Wrestling Thread Jan 5-18 | 1/16 New Japan Debuts on AXS 9pm et - Tanahashi v Okada 2013

I really hope we don't get Bryan vs Lesnar at Mania with Bryan going over but I think that's what is going to happen.
i don't think they should just hand it all back over to d bry right away...

he should have to work a while to prove himself...to prove if he's still even worthy of holding the strap....honest
is that you Triple H?

I'd put Bryan No. 1 in the Rumble make him go through everybody to win.
D Bry to return to the ring on thursday.
I'm sure it won't matter but his in-ring return should've been at the RR

The pop would've been nuts.

Not a huge DBry fan, but id rather see him in the WM main event instead of Ramen Rains
DBry needs that main event spot. Idk if WWE is aware, but if Ramen noodles wins the Rumble the fans are gonna turn on him.
DBry needs that main event spot. Idk if WWE is aware, but if Ramen noodles wins the Rumble the fans are gonna turn on him.

yeah lets give it to dbry and then let him get injured again in a few months and he'll be on the shelf for another 8 months...
I think Reigns should be heel. I took Roman the most serious when The Shield were Henchmen for the Authority. He is more believable when he shuts the hell up and says 5 words.

As far as Bryan is concerned, the product was best when Bryan was CHASING the belt. The chase was better than anything else that happened after. The fans were more into the CHASE than anything. He comes back, make him chase. Make someone screw him over in the RUmble, I wouldn't have him win and get a title shot already. What fun is that. He is a SUPER DUPER BABYface. Make him get his a** whooped for like 9 months and then let him shine man. 

I would want to see a Reigns vs. Bryan program.

Brock: Again, it doesn't make sense for ANYONE to beat him. I would just have them come up with a firing angle or something. Send him home packing. Have a REAL tournament to crown a new champion. Championship round at Royal Rumble. 









The Ryback/Big Show/Kane


I don't know
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Bryan vs Cena

Bryan vs Rollins

Bryan vs Lesnar

Cena vs Rollins

Cena vs Reigns

Rollins vs Reigns

Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose

Reigns vs Lesnar

Other than Orton sneaking in somewhere, I can't imagine another main event being made realistically.
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here's my dream card for WM31 that can be realistic...

rollins (C) vs. reigns vs. ambrose
have brock pin cena in the triple threat after a hard fought battle. sneaky seth cashes in right away with 3 curb stomps on the beast. Seth wins and goes to WM as champ. then you have the rumble where the last two left are reigns and ambrose. have both men eliminate eachother at the same time therefore both men are going to the dance at WM31... which perfectly sets up the three in a triple threat match where reigns reigns supreme and gets his WM31 moment.

Brock vs Dbry
Everyone is calling Dbry a B+ player....since returning he failed to win the rumble. (dean and reigns teamed up on dbry in the final 3) so Dbry is fed up with it and wants to prove that he's not a B+ player and challenge the BEAST brock lesnar at WM31. we get a whole bunch of promos where brock just annihilates dbry but at the same time dbry gets his moments on brock ala ** **** when he faced brock at summer slam where he was still booked strong. Then at WM31 brock seems to be DOMINATING dbry but brock gets caught slippin and gets caught in the YES lock... now you can have either two scenarios... brock taps out ala frank mir or he passes out from the YES lock...

Cena vs. Rusev
After losing and losing time again from the beast Brock Lesnar...Cena just feels down and feels he let everyone down. He cuts a heartworthy promo about it and out comes Rusev and Lana...ridiculing him and how he let not only his fans down but america... Cena vows to defend america and is sick of rusev humiliating every american. They challenge eachother at WM and well of course... what did you think... SUPER CENA is the first to pin Rusev! but in 2015 Rusev can go with the submission gimmick and claim no one's ever tapped him out... and he'll have a string of submission matches where the accolade comes into play. You book Cena to look strong again after losing to the beast and you have something going for Rusev.

Undertaker Vs. Sting
This is undertakers yard and sting doesn't belong here. We get a WHOLE bunch of mind games and vignettes which leads to the grandest stage of them all. This will be about a 5-10 minute tease and staredown and about 5-8 minutes of solid wrestling. The crowd will go nuts regardless and will be nothing more than a quick mediocre match but the fans made it ala rock/hogan.

This was a match that was discussed before about happening. HHH doesn't have an opponent and so doesn't RKO so these two will square off. RKO didn't forget about HHH putting him out and HHH is questioning whether RKO really does deserve to be the face of the company. These two will have a classic but we've seen this before... It's just a match for the two that had nothing else going for them heading into WM31.

Dolph (C) vs Bray

We'll get the random Bray attacking Dolph and running random promos about why he did it. But we will get a classic match out of these two where we see Bray coming out victorious and getting his first gold.

Andre Memorial
Another battle royale with whoever I didn't name and I think the ryback will come out winning it or possibly luke harper or maybe even might mouse

Nikki (C) vs charlotte (C)
This can be a whole "lets throw all the divas in one match and let em duke it out for the divas championship or let these two champions duke it out. Charlotte wins and now is the WOMENS champion and we finally get rid of that god awful divas belt.

USOs (C) vs gold and stardust vs the Ascension vs The MASTERS of the wwe universe
All teams will definitely deliver. I see the MASTERS of the WWE universe finally getting some gold together

Miz vs. sandow
This can be a quick 5 minute comedy match that can be on the official card or can be on the preshow but sandow will come out victorious and will get a maybe legit push after.

There you go...I was bored and i'm sure i put more thought into this than the creative team does. :lol: but lemme know what you think. I think this card would be very very good. I'll be going to WM31 this year so I hope this or something close to this happens. If it does i'm quoting this and reminding yall! :lol:
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rollins (C) vs. reigns vs. ambrose

Right, these dudes have never settled their beef. I don't understand. This could have been big business

not that hard....
you can either use "google"...or a site called "stub hub" or even their own website "wwe.com"... good luck!
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