isnt ready physically/conditionally to carry the most prestigious title in the company just yet. Say what you want about Orton, but I've really enjoyed him as the heel champ recently. Ever since they dropped the stupid whiny Orton thing he has been gold. Batista would be the worst choice as champion to come out of WM. Bryan is the top choice, then Orton coming out champion would be my 2nd choice. 

But hey, Shovel did bring back the NAO and gave them the titles. So you never know with this guy. Guess we have a couple more weeks of speculation to go. 
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There's just too many people for the undisputed title. DBry should just drop the big gold, since that's the WWE's second rate belt anyway, and then just let Batista cook on Smckdown since it can be edited to mke him look better.
The shovel is going to let himself be a stepping stone to Bryan being champ? I dont know I have a hard time seeing that.
I agree the 2 belt thing is a little stupid at this point. And the fact that Orton is still carrying both means that eventually they will split them back up eventually. The whole unification thing was just a ratings grab for TLC since it had no hype going into it since it was Orton/Cena for the millionth time. 
The thing is, it's not really even Batista's fault, it's the WWE's own fault for not having Bryan in the Rumble. Both Batista and Ramon Sterio caught shrapnel from the fans because of that :lol: However,. Batista should've came back heel all along. He's so natural in this role it's not even funny
Yeah, It woulda been better if they had just eased him back in the picture Instead of main eventing WM right away. The whole thing seems forced and I think that's why fans are booing him so hard.
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Hopefully that's true. But I wonder what HHH thinks about being on the first or second match on the card? Unless they plan on adding 4 more matches, or a whole bunch of pointless segments to give Bryan some rest
No no, you have it backwards.  Bryan has to win the title first so then he can lose it to HHH in the main event.
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