Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Like a few others in here, Punk is the one that basically got me back into wrestling..And I'm a total mark for him..But I just can't get behind this "I respect him for standing up to the company" mentality..You want to make a stand you speak your mind and deal with the fallout..A real man doesn't just get sucked up and go home to pout..If your burned out or unhappy with the direction of the company/your character then you tell them you need a break, give them a little time to write you off tv the right way, go home and recharge the batteries and then come back better than ever..Be a man about it and do the right thing..Not to sound like Shovel, but you do what's best for business and best for the boys in the locker room..
What gives?

Like a few others in here, Punk is the one that basically got me back into wrestling..And I'm a total mark for him..But I just can't get behind this "I respect him for standing up to the company" mentality..You want to make a stand you speak your mind and deal with the fallout..A real man doesn't just get sucked up and go home to pout..If your burned out or unhappy with the direction of the company/your character then you tell them you need a break, give them a little time to write you off tv the right way, go home and recharge the batteries and then come back better than ever..Be a man about it and do the right thing..Not to sound like Shovel, but you do what's best for business and best for the boys in the locker room..

Can't do that with a company that doesn't play by the rules. Gotta fight fire with fire. E' wouldn't write him off the right way, bring him back the right way.. etc. "It's... It's Christian."
more news on Punk...apparently from the same place...

At CM Punk’s Wizard World Q&A in Portland, Oregon this past weekend, Punk said he doesn’t think Sting should come to WWE because he doesn’t have anything left in the tank and would again take away from the younger Superstars. Punk called Batista a friend but said he didn’t feel the time was right for Batista to return because it was so unfair to take away from the other wrestlers who work hard everyday.

CM Punk said he’s been frustrated with WWE’s direction and feels the writers aren’t in touch with what fans want. He’s good money-wise and hasn’t really spent much money so he’s not worried about receiving a paycheck.

Punk said he’s interested in UFC if his body can handle it but right now he doesn’t think his body is in any shape for it. He said he’s been really sick, especially September through November of last year. He’s had weekly MRI’s and blood work done but doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. He started eating meat again and is starting to feel better but isn’t close to 100%.
more news on Punk...apparently from the same place...

At CM Punk’s Wizard World Q&A in Portland, Oregon this past weekend, Punk said he doesn’t think Sting should come to WWE because he doesn’t have anything left in the tank and would again take away from the younger Superstars. Punk called Batista a friend but said he didn’t feel the time was right for Batista to return because it was so unfair to take away from the other wrestlers who work hard everyday.

CM Punk said he’s been frustrated with WWE’s direction and feels the writers aren’t in touch with what fans want. He’s good money-wise and hasn’t really spent much money so he’s not worried about receiving a paycheck.

Punk said he’s interested in UFC if his body can handle it but right now he doesn’t think his body is in any shape for it. He said he’s been really sick, especially September through November of last year. He’s had weekly MRI’s and blood work done but doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. He started eating meat again and is starting to feel better but isn’t close to 100%.

That's total bull..Everyone, including Punk, knows if Sting comes in that he's not going to get a title shot or headline Mania..He'd get 1 or 2 co-main event matches and that'd be it..Why can't a man whose given over 2 decades, and way more than Punk, to the business go out on a high note?..Some of his comments are 100% spot on, but most are really starting to sound like sour grapes..

To be honest I don't think gives a flying F about the other guys..If he was so worried about other talent getting passed over then why didn't he do good business, like it's been done for decades, and put some guys over on his way out the door?..Why isn't he jobbing to his "road wife" Kofi?..Why isn't he taking the big swing and getting pinned clean to Cessaro?..Why isn't he backstage begging to put go out there and make Ambrose or Reigns look like a million bucks?..It's cause he's only out for himself..
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I won't argue with you on some of the points, but once Punk realized he would never achieve his goal of being the top guy in WWE, it's not hard to see why he became disillusioned.  Punk's career goal was to be the closing match of WrestleMania, and that again wasn't going to happen this year.  There are definitely some week's Punk phoned it in, but I am not going to agree with you that he phoned it in every week since Summerslam.  

95% of the WWE roster is scared to death of doing something wrong and losing their job.  Whether it be because of money, lack of other job opportunities, or ego.  Punk doesn't have to worry about any of these.  He is extremely frugal and has tons of money in the bank.  He has an ego but not the type that requires him being on tv each week to be praised by fans.  And if he still wanted to wrestle, he could easily go to Japan.

Most times I would be negative about someone being a "crybaby" and walking out on their job, but I have a lot of respect for Punk because WWE treats their talent like crap and thinks they can get away with it.
It sucks..... cause Rock, Tista, and Brock make the E tons of money but lets not forget they paid their dues. They were in the same situation as cm. Hogan came and Rock was forced to share with Hogan even though hogan had betrayed WWF. CM is just the 2010's Jericho. Accept it. Unless WWE bred you, you aint the main

I won't argue with you on some of the points, but once Punk realized he would never achieve his goal of being the top guy in WWE, it's not hard to see why he became disillusioned.  Punk's career goal was to be the closing match of WrestleMania, and that again wasn't going to happen this year.  There are definitely some week's Punk phoned it in, but I am not going to agree with you that he phoned it in every week since Summerslam.  

95% of the WWE roster is scared to death of doing something wrong and losing their job.  Whether it be because of money, lack of other job opportunities, or ego.  Punk doesn't have to worry about any of these.  He is extremely frugal and has tons of money in the bank.  He has an ego but not the type that requires him being on tv each week to be praised by fans.  And if he still wanted to wrestle, he could easily go to Japan.

Most times I would be negative about someone being a "crybaby" and walking out on their job, but I have a lot of respect for Punk because WWE treats their talent like crap and thinks they can get away with it.
It sucks..... cause Rock, Tista, and Brock make the E tons of money but lets not forget they paid their dues. They were in the same situation as cm. Hogan came and Rock was forced to share with Hogan even though hogan had betrayed WWF. CM is just the 2010's Jericho. Accept it. Unless WWE bred you, you aint the main

Is Batista really that big of a star?
WWE Network will not be purchased, I was open on the content but I could always d/l a match or PPV, If I want it that bad.....

They are dropping the ball and dropping it hard, if they think this company can survive, with their current plan they are kidding themselves.........

WWE is already burning bridges with Cable Networks, Talent, Fans.....

Its not looking good right now....They can hot shot and bring back old guys for nostalgia, but the storylines suck, the actual wrestling in the ring sucks, the fact that they have essentially ruined the element of surprise and you know who's going to win all the time..............

Good Luck Vince....

So all of a sudden the WWE is in danger of folding because Punk left?

VKM doesn't need your luck. :lol:
TNA had a great show w/ Russo and Jeff Jarret running the show right before hogan and Bischoff came in. They had the best Womens, Tag Team and Cruiserweight divisions in all of wrestling at the time. If they would've stayed the course as opposed to blowing it all up and bringing in all the WWE deadbeats and friends of hogan (Orlando jordan and the nasty boys
) they would be in a better place than they are now.
You know u were a Orlando fan
That's total bull..Everyone, including Punk, knows if Sting comes in that he's not going to get a title shot or headline Mania..He'd get 1 or 2 co-main event matches and that'd be it..Why can't a man whose given over 2 decades, and way more than Punk, to the business go out on a high note?..Some of his comments are 100% spot on, but most are really starting to sound like sour grapes..

To be honest I don't think gives a flying F about the other guys..If he was so worried about other talent getting passed over then why didn't he do good business, like it's been done for decades, and put some guys over on his way out the door?..Why isn't he jobbing to his "road wife" Kofi?..Why isn't he taking the big swing and getting pinned clean to Cessaro?..Why isn't he backstage begging to put go out there and make Ambrose or Reigns look like a million bucks?..It's cause he's only out for himself..
He has lost to the shield numerous times though

But i get what youre saying
more news on Punk...apparently from the same place...

That's total bull..Everyone, including Punk, knows if Sting comes in that he's not going to get a title shot or headline Mania..He'd get 1 or 2 co-main event matches and that'd be it..Why can't a man whose given over 2 decades, and way more than Punk, to the business go out on a high note?..Some of his comments are 100% spot on, but most are really starting to sound like sour grapes..

To be honest I don't think gives a flying F about the other guys..If he was so worried about other talent getting passed over then why didn't he do good business, like it's been done for decades, and put some guys over on his way out the door?..Why isn't he jobbing to his "road wife" Kofi?..Why isn't he taking the big swing and getting pinned clean to Cessaro?..Why isn't he backstage begging to put go out there and make Ambrose or Reigns look like a million bucks?..It's cause he's only out for himself..

Welp, Kofi Kingston Appreciation it is:











Its Cena and Orton till they retire
Just like it was Rock and SCSA still they left

There was also still Mankind, Angle, Benoit, Taker, HHH, Kane along with an assortment of engaging second-third tier guys, unlike it is right now
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Wasn't referring to him as the guy, just that there weren't only 2 stars and a bunch of aimless guys
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Kofi knocking that cup outta Otunga's hand is one of the funniest/most random things that I've seen since I started watching wrestling again..
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