Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

:lol: I been saying it for months, Punk can take his ball and go home

However, this could all be part of the plan...months and months of Punks whining and general disinterest in the ring to just troll the IWC and lead into another Summer of Punk type deal :nerd:
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A pretty big Punk fan, but the guy that's been on WWE programming post-Summerslam won't be missed. Just didn't really look into it as of late, which I can't blame him for.

Hope he eventually returns. But it's heel Punk or nothing at this point, as far as I'm concerned.
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Hope TNA gets it's act together or ROH drastically expands and gets a TV deal by the time he's ready to come back and he pops up in one of those two companies in a few years.​
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I legit think Punk is done... At least for 6 months anyways... And that's If VKM even take a him back... Although VKM does take everyone back after a while...
If this is all true then the immediate implications are to slot Daniel Bryan into the HHH feud for Wrestlemania and forget about any sort of title picture.
CM Punk, who did not appear at last night's RAW, also did not appear at tonight's SmackDown taping in Toledo, Ohio, despite being advertised for the event.
WWE has since removed Punk from almost all of their upcoming live events and television tapings on the events section of their website, although he remains on the Elimination Chamber page. It is not known at this time if Punk is injured, or if something else is going on. The last tweet that he posted on Monday night stated, "Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."

Punk's contract is up in July, and he stated in an interview last week that he doesn't know if he will re-sign after it expires, and that "everything is up in the air."

UPDATE: F4WOnline.com reports that Punk apparently told Vince McMahon at last night's RAW that he was going home and left the show. No further details were available other then that he's been removed from all shows going forward.

Full article:

Posted by PWMania.com Staff on 01/29/2014 News
Word has come out that CM Punk has left WWE, according to several sources.

CM Punk reportedly told Vince McMahon personally that he was going home, and then got on a plane for Chicago. WWE.com has since removed Punk from all upcoming live events and house shows over the next few weeks including Monday Night Raw.

He did not appear at Monday night’s Raw, and also didn’t appear at Tuesday’s SmackDown taping in Toledo, Ohio, despite being advertised for the event.

Punk, who worked roughly 50 minutes in the Royal Rumble match was described as “pissy” after the pay-per-view, although that reportedly wouldn’t be an unusual description of Punk’s demeanor backstage.

He tweeted the following message on Monday morning:

As PWMania.com reported, Punk was scheduled to face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, but as seen on Monday’s Raw, early signs may have been shown that Triple H will be facing Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania instead. No word if the match change is what caused Punk to leave, or if the match was changed because Punk left. According to sources, Bryan vs. Triple H is indeed the new current plan for WrestleMania.

The belief is that Punk leaving is not due to an injury issue. In the past, Punk had been very vocal about “part-time” wrestlers returning to WWE and getting pushed ahead of guys who are there on a nightly basis, and that may be a reason for him being upset. According to reports, Punk’s final goal in WWE was to main event WrestleMania, and with his current contract expiring in July, and it becoming more and more apparent that he would not be main eventing WrestleMania this year, his failure to achieve that goal may be a driving force for his departure.

Punk stated in an interview last week that he doesn’t know if he will re-sign after his contract expires, and that “everything is up in the air.”

All signs indicate that this is not a work. PWMania.com will provide more information as we confirm additional details.
Punk will be back next week to cut a promo *****ing about Kane.

He needs time off tho. I'm tired of seeing him on TV with nothing going on.
I'm glad he's taking time off man.. he needs it. Come back 6 months or a year later with some vigor... dude looked extremely disinterested and rightfully so with the **** they've had for him since he came back in July (sans his SS match with Brock).
Sad to see this about Punk, but I'm not even mad at him. Nice to see someone stand up for themselves and do what they believe is right.
There was a lot of talk about a Summer of Punk storyline in 2014.  However... it would be extremely bizarre booking to sit home during the two biggest months of the year.  I have to think this is legit.
That would now also open up HHH v Bryan at WrestleMania which would be far better than Bryan v Sheamus.
Can't blame him honestly they stroll Batista off the street and right into the title picture it's a joke

The whole company is honestly wrestlemania should be a chance to reward the guys that bust their hump everyday not a cash grab where they throw out a bunch of fossils to make a quick buck
word you know damn well the only reason christian is in there is to take a beating and get eliminated first :lol: :smh:

Could have just thrown Ziggler in there for all of that, no need for the Blue Dot Face Guy

And Smackdown sounds like a great show, might actually tune in for once :smokin
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Hope TNA gets it's act together or ROH drastically expands and gets a TV deal by the time he's ready to come back and he pops up in one of those two companies in a few years.​

:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

Already mentioned how much Punk needs a refresher, but I definitely don't blame him about the part time wrestler thing. I was cool with the Rock just cause he put over more people in just 7 years than a lot if wrestlers have their in their entire careers. Not mad at the Outlaws either, they're just setting up for the Usos.,but for Batista to come back, win the Rumble, AND look awful while doing it...I'd be pissed too. His conditioning looks terrible. Even 5 years ago him and Orton didn't have very good matches, so imagine Orton vs an out of shape Batista. Orton is a chameleon ring the ring, but it'll take a miracle...or Daniel Bryan, to make Batista look good at this point.
I could live with Bryan vs the Shovel. Just don't TNA us with tons of run ins and bull. I want a clean match for the most part.

RKO needs to go over Batista and just have a monster reign at this point. Have him turn on the Authority fully and be the viper on his own, and eventually put Reigns over.
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If y'all watched the interview that I posted that he had with Ariel Helwani you can clearly tell that he doesn't wanna be there right now.
As PWMania.com reported, RF Video’s Rob Feinstein mentioned on Facebook that Sting has signed a deal with WWE within the last 24 hours. Since then, Feinstein has provided another update on the matter. Here posted the following entry on Facebook:

“I got a million emails over the day and wanted to wait before I said anything more on the Sting situation. I see that my FB post has been all over websites today and I will stand by my story as the person who told me has never lied to me and is a good source. As I stated earlier today I do not think Sting will face Undertaker at Mania. I am certain that Taker is going to face Brock at mania and I know a little bit more but I don’t want everyone yelling at me for spoilers. Trust me Mania is going to be really good this year if it’s true what I have been told. Everything changes in this business so there is nothing that you should go out and bet your house on. I still think that Sting will not be at Mania and will be on Raw the following night and be tied into the Network. I guess we will all have to wait and see but I also think WWE will def tease Sting up until that weekend but again I think he will debut on Raw and only wrestle a certain huber of dates and maybe one MAJOR match at Mania in CA in 2015 and be part of the HOF.”
If y'all watched the interview that I posted that he had with Ariel Helwani you can clearly tell that he doesn't wanna be there right now.
You work hard year round for what, just a paycheck? I don't blame Punk. Batista wants a reign fine but he shouldn't get it right away and headline Mania after quitting four years ago. He's a b player from a b era.
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You work hard year round for what, just a paycheck? I don't blame Punk. Batista wants a reign fine but he shouldn't get it right away and headline Mania after quitting four years ago. He's a b player from a b era.

Exactly. Brock Lesnar is the perfect person who did this. He works part time and gets a huge paycheck. He came out of nowhere. Yet he knows his place and didn't demand a title shot right away.

I'm glad this could be it for Punk. He was most likely retiring in July. This is the ONE thing he wanted left. Everything he talked about in the promo still stands today. He got the title for over a year? Still doesn't matter because at the end of the day, the title took a back seat to other people. And it all culminates at mania where it shows that nothing had changed. They had 3 years after the promo to put him in the main event. And they failed.

The fact that miz has his main event makes it even worst
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