Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

To be honest I don't think gives a flying F about the other guys..If he was so worried about other talent getting passed over then why didn't he do good business, like it's been done for decades, and put some guys over on his way out the door?..Why isn't he jobbing to his "road wife" Kofi?..Why isn't he taking the big swing and getting pinned clean to Cessaro?..Why isn't he backstage begging to put go out there and make Ambrose or Reigns look like a million bucks?..It's cause he's only out for himself..

Punk was always extremely vocal in his support of guys that were lower on the totem pole than him. He even put over Austin Aries at one point.

Just because he's a top guy doesn't mean he has control over all of the booking either.
Speaking of Kofi do you think any guys would offer to let him travel with them. He was Punks road wife can you imagine the distance the boys in the back are trying to create between them selves and him.

Batista has prolly already unleashed the animal on AJ, laying the Bastista bomb on her numerous times.
I've been pulling for TNA for years man, but they'd should just be purchased by somebody at this point. If they couldn't put Vince on notice with Angle, the Dudleyz, Christian, and Booker T all coming in 1 after another when they weren't in dire straits, there's no reason for me to think Punk walking out to TNA would light a fire under them inTNA's current fledgling state.
Yeah, they really need a Vince, Bischoff, or Heyman type of guy who can really take the product in a new direction​
They had Bischoff for years and look where that put them.  They don't need Vince or a Vince disciple because TNA needs to be something different than WWE.  Heyman or JR would be the guy, but neither of those are happening.
I wasn't talking about those three dudes exactly, I was moreso saying they need a similar type of guy, with the mindset to shake up the product.


^^^ For anyone on NT who is in TV.

I wanna apply so bad but I don't have anything near the qualifications listed

Bad News Barrett needs to come out and tell the audience that Punk quit, that would be great.

Gimmick is so under used.

Should have had him come out as number 30 at the Rumble to Daniel Bryan's music with a fake beard and his t shirt and say "I have some bad news . . . "

And next week's RAW should open with Punk's music hitting and Wade coming out with the taped wrists and Punk T Shirt and saying "I have some bad news . . . "

I don't know if he's injured or something, but he could easily be the top heel if his gimmick was utilized correctly. He should be in Orton's position as the corporate guy.
Is Batista really that big of a star?

highest rating for raw in a while says so
Alonzo gif

I liked him in Evolution but I never bought into him as a top guy. A big dude with limited ability and has no personality. At least Cena can cut some good promos.
I hate that people keep justifying Batista's spot with that return rating

Bruh was hyped for a month . . . plus returns announced in advance always get people to tune in . . .
It's been apparent for a while now that Punk's needed a break. Hopefully he's back in time for a big summer angle. He just didn't look like he was having a good time and just going thru the motions. The time that stood out the most to me was his match with Rollins a month or two ago. He even admitted that it sucked.

It wouldn't surprise me if he dumped AJ . With him not being on the road, they would never be with each other, and with Big Dave back in the locker room, nobodies girl's safe.

My condolences to Kofi.
Sorry if it's in here, don't have time to read through everything.

Did anyone listen to the Bauer and pollock podcast today?

Bauer thinks it's a smart move for Punk to walkout right now because his contract is up this spring/summer. He equated it to an athlete holding out. He made some really interesting points.
Orton plays into this too though.

Orton should of been let go from the company how many times now?????

You can knock Punk for being a baby, fair enough, but him and Cena carried the company when the Rock went on his "Movie Hiatus" and Orton's suspension. I do not think Cena has to worry about the situation. He can make his corny in Character comments on twitter all he wants. Him and Punk became very tight once Orton got stupid again. I am sure all is well now with Orton and Cena since they have been close since OVW but Cena and Punk are very friendly too and had a lot of pull compared to Orton.

Too many egos in the back now between Orton, Cena, Batista, Brock, etc etc for Punk to handle. It is kinda like he needs his hand held for an extended period or he just forces people's hand.

Hell, as much as I know Punk is out for Punk, if him doing this really makes Daniel Bryan the star everyone wants him to be, then I commend him more for it since he voiced his opinion on that too as of late. He was all for Bryan being a face for the company type.
i think it is all a way to get attention and heat on the authority. not to say punk didnt really walk out, but mcmahon is a genius and will capitalize on this for sure. at the end of the day wwe isnt a wrestling company how it used to be. it is a multi-million dollar corporation that at the end of the day the dollar is the only thing that matters. Punk is no different than the ultimate warrior walking out, or nash, or hall, or any of the guys back in the day. at the end of the day everyone in th wwe is replaceable.
- Negotiations are still ongoing between WWE and international wrestler star Prince Devitt. He’s reportedly been offered a contract, but is deciding whether he wants to leave Ireland and his prominent role with New Japan Pro Wrestling.

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If we've been frustrated with the product, imagine how it is on the inside?

Truth be told though, Punk kinda seems like a stick in the mud type of person. Not saying he's miserable but he seems close :lol:
It's been noted around 800 times now that CM Punk has left the WWE as of Monday night before Raw.

However, there's no definitive reason just yet as to why he did leave and likely won't be officially for weeks. Throwing another possibility into the equation, ESPN reporter Casey Kulas has tweeted that his "sources" have suggested that it could have had something to do with a concussion test.
It's been noted around 800 times now that CM Punk has left the WWE as of Monday night before Raw.

However, there's no definitive reason just yet as to why he did leave and likely won't be officially for weeks. Throwing another possibility into the equation, ESPN reporter Casey Kulas has tweeted that his "sources" have suggested that it could have had something to do with a concussion test.

-ESPN Cleveland reporter Casey Kulas reported today that he heard from sources backstage at Monday’s WWE RAW show in Cleveland, Ohio that there was a heated argument backstage between WWE executives and CM Punk. Kulas says that WWE wanted Punk to do a promo on RAW telling fans that he was taking time off because he suffered a concussion (he didn’t), but he refused.

Punk was heard arguing with staff saying "I passed all your damn concussion test" and "I'm not going out and telling fans that BS"
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i think it is all a way to get attention and heat on the authority. not to say punk didnt really walk out, but mcmahon is a genius and will capitalize on this for sure. at the end of the day wwe isnt a wrestling company how it used to be. it is a multi-million dollar corporation that at the end of the day the dollar is the only thing that matters. Punk is no different than the ultimate warrior walking out, or nash, or hall, or any of the guys back in the day. at the end of the day everyone in th wwe is replaceable.

The only big difference is that it is the Road to WM and even when these type of "Works" occur, making quick work to remove a wrestler from House shows right away does not always happen. It is the advantage that we have TMZ usually in bed too with the WWE so them covering it makes for some head scratching as a Work.

But there have been numerous reports about arguments in the back. ( they wanted Punk to cut a promo saying he suffered a concussion from the beating of Kane as a way to sell the attack from Kane. Punk got upset and refused to "lie" to the fans.)

Another interesting take is that he is treating it like a pro athlete. Contract is up in July, so why not pack it in now as leverage to get what you want. So, it could be all true with Punk eventually getting something he wants. (He does have that Revis attitude :lol: )
The only big difference is that it is the Road to WM and even when these type of "Works" occur, making quick work to remove a wrestler from House shows right away does not always happen. It is the advantage that we have TMZ usually in bed too with the WWE so them covering it makes for some head scratching as a Work.

But there have been numerous reports about arguments in the back. ( they wanted Punk to cut a promo saying he suffered a concussion from the beating of Kane as a way to sell the attack from Kane. Punk got upset and refused to "lie" to the fans.)

Another interesting take is that he is treating it like a pro athlete. Contract is up in July, so why not pack it in now as leverage to get what you want. So, it could be all true with Punk eventually getting something he wants. (He does have that Revis attitude :lol: )

aggreed. i just think in this day and age the wwe is trying to come up with new ways in starting angles and storylines and trying to involve other sources of media. but like everyone is suspecting i wouldnt be shocked if this all were true because of the way punk is known to be backstage.

i just dont get where this would get you by crying about your spot in the company.
Yes. Yes. Yes. A Positive Sign For Daniel Bryan Fans Regarding His WWE Push

Posted By: Lee on Jan 29, 2014
Source: Wrestling Observer

Finally, some positive news can be taken out of today it seems!

The Wrestling Observer have noted that the Extreme Rules PPV will take place in Seattle this May. Seattle is of course Daniel Bryan country.

This may seem like WWE just got lucky with the timing but reports suggest otherwise. Seattle was not the planned PPV area for Extreme Rules and WWE didn't consider it until they locked the venue around 2 weeks ago. This has got to be seen as a positive sign for the Daniel Bryan movement and his potential chances at the WWE Title following Wrestlemania.
:lol: im pretty sure at one point the camera was showing two people fighting on the outside and i swear i saw him go under the ring
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