Wrestling Thread Mar 19-25 | 3/26 - New Thread Coming, Once In A Lifetime Special 8pm Tonight USA

jesus christ, dudes SNITCHED because they didnt like the way the wrestling thread was going

truly pathetic.

you know who you are. just know you are the worst kind of person.

"Meettthhhhh mettthh tell them to stop!!!!!"   *bratty foot stomp*
Honest opinion has knowing rock/cena year ahead of time been more negative or positive. I lean toward negative cuz it just seems like to me that this match has been "buliding" for so long no matter how great the match posibly ends up, this year build will make it seem like somewhat of a let down.

I don't understand why each week the title of the thread isn't named to reflect both actual wrestling news and ntwt, that way the thread can have everything in it..

I wonder if the 248 page Moder Warfare 3 thread stays on topic each and every page..Or maybe the 1030 page Jewelry thread goes off topic once in awhile..Why is it that the 20 page wrestling thread has to be limited to WWE news and thats it?..
I just saw Stephanie Mcmahon, Mick Foley, the Bella twins, and Kofi Kingston at a USO event in Arlington, VA. They were all cool and easy to talk to.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I just saw Stephanie Mcmahon, Mick Foley, the Bella twins, and Kofi Kingston at a USO event in Arlington, VA. They were all cool and easy to talk to.


I'm jealous
Listen... I don't do the NTMania %+%@... not my thing... but it does entertain me... and this is OUR thread.. if lurkers don't lime the content then either don't view or actually post in the thread... this is for US to enjoy... sorry it reakkt offends me that people a complaining about a thread that they do not even participate in...
I mean..I can see why some don't like it. That's why I try to keep it to a minimum on my end..but at the same time, it's really THAT serious for lurkers to complain to the staff about it?

But it's whatever.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Listen... I don't do the NTMania %+%@... not my thing... but it does entertain me... and this is OUR thread.. if lurkers don't lime the content then either don't view or actually post in the thread... this is for US to enjoy... sorry it reakkt offends me that people a complaining about a thread that they do not even participate in...

this is my biggest beef with the whole thing.

its the LURKERS and the people who barely post in here that want things turned around for them.

Lobo said it best

Without us you will have nothing to read/do.


PLENTY of other places to get your wrestling news,

why you choose to complain about it on a sneaker-based forum instead of oh i dont know...going to an actual wrestling news site to get your information makes no sense to me at all.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Listen... I don't do the NTMania %+%@... not my thing... but it does entertain me... and this is OUR thread.. if lurkers don't lime the content then either don't view or actually post in the thread... this is for US to enjoy... sorry it reakkt offends me that people a complaining about a thread that they do not even participate in...

this is my biggest beef with the whole thing.

its the LURKERS and the people who barely post in here that want things turned around for them.

Lobo said it best

Without us you will have nothing to read/do.


PLENTY of other places to get your wrestling news,

why you choose to complain about it on a sneaker-based forum instead of oh i dont know...going to an actual wrestling news site to get your information makes no sense to me at all.

[Miz] Really? REALLY? [/Miz]


Y'all know by now I don't really +!%% with the NTWT fantasy stuff. Sometimes it gets overbearing in here with that #*$% and, IMO, y'all take this stuff too seriously. But if that's what y'all want to do, so be it...I don't own the thread and who the +!%% am I to keep you guys from having your fun or whatever. I try to keep the balance in here with N&N (when I do them once every 2 years) and only engage in pro wrestling discussion.

All that being said...
It's absolutely +%!%@+$ LAME that some cornball(s) went and cried to Meth about it.
Such a sleazy thing to do. "Waaaaah I want them to only talk about what I like and they should be restricted from everything else. Principal Method Man...do something about it!". Yeah it's gotten me in trouble numerous times on here but I've never been one to hold back how I really feel about something so let me be clear...it's a ho move, snake #%% +#!*@.

What gets me about this #*$% is I bet the person or people who complained do NOTHING to contribute to the thread. No N&N, no videos, no sharing stories, never post. You don't even have to be a regular...I could sort of give a pass to those who try to involve themselves and know what goes on. But it's probably some !$#%+# leeching off others' opinions and N&N while saying absolutely nothing and THEN wanting the thread to cater to them...+%!%@+$ ridiculous.

It's real easy to do what I do...ignore it and keep it moving. Or find another spot besides NT that talks about wrestling if it bothers you so much.

Grow a pair +#%#!.
I'm just now reading Club's posts but I basically said the same %%$# as him. I would have just quoted your last two posts instead of my mini-rant.
People can report to MM about a thread going off topic?
That's crazy. Not cursing,nudity,illegal streams, but going off topic.


Things were just getting good too
I was waiting for Club's response to this the most. He's been the most outspoken against the whiny lurkers every time this comes up.

I had JUST started my gimmick after waiting for so long to unleash it too.
im convinced that venom lyrix was the one who snitched due to his desperate attempt to "get the ball rolling again" with these two videos posted in the last couple pages.
I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to say it.

what's funny is that this whole suspension of activity angle is going to have everyone even more sidetracked until next monday.
HyperCutter, GHIMS clone, and whoever portrayed the Sole Collector Invasion dude...�
Seriously though, who would contact Meth about the wrestling thread? The situation isn't that serious.
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