Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

If Brock wins he's going for the title so I'm not sure how much longer he'd want to be even part time with WWE.
If Brock wins he's going for the title so I'm not sure how much longer he'd want to be even part time with WWE.
If Bork wins, he's gonna demand more $$ from Vince down the line.

The last job he's gonna do is putting Ramen over.
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:lol: :lol: :lol: at Rollins going more than 5 minutes with an Uso. That match should've started with a flying knee and ended with a Pedigree, in under 2 minutes
Lesnar /Orton feels like a regular throwaway match,which sucks.
Who can match up with Block?
Big Show, Kane, Baron Corbin, Roman Reigns, Cass.

Nah, not serious. Maybe Roofus or Cesar007 if they built them up enough as strong dudes
How does Orton not match up with Brock? Don't see how it feels like a throwaway match at all...
Good lord Enzo botched that dive like crazy :x :rofl: he's used to Big Cass helping him out with that
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