Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Cesaro is in the main EC match?
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More SmackDown spoilers:

- Antonio Cesaro defeated Dolph Ziggler in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match at tonight's SmackDown tapings to earn a spot in the Chamber match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title next month. Christian later returned to action and defeated Jack Swagger to earn the final spot in the Chamber.

- Ryback and Curtis Axel defeated Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. Titus didn't try to break the pin up and started an argument with Young. Titus walks out on Young. Young's mouth is busted open. Young grabs the mic & asks what Titus is doing. He said they are like brothers & family. Titus says no & he's tired of feeling like a loser. He came to WWE to be champ. He said the only dead weight he's getting rid of is Darren Young on his back. He then knocks Darren to the mat & starts beating the hell out of him. He takes it to the outside & continues the beat down. Titus turns heel. Young is knocked out. .
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Hope Titus O Neal gets a push (fat chance I know) we need a black main eventer.

Plus he's charismatic, funny, and good on the mic.
More SmackDown spoilers:

- Antonio Cesaro defeated Dolph Ziggler in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match at tonight's SmackDown tapings to earn a spot in the Chamber match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title next month. Christian later returned to action and defeated Jack Swagger to earn the final spot in the Chamber.

- Ryback and Curtis Axel defeated Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. Titus didn't try to break the pin up and started an argument with Young. Titus walks out on Young. Young's mouth is busted open. Young grabs the mic & asks what Titus is doing. He said they are like brothers & family. Titus says no & he's tired of feeling like a loser. He came to WWE to be champ. He said the only dead weight he's getting rid of is Darren Young on his back. He then knocks Darren to the mat & starts beating the hell out of him. He takes it to the outside & continues the beat down. Titus turns heel. Young is knocked out. .

I both love and hate that
If Bryan does finally go over and win the title for longer than minutes, wouldn't it be a waste if they did that at EC and not mania?
I don't care how they do it, they need to have Bryan win the title at WM rather than at EC.

The main event would have more buzz if he is going in as a challenger. It will also be the 1st time that the main event at WM is the match with the biggest buzz/anticipation/crowd excitement in a LONG time.

Throw on the Divas match right before it to give the crowd time to turn down to make the excitement THAT much better.
Im not gonna get my hopes up. Daniel Bryan was supposed to win the title at all of those PPVs after Summerslam. And they buried it. They did a burial disguised as a chase for the title storyline. 

WWE can kick rocks in regards to D-Bry booking. They're going to try to take credit and control of the hot crowds for him? Please. The authority storyline is actually what goes on in real life
RingSideNews just posted this on their FB page..

As noted earlier, RF Video's Rob Feinstein mentioned on Facebook that Sting has signed a deal with WWE within the last 24 hours. Since then, Feinstein has provided another update on the matter:

"I got a million emails over the day and wanted to wait before I said anything more on the Sting situation. I see that my FB post has been all over websites today and I will stand by my story as the person who told me has never lied to me and is a good source. As I stated earlier today I do not think Sting will face Undertaker at Mania. I am certain that Taker is going to face Brock at mania and I know a little bit more but I don't want everyone yelling at me for spoilers. Trust me Mania is going to be really good this year if it's true what I have been told. Everything changes in this business so there is nothing that you should go out and bet your house on. I still think that Sting will not be at Mania and will be on Raw the following night and be tied into the Network. I guess we will all have to wait and see but I also think WWE will def tease Sting up until that weekend but again I think he will debut on Raw and only wrestle a certain huber of dates and maybe one MAJOR match at Mania in CA in 2015 and be part of the HOF."
Orton v. Bryan v. Cena v. Shamus v. Cesaro v. Christian

Can't wait to see (likely) Christian be Cesaro Swung into the chamber glass :pimp:
They should have Batista win the belt at EC, then give Bryan the #1 contender match for WM.. Him winning a EC is dumb, why not give him the biggest forum after the year he has had? Stupid WWE is stupid.
Orton v. Bryan v. Cena v. Shamus v. Cesaro v. Christian

Can't wait to see (likely) Christian be Cesaro Swung into the chamber glass :pimp:

word you know damn well the only reason christian is in there is to take a beating and get eliminated first :lol: :smh:
Man all kinds of shenanigans on Smackdown this week.

On paper, EC is shaping up to be a solid card.
Be prepared to see this when the WWE network launches.....

View media item 772327

:x :rofl:

Which Sting will we be getting btw?


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I'm more excited for Titus' solo heel run than I am for the Shield/Wyatt match.
Cool documentary (non-WWE made) with Bret Hart about the events leading up to the Montreal Screwjob and his displeasure with the direction the WWF/E went in the late 90's. I guess they were filming before the screwjob just as a Bret Hart doc, and then struck gold when the screwjob happened.​

A lot of you might have already seen it, but I'm sure there's at least one person who hasn't.​

WWE should try that Good Guy Heel character with Cena. I don't know who would be Austin today though. Crazy how the fans dictated everything back then but now they literally mute the crowd on the Rumble replay during the Rumble and Cena/Orton matches.​
I was watching this earlier. Probably seen it 3 or 4 times already.
Welp, I'm going to EC but I might get crappy seat tho.
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CM Punk, who did not appear at last night's RAW, also did not appear at tonight's SmackDown taping in Toledo, Ohio, despite being advertised for the event.
WWE has since removed Punk from almost all of their upcoming live events and television tapings on the events section of their website, although he remains on the Elimination Chamber page. It is not known at this time if Punk is injured, or if something else is going on. The last tweet that he posted on Monday night stated, "Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."

Punk's contract is up in July, and he stated in an interview last week that he doesn't know if he will re-sign after it expires, and that "everything is up in the air."

UPDATE: F4WOnline.com reports that Punk apparently told Vince McMahon at last night's RAW that he was going home and left the show. No further details were available other then that he's been removed from all shows going forward.

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