Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Punk's a genius, part timers getting all the main event spots @ wrestlemania so he leaves and will come back as a part timer in a couple years to main event wrestlemania:lol:


This is what I said a few days ago. Only way it's going to happen is if he retires and comes back.
He can shave and get a haircut but he seems to like looking like a dwarf from lord of the rings.
Former WWE Superstar Matt Hardy reportedly has been released on bail from a Virgina jail after an alleged motel room brawl with wife Reby Sky, according to TMZ.

The website reports both Hardy and Sky were arrested for assault and battery. Mugshots show both Hardy and Sky scratched and bloodied.

Hardy last wrestled with the WWE in 2010 where, as a member of the Hardy Boys with brother Jeff, he was an six-time World Tag Team Champion. Hardy also has wrestled for Ring of Honor (ROH), Total Nonstop Action (TNA) and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), the latter in which he was a World Champion.

- Source, Houston Chronicle

Fatt Hardy :smh:
these part timers are really running the show, The New Age Outlaws just came back and they win the tag belts and Batista is on his way to WM, meanwhile D Bry can't catch a break. would be good if things work out for Punk so he can put D Bry in the spotlight, i rather see those two in a WHC match instead of Boreton & Botchista :lol:
How/why does Christian keep getting put in these big matches? I understand that he is very good in the ring, but his character is stale, and absolutely nobody other than the one dude in this thread with Christian in his sig cares about him...

Christian with the hoodie >>>>> Edge


Christian was money from 03 til as he came to WWECW. Not only was did he have a great character, but his TNA run showed how good he was in the ring. All he has to show for it are two weak WHC reigns. Dude has sadly been spinning his wheels since 09.
and another note, Antonio Cesaro should be in the Main Event card more than these other guys. dude got potential
I've been pulling for TNA for years man, but they'd should just be purchased by somebody at this point. If they couldn't put Vince on notice with Angle, the Dudleyz, Christian, and Booker T all coming in 1 after another when they weren't in dire straits, there's no reason for me to think Punk walking out to TNA would light a fire under them inTNA's current fledgling state.
Not a chance in hell Punk shows up in TNA.
It will be interesting to see how they try to bury Punk or no sell any chant from the crowd or if they acknowledge any chants from the crowd going forward.
I've been pulling for TNA for years man, but they'd should just be purchased by somebody at this point. If they couldn't put Vince on notice with Angle, the Dudleyz, Christian, and Booker T all coming in 1 after another when they weren't in dire straits, there's no reason for me to think Punk walking out to TNA would light a fire under them inTNA's current fledgling state.
Yeah, they really need a Vince, Bischoff, or Heyman type of guy who can really take the product in a new direction​
They had Bischoff for years and look where that put them.  They don't need Vince or a Vince disciple because TNA needs to be something different than WWE.  Heyman or JR would be the guy, but neither of those are happening.
I'm shocked that Matt or Jeff haven't overdosed yet they're both druggies. Reby whooped up on him.
Both Jeff and Matt seemed to have gotten their lives back together over the past few years.  Shame to see Matt fall off the wagon.  Hope he gets the help he needs.  Jeff only ever harmed himself, but Matt had the numerous DUI's where he could take an innocent person's life.
I love watching Punk..I love hearing him cut a promo..I love the energy he brings to an arena..But I'm pretty much sick of his crap..Ever since he lost the title, with the exception of the Brock match, he's been phoning it in..He looks like a druggie, his matches are getting stale, and he looks like he could give 2 s**ts about giving the fans their money's worth..I understand he's frustrated, and rightfully so, but suck it up and do your job..You'd think since he likes and has so much respect for SCSA that he'd have learned a lesson from him..SC got mad and walked out and he's always said that it was a huge regret of his, and a lot of guys in the locker room lost some respect for him over it..Punk is nowhere close to being in Austin's league so I doubt that the locker room will welcome him back the way those guys did with Stone Cold..

Over the past 1 to 1 1/2 years DBry has been screwed over 10x's worse than Punk, and done it for way less money, but you don't hear him whining like a little punk (no pun intended)..
I won't argue with you on some of the points, but once Punk realized he would never achieve his goal of being the top guy in WWE, it's not hard to see why he became disillusioned.  Punk's career goal was to be the closing match of WrestleMania, and that again wasn't going to happen this year.  There are definitely some week's Punk phoned it in, but I am not going to agree with you that he phoned it in every week since Summerslam.  

95% of the WWE roster is scared to death of doing something wrong and losing their job.  Whether it be because of money, lack of other job opportunities, or ego.  Punk doesn't have to worry about any of these.  He is extremely frugal and has tons of money in the bank.  He has an ego but not the type that requires him being on tv each week to be praised by fans.  And if he still wanted to wrestle, he could easily go to Japan.

Most times I would be negative about someone being a "crybaby" and walking out on their job, but I have a lot of respect for Punk because WWE treats their talent like crap and thinks they can get away with it.
I've been pulling for TNA for years man, but they'd should just be purchased by somebody at this point. If they couldn't put Vince on notice with Angle, the Dudleyz, Christian, and Booker T all coming in 1 after another when they weren't in dire straits, there's no reason for me to think Punk walking out to TNA would light a fire under them inTNA's current fledgling state.
Yeah, they really need a Vince, Bischoff, or Heyman type of guy who can really take the product in a new direction​
They had Bischoff for years and look where that put them.  They don't need Vince or a Vince disciple because TNA needs to be something different than WWE.  Heyman or JR would be the guy, but neither of those are happening.
TNA had a great show w/ Russo and Jeff Jarret running the show right before hogan and Bischoff came in. They had the best Womens, Tag Team and Cruiserweight divisions in all of wrestling at the time. If they would've stayed the course as opposed to blowing it all up and bringing in all the WWE deadbeats and friends of hogan (Orlando jordan and the nasty boys
) they would be in a better place than they are now.
Raw next Monday should be interesting for sure. Wonder how if and how they'll even mention Punk's name.
Both Jeff and Matt seemed to have gotten their lives back together over the past few years.  Shame to see Matt fall off the wagon.  Hope he gets the help he needs.  Jeff only ever harmed himself, but Matt had the numerous DUI's where he could take an innocent person's life.

Does WWE still pay for rehab? They should take advantage of that if so.
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