Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

I f***in hate Fandango. I hope he dies
mind if i...
...cut in?
I am lost. I thought that once someone is "called up" to the WWE they no longer wrestle in NXT. Like why is Regal wrestling there? And Caesaro?

And what channel does this come on?
People have been going back down for random appearances on NXT/FCW for a while now.

The storylines never carry over to the main programming though. :frown:

WTH is that Norman Smiley?

:lol: Yea, he's a trainer and I think the NXT GM (or something like that)
He has good mic skills and charisma (based on his Orton feud)
The only memorable parts of that feud was Kofi's big *** leg drop in the crowd and THIS

Son, I had real legit tears flowing when that segment aired. EVERYTHING was funny to me. From Orton sounding like he was a few seconds from calling Kofi a n'...to Kofi keying Orton's car like a scorned broad (why why why did they have him do this?
)...almost slipping off the car and losing his balance when he threw the bucket...then the paint all in his face while trying to look tough. Unintentional comedy FTW.

EDIT: Had to embed a different vid since I just noticed the original WWE upload had the best quality but they took it upon themselves to remove the keying part. asfdlfk;lshf;kasdfsssflkfsds
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Was going to wait til sunday but i'll just post it now.

NTWEF News & Notes (Last one before NTMANIA III)

- There are talks of having 3dgarfly receive a push under a new gimmick. He would go under the name "Willard Elwood Bernstein", a Yale grad that comes from a republican family. The gimmick would be something similar to Chavo Guerrero's Kerwin White gimmick.

- Regarding Club having more control backstage, talents are taking a wait and see approach with him. Most however do feel that he will be more open minded with storylines and pushes as time goes by.

- According to reports, RustyShackleford is said to have very few supporters within the company. Many feel that he is still green and his push came too quickly. All agree however that since his match is vs Hombrelobo, he can get carried through the match.

- PLVN's new DVD Titled "My Journey: It Was Never PLVNned This Way" is currently in the works. The DVD takes you through his childhood, his struggles ion the indy scene, to his dream as a child, being a huge Barry Horrowitz fan. Some of his top matches are on the dvd as well.

- Lobotomybeats not only will be an active roster, but he has now been given the job of handling the theme songs of the roster. One talent said "He can be as good as Jim Johnston".

- There is now talk of adding a new NTPPV. It would be an all tag team PPV, similar to WCW's Lethal Lottery.
He has good mic skills and charisma (based on his Orton feud)

The only memorable parts of that feud was Kofi's big *** leg drop in the crowd and THIS

Son, I had real legit tears flowing when that segment aired. EVERYTHING was funny to me. From Orton sounding like he was a few seconds from calling Kofi a n'...to Kofi keying Orton's car like a scorned broad (why why why did they have him do this? :lol: :smh: )...almost slipping off the car and losing his balance when he threw the bucket...then the paint all in his face while trying to look tough. Unintentional comedy FTW.

EDIT: Had to embed a different vid since I just noticed the original WWE upload had the best quality but they took it upon themselves to remove the keying part. asfdlfk;lshf;kasdfsssflkfsds

Maaaaaan I remember nearly choking when he slipped, but I don't remember the paint being on his face like that :rofl:
@ Edgar's gimmick
I'm still winning.
i can picture Edgar coming out of his posh, million dollar mansion wearing a blazer and khaki pants, with his hair smugly combed to the side.

on his way to his car he passes by his gardener, whom he used to have a tight relationship with.

now, Edgar just ignores him and casually walks on by.

but not before stopping for a moment and yelling out (in an American accent that has clearly been practiced): "BACK TO WORK, WHO-LEE-OH! ahahaha!"

We might have something here. Lotta shakups coming post NTMania III, i can feel it
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Haven't been following the thread this week (Student teaching :smh: ) So I don't know if it was posted but at Walmart there are some good WWE DVD / Bluray Deals

$9.96 DVD Deals

Wrestlemania 1-15
Wrestlmania 23
Wrestlemania 25
WrestleMania 26
Wrestlemania 27
True Story of Wrestlemania
Smackdown 10th Anniversary
Starrcade Essential Collection
Hart & Soul Anthology
History of the World Championship
History of the WWE Championship
Saturday Night’s Main Event
John Cena Experience
New & Improved DX
Triple H King of Kings
Undertaker Dead or Alive (Double Pack)
Undertaker’s Deadliest Matches
Rise and Fall of WCW
Satan’s Prison Elimination Chamber
Shawn Michaels My Journey
Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Ladder Match

$7.88 Blu-ray Deals

WrestleMania 25
WrestleMania 26
John Cena Experience

$12.96 Blu-ray Deals

WrestleMania 28
True Story of WrestleMania
Epic Journey of The Rock
CM Punk Best in the World
OMG! Top 50 Incidents
WCW Clash of the Champions
Undertaker - The Streak
:lol: @ Edgar's gimmick
I'm still winning. :pimp:

i can picture Edgar coming out of his posh, million dollar mansion wearing a blazer and khaki pants, with his hair smugly combed to the side.

on his way to his car he passes by his gardener, whom he used to have a tight relationship with.

now, Edgar just ignores him and casually walks on by.

but not before stopping for a moment and yelling out (in an American accent that has clearly been practiced): "BACK TO WORK, WHO-LEE-OH! ahahaha!"

We might have something here. Lotta shakups coming post NTMania III, i can feel it

I love it.

- A WWE source notes that it was not a coincidence that WWE released the video of Stephanie McMahon boxing earlier this week. Stephanie most likely will be involved in the WrestleMania 29 match between Brock Lesnar and Triple H, to even the odds against Paul Heyman.

It was previously reported that Shawn Michaels may be in Triple H’s corner for the match but Stephanie having a role may mean that the plan with Michaels didn’t work out.
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