Wrestling Thread Jul 14 - Aug 3 | 7/31 WWE Announces Network Subscriptions, Predict The #!

How many subscribers will WWE announce for the WWE Network?

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  • 700,00

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  • 750,000

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  • 800,000

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  • 850,000

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  • 900,000

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  • 950,000

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  • 1,000,000+

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WWE Rumors: Jeff Hardy Talks WWE Return, Spike TV Dropping TNA Impact Wrestling

Jeff Hardy's popularity rose alongside his brother Matt Hardy in the WWE, and the TNA Superstar recently talked about possibly winding his career down with the WWE among other topics.

Hardy spoke with BetweenTheRopes.com about a variety of topics as he promoted the upcoming Destination X event airing on this week's edition of TNA Impact Wrestling, and he touched on if he'd ever return to the WWE for the first time since his departure in 2009.

"From time to time I'll turn on RAW and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the WWE Universe man, because they, what a ... the crowds," Hardy said. "When I watch, it hurts a little bit. I'm going 'oh man, that's my creatures man, my fans'. They've supported me so much. And even on the Instagram posts that's all I ever see. 'Go back to WWE. You said you'd come back. It's never forever, it's just for now'. I mean, ultimately, when the time is right, who knows. But I started there and whether it's 10, 15 years down the road I would like to end there."

Hardy also touched on the rumors going around that Spike TV won't renew Impact Wrestling when the contract expires in October. TNA management emailed its wrestlers to tell them that they are still in negotiations, and Hardy is hopeful they'll work something out.

"I just hear that negotiations are ongoing," Hardy said. "People have their doubts but me, I'm the type of guy that, you know, I have faith in TNA wherever we end up. I have faith that, you know, a year from now we're still going to be on Spike. I don't read Twitter timelines. I don't follow the social network at all. So, I don't know. I feel good about being in TNA and as far as I'm concerned I'm going to be on Spike this time next year."

Hardy has had some personal problems in the past and was asked if he ever thought he'd be back in TNA after his TNA World Heavyweight Championship match at Victory Road in March of 2011 lasted 90 seconds because he was in no condition to wrestle. After the bout, TNA cut all ties with him before eventually bringing him back.

"Oh yeah, definitely. It was a dark, depressing time in my life after Victory Road 2011 was real ... it was a sad time for me cause they could have easily fired me and let me go," Hardy said. "As far as them giving me that second chance and letting me prove myself, TNA saved me. They saved my life pretty much."

Hardy also touched on other topics such as teaming with his brother again, TNA invading New York City, where he is now personally and much more.
. G1 CLIMAX.... Day 5...ive watched days 1 and 3 so far... Watching at 2 am after getting outta work...

Doc Gallows vs Ishii... I'm not a real bug fan of Ishii"s what this should be an interesting size battle... Trade shoulder blocks to start, Doc won with ease... Ishii hits a straight vertical brainbuster on Doc, which was super impressive... Doc recovers and hits power moves and strikes... Watching Ishii give Doc a German suplex is amazing... Doc hits the Bernard Bomb for a 2 count, and Ishii with a nasty headbutt... Ishii hits another amazing brain buster FTW... Good solid match, good opener...

Tenzan vs Archer is next.... Not expecting much from this match tbh... Nothing but headbutts, kicks, and chops 5 minutes in... Archer hit a lariat for the first pro wrestling move of the match... More back and forth brawling... I'll give Archer credit, he moves really well for a guy his size... Archer escapes the Anaconda Vice... Archer puts Tenzan in  a Boston Crab, and they announcers called it a sharpshooter, I understood that... Tenzan missed the moonsault, again, for the fourth time this tourney... Archer hits a nice looking chokeslam for 2... Archer gives Tenzan his finisher and gets the winner... Meh match, slightly better than expected...

CelticsPride34 hits the bong... Down for 2 count... And recovers to hit another...

Kojima vs DB Smith Jr is third up... This should be pretty good... TAKA at ringside for second straight match, in Archer' corner first match, DB here... Good back and forth start, with some brawling on outside... DB hits a gut stomp, Kojima is selling fantastically... DB with a long delayed, one armed vertical suplex... DB would be such a stud if he had some personality or charisma... Kojima to top, shoves TAKA into railing, and hits an elbow drop that looked CM Punk inspired... DB recovers into a beautiful butterfly suplex... DB with a sharpshooter, and pretty sure commentary made fun of their own mistake earlier... Kojima gets to ropes, recovers, and knocks DB to floor with clothesline,,. Good match so far... Kojima brings him in and hits the Koji cutter for 2... More back and forth, then Kojima gets hit with a tiger suplex for 2...DB hits a liger bomb for 3...rral solid match, enjoyed it quite a bit...

CelticsPride34 dips the Buffalo Tenders in Bleue cheese.... What a maneuver...

Suzuki vs Takahashi now... Just learned of Suzuki's mma background and his history with Shamrock today, super interesting... I just realized why I look Takahashi so much: I understand his gimmick fully without understanding a word... He's a douchebag playboy, and plays it well... Suzuki's music sounds like a Japanese Queen song... I wonder if Taz and Suzuki have ever had a match... Takahashi cheap shots before the bell and takes advantage... TAKA is back out for the 3rd time in a row... They brawl to floor and Suzuki hits chair shots and takes advantage...  Back in the ring, Suzuki applies a heel hook with a vine, Takahashi is selling it like his leg is getting torn off... Suzuki stays focusing his leg... Suzuki applies a front chalice, Takahashi reverses into a sick low angle brainbuster... They trade eye rakes in the corner and Takahashi takes advantage with a Yakuza kick... Nice running spot where Takahashi ends up in a sleeper, but reverse into an Angle Slam... Great match so far... Suzuki slaps the piss outta him, kicks him square in the face heel first, and looks in a rear naked FTW... Really fun, high paced match...

CelticsPride34 suplexes his body pillow straight to hell...

Yano vs Anderson is up next... Machine Gun just called his intro the best in pro wrestling since Gangrel lol... Anderson hits kicks before bell and puts on Yano's tunic?... Anderson on complete control and being a complete douche, mimicking Yano's manurisms... Yano gets whipped into the exposed turnbuckle 3 times, before drop the holding Anderson into the exposed buckle... Yano grabs Anderson's ears and drops him... Anderson hits a tko for two... Great comedic spot with them both grab and shoving the ref into the other, and Yano ends up holding the ref for a German, Anderson tries to give Yano a German, but gets kicked in the junk... Yano rolls him up for 3...short,but really fun match... Great psychology in the match, and fans were super into it.. .

CelticsPride34 cracks open a double bag and packs a bong... No gimmicks needed...

Shibata vs Shelton X Benjamin is next... I'm expecting this to be great... Doubt I'll call most of this match... TAKA is out there with X, he should be mvp of the night at least... Shibata wins with his soccer kick after putting Shelton to sleep.... Really, really good match... I enjoy Shibata's work quite a bit... Shelton's first loss...

CelticsPride34 is tired! It used too much Ganja!..

AJ vs Got ones next... Don't expect much from me... AJ hits the style clash for the win... Great match...

CelticsPride34 is, is, is..... Zzzzzzzzz.......

Yeah, I went to sleep... I ddidnt watch the Fale match, because Fale... The final two matches were excellent... Homna/Nakamura and Okada/Naito...
I think we can all agree Tajiri was the greatest wrestling import from Japan. Greatest Mist Spitter Ever.
5 NXT "stars" let go:

Garrett Dylan
Travis Tyler
Slate Randall
Mac Miles
Dani Jackson

Don't know any of them by name. *Chappell voice*

Tough break
wow @ Slate getting released. Dude was really good as Shaun Ricker in the indies. Think he was the last guy Paul Bearer managed too. Thought dude was going to be a big time star.
Struggled my way through the JR/Sting interview..I hate to say this, but JR's interview style is pretty bad..He constantly talks over people and is forever interjecting long winded stories in the middle of a guest's answer..I hope Sting does a SCSA interview soon cause that'll be gold..
Struggled my way through the JR/Sting interview..I hate to say this, but JR's interview style is pretty bad..He constantly talks over people and is forever interjecting long winded stories in the middle of a guest's answer..I hope Sting does a SCSA interview soon cause that'll be gold..

Couldn't finish it for the same reasons
More Updates On WWE's Layoffs And Which Departments Were Downsized

More cuts are coming...

- The number of WWE employees being cut appears to be rising. WWE gave an official number of 55 while CNN Money reported today that the number was actually 60. Now Wrestlezone reports that it's actuallly about 82 people, which would be 8% of the staff. They range from those hired this year to someone who has been with the company for twenty years.

Cuts were made in several different departments, including accounting, WWE.com, production assistants and human relations. All fourteen people on the WWE Magazine staff will be released. The October edition will be the last for the magazine and the contents are finished enough that the staff can be released now. WWE will pay over $4.5 million in severance.

Credit: Wrestlezone
Couldn't finish it for the same reasons

Glad I'm not the only one..I hate saying anything bad about Ross, but it just seems like podcast are not his forte'..He spends way too much time *****ing about time limits on matches, bad guys breaking rules, and how things need to be made more simple these days..And while I completely agree with him, it's just getting old really quick..He needs to just ask a question, let the guest say as much as they want, and then give his 2 cents/tell his long story..
Company morale has to be at an all time low. Seriously, how many jobs could have been saved if the likes of Linda, Vince, Paul, Stephanie and other execs took a pay cut? What about the WWE would make someone want to work there? 8% of your staff is a lot of people and those positions probably won't be filled for months if not years to come. Those who were lucky are going to be doing the jobs of 2-3 people.
I always feel out of the loop when yall talk podcasts.

The only wrestling podcast I listen to is much more light hearted & silly compared to the ones yall listen to :lol:

Might listen to Cheap Heat @ work since it's gonna be a slow night.
Glad I'm not the only one..I hate saying anything bad about Ross, but it just seems like podcast are not his forte'..He spends way too much time *****ing about time limits on matches, bad guys breaking rules, and how things need to be made more simple these days..And while I completely agree with him, it's just getting old really quick..He needs to just ask a question, let the guest say as much as they want, and then give his 2 cents/tell his long story..

Opening segment is longer than the interview. Unless he has some crazy guest like the undertaker or Vince, I'm done with that podcast.
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