Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

^:lol: I had read the other night that Kane had to flip to a different side to keep from being seen, but that is weird as hell
There was a point where you could see someone hunched over running by the camera haha
Lifted this from another forum:
  • The status of C.M. Punk has become a major talking point in WWE, as he told Vince McMahon about 30 minutes before the start of Raw on 1/27 in Cleveland that he was flying home, and did.
The story is Punk wanted to talk to Vince all day, Vince is in with the writers until just before the show starts, and Punk says he's going home. (He was scheduled to have a Kane related interview, and Alberto Del Rio/Kofi went longer to take up that time.

Meltzer says the expecting things about frustration over position (and also money), but has no idea what the breaking point was
So Punk is the reason Kofi/Del Rio went on for ages?? It eventually was a good match, but damn you Punk :rofl:
If you watch the rumble replay when jbl's number is up you see Kane clear as day headed under the ring and the camera pans back over to JBL haha
:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

Already mentioned how much Punk needs a refresher, but I definitely don't blame him about the part time wrestler thing. I was cool with the Rock just cause he put over more people in just 7 years than a lot if wrestlers have their in their entire careers. Not mad at the Outlaws either, they're just setting up for the Usos.,but for Batista to come back, win the Rumble, AND look awful while doing it...I'd be pissed too. His conditioning looks terrible. Even 5 years ago him and Orton didn't have very good matches, so imagine Orton vs an out of shape Batista. Orton is a chameleon ring the ring, but it'll take a miracle...or Daniel Bryan, to make Batista look good at this point.

I never understood the hype with batista return. yeah most loved his run, but was he ecer a top guy like that?
People realllly think Kofi's job is in danger because of Punk leaving?

Was Owen kept on after Bret left? Was HHH kept after Nash & Hall left?
yea but owen always felt like they did stuff to him as punishment for bret leaving, he didn't want to do the blue blazer gimmick and HHH got the worst treatment after Hall and Nash left so who knows...
I'm a big fan of Orton but this true.

Dude has got away with murder.
I can't get over how weird Batista looks in the face since his comeback. He's definitely had some work done cause Mason Ryan looks more like Batista than he does.
Havent watched wrestling in 3 years and reading thru this thread seems like nothin has changed since I stopped. A shame really.
I know I'm going to regret saying this, but I'm almost excited to see what WWE does about Punk's exit on Raw..That will let us know if it's all a work or all a shoot or combination of both..You know they love trending and they'll probably try to take advantage of the situation..
maaaaan what a great finish to this match last night on Main Event. IDK how they timed it so perfect.

Like a few others in here, Punk is the one that basically got me back into wrestling..And I'm a total mark for him..But I just can't get behind this "I respect him for standing up to the company" mentality..You want to make a stand you speak your mind and deal with the fallout..A real man doesn't just get sucked up and go home to pout..If your burned out or unhappy with the direction of the company/your character then you tell them you need a break, give them a little time to write you off tv the right way, go home and recharge the batteries and then come back better than ever..Be a man about it and do the right thing..Not to sound like Shovel, but you do what's best for business and best for the boys in the locker room..
Case, you don't think he has been voicing his opinion for basically the last 3 years? :lol:
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