Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

^:x :x

Real interesting stuff from LAW yesterday, talking about royalties and stuff for all the wrestlers as far as the WWE Network goes. I never really thought about that going forward.
That was a GREAT show. Court has been on fire lately man. You need to listent o the last MLW show. When Court Met Konnan. Some deep info there too
WWE Network will not be purchased, I was open on the content but I could always d/l a match or PPV, If I want it that bad.....

They are dropping the ball and dropping it hard, if they think this company can survive, with their current plan they are kidding themselves.........

WWE is already burning bridges with Cable Networks, Talent, Fans.....

Its not looking good right now....They can hot shot and bring back old guys for nostalgia, but the storylines suck, the actual wrestling in the ring sucks, the fact that they have essentially ruined the element of surprise and you know who's going to win all the time..............

Good Luck Vince....
To keep numbers simple, let's say WWE was doing on average 200,000 buys per PPV (WM on the high end, Battleground on the low end).  At $50 a pop, WWE gets half of that at $25.  That's $60,000,000 a year from PPV.

Now granted, there are a lot of other costs associated with the Network, but I am not taking those into account right now.

WWE has thrown out some huge numbers, but let's say realistically they can get 1 million subscribers for the Network at $9.95 a month.  WWE pockets all of that (yes, I know there are other costs like paying MLB Media, but there are also other costs with producing PPVs in their current form).  That's $119,400,000 a year, basically doubling what they make off PPV now.

PLUS, their television contracts are up this year and WWE is expecting (and rightfully so), very large increases in rights fees.

There are a lot of unknowns and booking may be terrible, but financially, WWE is setting themselves up to be in the best position they've ever been in.
Like a few others in here, Punk is the one that basically got me back into wrestling..And I'm a total mark for him..But I just can't get behind this "I respect him for standing up to the company" mentality..You want to make a stand you speak your mind and deal with the fallout..A real man doesn't just get sucked up and go home to pout..If your burned out or unhappy with the direction of the company/your character then you tell them you need a break, give them a little time to write you off tv the right way, go home and recharge the batteries and then come back better than ever..Be a man about it and do the right thing..Not to sound like Shovel, but you do what's best for business and best for the boys in the locker room..
I agree that going home on basically 30 minutes notice before Raw was completely unprofessional.  He should have worked through Elimination Chamber where he could properly be written out.
"According to Dave Meltzer, the WWE offer Prince Devitt has on the table is for an immediate main roster position." 

With Zayn, Neville, and (possibly) KENTA on the roster, I'm in 1999 levels of wrestling dorkery right now. Shoemaker alluded to the E having a show focused on the LHW division on the network, so this kind of cheers me up after having CM leave to find his smile or whatever. 
It's been noted around 800 times now that CM Punk has left the WWE as of Monday night before Raw.

However, there's no definitive reason just yet as to why he did leave and likely won't be officially for weeks. Throwing another possibility into the equation, ESPN reporter Casey Kulas has tweeted that his "sources" have suggested that it could have had something to do with a concussion test.
-ESPN Cleveland reporter Casey Kulas reported today that he heard from sources backstage at Monday’s WWE RAW show in Cleveland, Ohio that there was a heated argument backstage between WWE executives and CM Punk. Kulas says that WWE wanted Punk to do a promo on RAW telling fans that he was taking time off because he suffered a concussion (he didn’t), but he refused.

Punk was heard arguing with staff saying "I passed all your damn concussion test" and "I'm not going out and telling fans that BS"
It is true that Punk took a concussion test on Monday.  He passed the test.  I cannot speak on the last line about Punk yelling about it.
I agree that going home on basically 30 minutes notice before Raw was completely unprofessional.  He should have worked through Elimination Chamber where he could properly be written out.

That's my whole point..I have zero problem with Punk wanting to take a break or even quit if that's his desire..I have a problem with him doing it in the wrong way..Leaving the company that made you all that money you're frugal with and hanging the guys in the locker room out to dry is not something that should be praised, IMO..
The Extreme Rules PPV, which will be in seattle, will be built around Daniel Bryan.
^ If that's true Punk coulda handled it a lot better. What's the problem with taking time off cuz of a fake concussion? It's better than packing your **** up and leaving outta nowhere.
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Punk did not want to wrestle hhh at mania because he felt it wasn't a big feud and match. VKM wants him back but hhh feels disrespected and really doesn't care if he comes back. F4wrestling.com reports.
^:x :x

Real interesting stuff from LAW yesterday, talking about royalties and stuff for all the wrestlers as far as the WWE Network goes. I never really thought about that going forward.
That was a GREAT show. Court has been on fire lately man. You need to listent o the last MLW show. When Court Met Konnan. Some deep info there too

I think I'm gonna listen to these more. I've been listening to the post Raw one for awhile, and I'm :rofl: at everything, cause a lot of it is so true, especially in regards to Batista and the crowds reception to him. It's clear his conditioning isn't wrestling-ready, and you've basically confused the crowd as he's supposedly a face, but is hugging and shaking hands and acting so gracious with HHH. Add on his post-Rumble win antics, you should be going full blown heel with him at this point. It's like when Goldberg was ripping up crowd signs during (I think) his feud with Jericho. Who wants to cheer that :lol: ?
trust me the only reason why raw was rated so high was because of 2 reasons.dbry  and interest in seeing what the crowd reaction was gonna be like after the rumble the night before,honestly havent watched raw in year and that were the only reason i was interested monday night.and only because i streamed the royal rumble because of boredom the night before.i was interested because of the whole 90s theme they did recently,which i missed.but heard about from this thread.which made me watch the rumble because as a kid i loved the rumble.but anyway NO batista was not the reason at all.batista always sucked.i just hope they use dbry right and make people that wrote off wrestling such as myself start watching again.but thats going to take a lot of work.sorry for the rant.just a saddened former diehard fan of the wrestling talking.
"According to Dave Meltzer, the WWE offer Prince Devitt has on the table is for an immediate main roster position." 

With Zayn, Neville, and (possibly) KENTA on the roster, I'm in 1999 levels of wrestling dorkery right now. Shoemaker alluded to the E having a show focused on the LHW division on the network, so this kind of cheers me up after having CM leave to find his smile or whatever. 
KENTA is still at the Developmental Center, but let's not get ahead of ourselves with him actually signing.
KENTA is still at the Developmental Center, but let's not get ahead of ourselves with him actually signing.
I don't see why he wouldn't; NOAH is in the dumps and obviously he's at the center for a reason. I wonder what his moveset WOULD be like if he were to sign though, seeing as CM Punk & Bryan stole his finishers. 
Punk did not want to wrestle hhh at mania because he felt it wasn't a big feud and match. VKM wants him back but hhh feels disrespected and really doesn't care if he comes back. F4wrestling.com reports.
Hmm... their differing philosophies has me worried for the future.

Vince has always been a 'forgive and forget' type of man.
I don't see why he wouldn't; NOAH is in the dumps and obviously he's at the center for a reason. I wonder what his moveset WOULD be like if he were to sign though, seeing as CM Punk & Bryan stole his finishers. 

Don't forget Ryback will steal some of punks move sets and shaemus will steal the rest so kenta got dbry punk Ryback AND shaemus :lol:
Read to somewhere from one of the sites fans complaining that Punk can't have it both ways to be main eventing Mania while have Bryan be successful.

An original plan was for Bryan to face Punk. I don't think Punk has said he has to win the Main Event at WM, he just wants to be in it.
Punk did not want to wrestle hhh at mania because he felt it wasn't a big feud and match. VKM wants him back but hhh feels disrespected and really doesn't care if he comes back. F4wrestling.com reports.

The Shovel and his Ego.

Sounds like a children's story.

The Shovel and his Ego.

Sounds like a children's story.


How about Phil's ego too? Why shouldnt HHH feel disrespected ? How is a feud with HHH and the Authority not a big feud?

Look at Cena being booked against Wyatt for WM, if it was gonna be Punk instead of Cena how much more pissed would he be
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