Wrestling Thread Mar 24-30 | 3/24 RAW - 13 Days till Mania - Brock, Taker, Hogan LIVE Tonight

Mitb is a staple ppv to me you could really replace survivor series with it
Completely agree. They don't even really do the classic Survivor Series matches anymore. Without those, why does it need to be one of the big 4 ppvs?
Off topic but.. read 4W's tweets the other day.. wanna wish him a successful work stay in Mexico, sucks he's gonna miss WM this year, but hope he can survive in Mex. without the loves of his life (his cats). Thanks for making this thread each week for the many years you have. Best of luck!




I was cracking up looking at Cena in that mask wondering just what going through his mind at that moment. Like he's thinking fml
"You're gonna have to start a NEW YouTube show just to get the fans to notice you AGAIN" :lol:

Who was that that said Ambrose fights like a worldstar chick? I was rewatching the Shield/Real Americans match and that was all I could think about when Ambrose was in the ring :lol:
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First time being at a live event last night..really enjoyed it.

Coulda sworn I saw dat boy Sami @ ringside
I am still
 about what they did to the Miz last night. Great way too make your show look corny.
First time being at a live event last night..really enjoyed it.

Coulda sworn I saw dat boy Sami @ ringside :lol: :nerd:
Congrats to making it to your first live event. I've been fortunate to go to a few summerslams , Raws, a couple house shows and went to my first Smackdown a couple months ago, WWE is in Cali a lot I guess. The right group can enhance or ruin an event. Did the lack of commentary throw you off at all? It kinda did for me...
I am still >:  about what they did to the Miz last night. Great way too make your show look corny.
I'm saying. He got it not too long ago when strahan came through. It's so odd because wrestling in General will make their talent look weak to put on someone who probably has no need to look powerful. Mark Cuban gets props for the rko he took. Pete rose would always catch the biz too, but these are rare examples.
I'm a fan of Ryder, sue me. His gimmick > in-ring work though.
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Congrats to making it to your first live event. I've been fortunate to go to a few summerslams , Raws, a couple house shows and went to my first Smackdown a couple months ago, WWE is in Cali a lot I guess. The right group can enhance or ruin an event. Did the lack of commentary throw you off at all? It kinda did for me...
Thanks, lol the lack of commentary and commercial breaks made for a different experience but I def can't complain.. the crowd was great and the card was stacked
Thanks, lol the lack of commentary and commercial breaks made for a different experience but I def can't complain.. the crowd was great and the card was stacked

What where the dark matches? Salty I missed out but might just make it to extreme rules
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The Shield have been the best thing going in the WWE in the last 6 months or so IMO. Been more entertained by them than Bryan....while I really think they should be tweeners of some sort and not make(have made) a complete face turn, it is pretty cool to see whole crowds now cheering for them.
Before RAW came on yesterday, I was thinking, "Why am I watching this." The only reason I really care to watch is for Seth Rollins at this point. Everything else doesn't matter. I honestly, enjoy chatting it up with yall during RAW more than watching RAW.
The back of that shirt is dope​

"Paul Heyman Guy Beast"​

Why they got Brock acting like a *** though​

MMA World Champion in the prime physical shape of his career shivering at the sight a 50 year old zombie :lol:


Also mind you he took Taker to town, everytime they faced each other. I think they don't want Taker to take bumps.
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