Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

I've been pulling for TNA for years man, but they'd should just be purchased by somebody at this point. If they couldn't put Vince on notice with Angle, the Dudleyz, Christian, and Booker T all coming in 1 after another when they weren't in dire straits, there's no reason for me to think Punk walking out to TNA would light a fire under them inTNA's current fledgling state.
It is a Double edge sword with Punk though if it is DEFINITELY not a work.

You can understand his frustration of being pretty much mid-carded at the current moment due to Batista, Brock, etc etc coming back. (Even though he is cool with Batista and Brock since they come back and put in work.) But, to be "screwed by Kane" for Cesaro to get in (Not that he does not deserve it, but based off his current storyline with Swagger........really????) and Christian coming back and being thrown right in is ridiculous.

Now, on the other hand, Cena is practically mid-carding WM. (You can say all you want in the dirt sheet that Wyatt/Cena is being deemed a main match, it is not.) and yet is still in the Main Event scene. Punk has not. If Punk was truly written off to just cut a promo, then I can agree with his actions. Especially with how we got Punk against the authority in some form due to Kevin Nash being Kevin Nash a year ago or so. But Cena is handling it pretty neutral at the moment with his Wyatt match (Which any outcome not having Bray's arm raised is a total waste.)

Same damn storyline for Punk though. Just add one 6'10 doof for another leading to a match with HHH.
Yeah I've never seen a superheavyweight do a dropkick from the top rope. Wasn't he also practicing moonsaults for something
that ***** crazy bruh i couldnt watch that i'd be cringing waiting in horror for those 600 or so pounds to come crashing down on his neck in a botch

he gotta chill lol
-TMZ.com reports that Matt Hardy and his wife Reby Sky were arrested at a motel in Virginia earlier this month after a bloody domestic brawl.

A hotel staffer called 911 and said, “A guest just came down here and said somebody’s beating the hell out of his wife a girl or something.”

When cops arrived to the scene, both Matt and Sky were arrested for assault and battery. They were released on $3,500 bail.

Matt and Sky got restraining orders against each other.

Matt hardy still living in the attitude era when the male wrestlers would wrestle the divas
i'm only remembering this because it was attached to a major story on one of the sites i was on lol​
but didn't they JUST get married lol?​
I've been pulling for TNA for years man, but they'd should just be purchased by somebody at this point. If they couldn't put Vince on notice with Angle, the Dudleyz, Christian, and Booker T all coming in 1 after another when they weren't in dire straits, there's no reason for me to think Punk walking out to TNA would light a fire under them inTNA's current fledgling state.
Yeah, they really need a Vince, Bischoff, or Heyman type of guy who can really take the product in a new direction

I was just hoping that by the time Punk is ready to come back, they will have found that guy
Big Show could go in the ring if he sped his character up instead of being the slow giant. He's an agile dude.

Not sure if serious...

Maybe 10 years ago, but not now. There's probably a reason why his move set is so limited now lol
Not mad at all for Punk. The frustration just built inside of him and just took its toll.

Not surprised he comes back one day and becomes part-time himself. :lol:

Just kidding.
10k posts :pimp:

I just wanted to say I love y'all (no gay stuff, man) and that this is the only thread I consistently care about on NT. Y'all brought me back into wrestling numerous times. It's pure fun and love in here. Nothing serious.

Cheers :pimp:
-TMZ.com reports that Matt Hardy and his wife Reby Sky were arrested at a motel in Virginia earlier this month after a bloody domestic brawl.

A hotel staffer called 911 and said, “A guest just came down here and said somebody’s beating the hell out of his wife a girl or something.”

When cops arrived to the scene, both Matt and Sky were arrested for assault and battery. They were released on $3,500 bail.

Matt and Sky got restraining orders against each other.

Matt hardy still living in the attitude era when the male wrestlers would wrestle the divas
Damn looks like Hardy took the worst of the beating
Punk should just lay low, cut random pipe bombs throughout the year and be a surprise entrant at MITB or the Rumble and win.
How/why does Christian keep getting put in these big matches? I understand that he is very good in the ring, but his character is stale, and absolutely nobody other than the one dude in this thread with Christian in his sig cares about him...
I'm shocked that Matt or Jeff haven't overdosed yet they're both druggies. Reby whooped up on him.
I love watching Punk..I love hearing him cut a promo..I love the energy he brings to an arena..But I'm pretty much sick of his crap..Ever since he lost the title, with the exception of the Brock match, he's been phoning it in..He looks like a druggie, his matches are getting stale, and he looks like he could give 2 s**ts about giving the fans their money's worth..I understand he's frustrated, and rightfully so, but suck it up and do your job..You'd think since he likes and has so much respect for SCSA that he'd have learned a lesson from him..SC got mad and walked out and he's always said that it was a huge regret of his, and a lot of guys in the locker room lost some respect for him over it..Punk is nowhere close to being in Austin's league so I doubt that the locker room will welcome him back the way those guys did with Stone Cold..

Over the past 1 to 1 1/2 years DBry has been screwed over 10x's worse than Punk, and done it for way less money, but you don't hear him whining like a little punk (no pun intended)..
I told yall a few months back man

Punk/Bryan = Ken/Ryu

One is a super talented fighter that sometimes cares more about "other" things while the other is a world warrior searching for the next battle. The difference between the two being how serious one usually takes the sport over the other.

Serious question, does CM Punk NOT work out or does he have the CP3, Melo, Caron Butler bug that doesn't allow his muscle's to show through skin?
10k posts :pimp:

I just wanted to say I love y'all (no gay stuff, man) and that this is the only thread I consistently care about on NT. Y'all brought me back into wrestling numerous times. It's pure fun and love in here. Nothing serious.

Cheers :pimp:
I love watching Punk..I love hearing him cut a promo..I love the energy he brings to an arena..But I'm pretty much sick of his crap..Ever since he lost the title, with the exception of the Brock match, he's been phoning it in..He looks like a druggie, his matches are getting stale, and he looks like he could give 2 s**ts about giving the fans their money's worth..I understand he's frustrated, and rightfully so, but suck it up and do your job..You'd think since he likes and has so much respect for SCSA that he'd have learned a lesson from him..SC got mad and walked out and he's always said that it was a huge regret of his, and a lot of guys in the locker room lost some respect for him over it..Punk is nowhere close to being in Austin's league so I doubt that the locker room will welcome him back the way those guys did with Stone Cold..

Over the past 1 to 1 1/2 years DBry has been screwed over 10x's worse than Punk, and done it for way less money, but you don't hear him whining like a little punk (no pun intended)..

Agreed all the way.

Punk has nowhere better to go, money wise. I blame Issac Yankem for all of this.
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