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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As a long time Observer subscriber, he may focus more on MMA now, but there is still no one better in the business.  And his historical recollections are incredible.  

On Observer Radio after Raw, he said that his source was one of the best known wrestlers in the business over the past 20 years, not someone directly in WWE.  He said he talked to his source after Raw, and his source said flat out that he was lied to about Punk being there.  Meltzer never came out and said 100% that Punk would be on Raw.
Going fully into it would seriously take forever, but the book on Meltzer is that he is extremely knowledgeable and well traveled in the wrestling industry, and in the 80s and 90s he had a direct line to the wrestlers which granted him access and information that nobody else could get. At that time, he was a hacky writer, but he had information nobody else did and was extremely valuable to smart fans. In the post internet age, however, as the major companies shut their doors to him and threatened to prosecute any employee who talked to him, he lost all of his reputable sources, and has now resorted to reporting speculation as fact continually, never answering for when his reports are utterly wrong.

He failed to move with the times when his industry changed, and now he uses his extremely powerful influence with a certain segment of the wrestling fanbase to sell them snake oil. When he can be bothered to discuss wrestling at all himself.

In other words, the Dave Meltzer of the 80s was a guy who worked hard to build an empire of knowledge, like, say, Sports Illustrated. The Dave Meltzer of the 90s used his connections to get the juiciest dirt on people and ran that, like, say, People Magazine. The Dave Meltzer of the 00s and 10s makes **** up until he pounces on an actual story, which he then pimps mercilessly, like, say, the National Enquirer.

The problem isn't that he's a rumor peddling hack. There are a million of those. The problem is that people take his word seriously because of what he was in the 80s and 90s. And he hasn't deserved it for a long time

Don't have time to post from over here but this little write up pretty much sums how I feel about the man. Meltzer may be the greatest wrestling journalist ever but he has been **** for years. I didn't know he still had fanboys :lol:

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Austin has been saying publicly that he BELIEVES that the punk angle started as a shoot and will become a work. What better way to create a storyline than having Punk coming back at a raw in Chicago.
Reigns breaking up the pin when Rollins left really surprised me.

That's the first time that's happened in probably 15 years.
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