Wrestling Thread Jul 14 - Aug 3 | 7/31 WWE Announces Network Subscriptions, Predict The #!

How many subscribers will WWE announce for the WWE Network?

  • 667,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 700,00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 750,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 800,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 850,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 900,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 950,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1,000,000+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I still can't believe I watched this dude Zach Gowen attempt a one legged moonsault plus that spot he busted Vince open...what a weird saga.
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I still can't believe I watched this dude Zach Gowen attempt a one legged moonsault plus that spot he busted Vince open...what a weird saga.

Yea I really dont know what their motive was behind that whole storyline :lol:. But Gowen pinning Big Show through Hulk Hogan-like interference and Lesnar throwing him down the stairs is forever burned in my memory.

This looks so effortless
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First time listening to cheap heat.

Yall might have me listening to all your recommended podcast now smh lol
First time listening to cheap heat.

Yall might have me listening to all your recommended podcast now smh lol
Cheap Heat is nice right? It's such an easy listen.

@Mr Cashfl0w , Rosenberg been slipping lately. He putting it up later and later, he mentioned briefly one week about putting it up ASAP on a Wednesday since they do it Tuesday.

@TheCity415 , shut the hell up.
Sting Says He's 'All In' With Potential WWE Appearances, Talks One MORE Match

And he explains why he didn't go to WWE after WCW folded...

- I know you all wanted another Sting interview, so here you go! The Icon spoke with Grantland about being in WWE 2K15 and more. Check out the highlights:

On how it feels to finally be part of WWE: "It's an honor. It's something I always hoped I could do — to somehow or another be a part of the WWE FAMILY in some capacity. And here I am."

On if there are any plans for him to be on WWE TV: "I'll just say that I'm all in and very willing to participate. Believe me."

On his favorite guys of the current generation: "I'm a strange breed. When I got into the business I really didn't know anything about wrestling. I never watched wrestling on TV because we didn't have it in the area of Southern California where I grew up. So it's amazing that I even ended up wrestling. I still don't watch a whole lot. Thirty years and I never really watched anything — I never even watched myself. I'm just now at a place where I'm like, "Let me start to learn some of these newer guys coming up." I always heard that when John Cena started, a lot of people looked at him as the new Sting. That was flattering. As far as some of the new guys, I love the look of Roman Reigns and I think he has all the ability in the world. Daniel Bryan, I've seen him perform. Bray Wyatt, I've seen him. Unreal what they do."

On a potential Undertaker match: "Absolutely. I would love to have that match. I THINK for wrestling fans it's a dream match, but really it's been a dream match of mine for a long time, as well. I know that the streak was taken away by Brock Lesnar at this last WrestleMania, but I hope [Undertaker]'s not done. I don't believe he is. And if he is going to be around, I'm hoping for an opportunity."

On the WWE 2K15 Raw promo: "One of the interesting things I read about the promo video was that for anybody who THOUGHT the generational gap would be not in Sting's favor, well, we can put that to rest. The way the crowd reacted was amazing — and even the younger kids who don't know who I am. The painted face, that video — I'm the sort of guy who's really hard to please, but when I saw that video, with the violins playing, it was great."

On if worry about how WWE would handle him led to him not signing on in 2001 after WCW folded: "Honestly, back then I probably did make rumblings like that. But the truth is that I had a contract with AOL/Time Warner. WWE didn't assume those. I had 18 months left on that contract, and AOL had to pay me the money they owed me, and they did. I also did an audit for merchandise and got another lump of money there. After 18 months, I had a conversation with Vince. Long STORY short, when I spoke with Vince it was great, then when the attorneys got involved it wasn't so great. It never materialized. I let it go at that point."

On if he regrets not signing with WWE sooner: "Yeah, you know what they say about hindsight. I can look back now and wonder why I didn't do this earlier. But it is what it is, and I'm excited right now. It's like Vince used to say every time I came close to signing but never did: 'Don't forget to cross your t's and dot your i's, and someday we'll do BUSINESS together.' And here we are. It's a video game, but that's for starters, and we'll see how it develops from here. I'm glad it turned out the way it did."

On how many MORE matches he has in him: "One more match. That's what I'm hoping to do, and I'd like it to be Taker, and then I'll hang it up."


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Well his stupid gimmick shouldn't be anywhere near the ring, so they might as well have him do something if he's on payroll..

I agree, but I still think he should be released or sent to NXT. No reason to be cutting costs with their production team when they have Eva Marie, Cameron, and Adam Rose getting a check :smh:.
I agree, but I still think he should be released or sent to NXT. No reason to be cutting costs with their production team when they have Eva Marie, Cameron, and Adam Rose getting a check :smh:.
In agreement with all of this. I actually think Rose's gimmick works on a smaller scale in NXT. I just don't think it translates well to the big time.
All throughout Raw (Maybe for a whole month or perhaps just one single night) have the lights go out in random spots with the gong sounding. This builds up everyone to think it's Taker finally making his return

*Finally the gong sounds, Taker comes out on Raw and he's getting ready to announce his retirement*

"Promo Promo Promo. Brock Lesnar took everything out of me. I've done it all in this business. There's nothing left for the Deadman to accomplish in the WWE, I can finally Rest In...."

*The lights go out followed by some lightning strikes*

*Creepy Kid Promo Starts*

*Lights Finally Come On*

*OMG Is It... It's Sting*

Sting is behind Taker and drops him with the Scorpion Death Drop

*Lights Go Out as Sting leaves*

Raw ends with Taker laid out in the middle of the ring!
All throughout Raw (Maybe for a whole month or perhaps just one single night) have the lights go out in random spots with the gong sounding. This builds up everyone to think it's Taker finally making his return

*Finally the gong sounds, Taker comes out on Raw and he's getting ready to announce his retirement*

"Promo Promo Promo. Brock Lesnar took everything out of me. I've done it all in this business. There's nothing left for the Deadman to accomplish in the WWE, I can finally Rest In...."

*The lights go out followed by some lightning strikes*

*Urn with light coming out the top is in the rafters as mysterious figure walks by*

*ends raw*

just added a little touch to that :wink
Sting vs Wyatt would be cool.

Start it on Sunday.

Bray destroys Jericho stands over him, the lights go out Sting appears from a distance, points the baseball bat at Bray and then the lights go out again and he disappears. Then just have him stalk Bray and the Wyatts for a lil bit leading up to their match.
Look, unless we're getting a playboy shoot or a "movie" with her in it, her value is starting to decline.
I dunno man. I've seen great improvement since she started. She truly has a great deal of potential in the ring and her character is really starting to come on!
I dunno man. I've seen great improvement since she started. She truly has a great deal of potential in the ring and her character is really starting to come on!
That excuse is being used for Cena already.  Eva gotta go unless she's gonna escort for NTWT.
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