Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

The JTG slander on Review-A-Raw this week.

The thought of JTG smearing paint on peoples face after matches. :lol:



The JTG slander on Review-A-Raw this week.

The thought of JTG smearing paint on peoples face after matches. :lol:

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meh.... silent creeper sting pissed me off back in WCW days. dude would always be hyped up, show up with 5 minutes left and just stand and stare from the rafters while whoever happened to be in the ring at the time freaked out. I swear it felt like months we didnt even see sting WRESTLE. GET DOWN FROM THERE STING.

Silent creeper Sting was 

My man came down from the rafters, had a bat (but refused to use it), and just karate chopped all 30 members of the nWo. 
-After the resounding negative reaction that WWE received at Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, there have been significant changes to WWE’s upcoming storyline plans.

As of this week, there is talk of Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Bryan winning the title at Elimination Chamber would accomplish several things. First, it would likely pop a big rating the RAW rating the following night, with the WWE Network launching as soon as RAW goes off the air. WWE is already planning on bringing in several major names (including Hulk Hogan) the RAW the night after Elimination Chamber. Secondly, it would change the previously planned Batista vs. Randy Orton WrestleMania main event, which WWE now feels is at risk of getting a very negative reaction from the rowdy WrestleMania crowd.

If Daniel Bryan does win the WWE World Heavyweight title at Elimination Chamber, the scenario that’s being discussed is for Randy Orton to invoke his rematch clause at WrestleMania, making the main event a triple threat match between Bryan, Batista and Orton.

YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!
-Negotiations are reportedly ongoing still between Sting and WWE. The word going around is that a decision must be made and finalized within the next two weeks if Sting is going to join the company.

Several factors are being decided at the moment, including scheduling and what Sting is and isn’t willing to do creatively. While nothing is confirmed, and Sting could end up working with TNA again, the impression has been given that if Sting were to have a run with WWE, he realizes that now is the time.

Another note going around is that if Sting were to sign with WWE, he would not be competing in a match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX as has been rumored in the past. However, this does not mean that Sting won’t appear in some sort of cameo or vignette during the WrestleMania XXX broadcast.

Additionally, there’s a feeling within WWE that with the company getting ready to focus a lot of WCW-related content on the new WWE Network, that Sting could be an asset in that regard.

As of Monday, it is believed that Sting had still not signed a contract with WWE. For whatever it’s worth, however, Rob Feinstein of RF Video noted on his Facebook account that he heard Sting had in fact signed a deal with WWE at some point in the last 24 hours.

So does that mean we get Bork facing the undertaker?
Reigns isn't in that boat.  WWE has legitimate plans to make him the next "face of the company" after Cena begins winding down.  Just like Randy Orton, Reigns is the next chosen one.

When I think of the "Chosen One" I can't help, but think of Drew McIntyre.
When i hear "Chosen one" all i see is that asian girl running towards the white guy while yelling "chosen one!" in Kung Pow.
-After the resounding negative reaction that WWE received at Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, there have been significant changes to WWE’s upcoming storyline plans.

As of this week, there is talk of Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Bryan winning the title at Elimination Chamber would accomplish several things. First, it would likely pop a big rating the RAW rating the following night, with the WWE Network launching as soon as RAW goes off the air. WWE is already planning on bringing in several major names (including Hulk Hogan) the RAW the night after Elimination Chamber. Secondly, it would change the previously planned Batista vs. Randy Orton WrestleMania main event, which WWE now feels is at risk of getting a very negative reaction from the rowdy WrestleMania crowd.

If Daniel Bryan does win the WWE World Heavyweight title at Elimination Chamber, the scenario that’s being discussed is for Randy Orton to invoke his rematch clause at WrestleMania, making the main event a triple threat match between Bryan, Batista and Orton.

YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!

I've been reading different conflicting reports about this.

One place said:

"The biggest news backstage at WWE Monday Night Raw was how to handle Daniel Bryan after the debacle at Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Because of the magnitude of the story, I’m separating it from my weekly Backstage Raw News (that will run later on Tuesday) and running this on its own.

We’re told the company was “caught very off guard” by the Daniel Bryan reaction at the pay-per-view. As a result, Vince McMahon considered handling the situation of the utmost importance, even more important than anything related to Wrestlemania XXX. According to a source, Vince was concerned about the negative PR [from Royal Rumble] making it look like WWE doesn’t know what it’s doing at a time when they’re in the middle of domestic TV negotiations and on the verge of launching the WWE Network.

Vince McMahon put an edict out on Monday morning that the goal on this week’s television was to get the crowd under control in terms of Bryan and work the reactions into the story to give the appearance to the media and investors that fans demanding more Bryan was by design and WWE is in control over the situation.

There were several versions of the Raw script, with Vince continuously calling for more tweaks. The biggest thing he wanted was for the show to open and close with Daniel Bryan. He knew the crowd would be chanting for Bryan the loudest at those points whether he was out there or not. This is why Vince had all plans for this week’s Raw thrown out and told creative to build around the reactions.

Where this leaves plans for Wrestlemania is a bit more complicated. While the original plan was for Bryan to work Sheamus one source told me the match was “off” and another said it was “up in the air.” As for Bryan winning the Elimination Chamber and defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Batista, we’re told Vince was “having none of it” in creative meetings on Monday.
-After the resounding negative reaction that WWE received at Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, there have been significant changes to WWE’s upcoming storyline plans.

As of this week, there is talk of Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Bryan winning the title at Elimination Chamber would accomplish several things. First, it would likely pop a big rating the RAW rating the following night, with the WWE Network launching as soon as RAW goes off the air. WWE is already planning on bringing in several major names (including Hulk Hogan) the RAW the night after Elimination Chamber. Secondly, it would change the previously planned Batista vs. Randy Orton WrestleMania main event, which WWE now feels is at risk of getting a very negative reaction from the rowdy WrestleMania crowd.

If Daniel Bryan does win the WWE World Heavyweight title at Elimination Chamber, the scenario that’s being discussed is for Randy Orton to invoke his rematch clause at WrestleMania, making the main event a triple threat match between Bryan, Batista and Orton.

YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!

-After the resounding negative reaction that WWE received at Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, there have been significant changes to WWE’s upcoming storyline plans.

As of this week, there is talk of Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Bryan winning the title at Elimination Chamber would accomplish several things. First, it would likely pop a big rating the RAW rating the following night, with the WWE Network launching as soon as RAW goes off the air. WWE is already planning on bringing in several major names (including Hulk Hogan) the RAW the night after Elimination Chamber. Secondly, it would change the previously planned Batista vs. Randy Orton WrestleMania main event, which WWE now feels is at risk of getting a very negative reaction from the rowdy WrestleMania crowd.

If Daniel Bryan does win the WWE World Heavyweight title at Elimination Chamber, the scenario that’s being discussed is for Randy Orton to invoke his rematch clause at WrestleMania, making the main event a triple threat match between Bryan, Batista and Orton.

YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!

if this is true, i might have to make the drive down to minneapolis for the elimination chamber ppv
lol the D Bry situation has back fired on Vince. He was hoping to bury him and people lose interest in him- example Zach Ryder.
obviously that hasn't happened yet he still could continue burying him. The longer he tries to bury him the louder the voices become and the more negative press it brings. Last thing he wants is bad press with the network debuting and it being Mania season. Not the kind of press he wants.
-After the resounding negative reaction that WWE received at Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, there have been significant changes to WWE’s upcoming storyline plans.

As of this week, there is talk of Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Bryan winning the title at Elimination Chamber would accomplish several things. First, it would likely pop a big rating the RAW rating the following night, with the WWE Network launching as soon as RAW goes off the air. WWE is already planning on bringing in several major names (including Hulk Hogan) the RAW the night after Elimination Chamber. Secondly, it would change the previously planned Batista vs. Randy Orton WrestleMania main event, which WWE now feels is at risk of getting a very negative reaction from the rowdy WrestleMania crowd.

If Daniel Bryan does win the WWE World Heavyweight title at Elimination Chamber, the scenario that’s being discussed is for Randy Orton to invoke his rematch clause at WrestleMania, making the main event a triple threat match between Bryan, Batista and Orton.

YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!
if this is true i wouldn't want dbryan to win at EC. instead, him, orton, and batista should be the last 3 in the chamber and dbry eliminates batista. batista gets super pissed off and turns heel and annihilates dbry before he walks out of the chamber setting up an easy win for orton. orton holds the title to WM with a match against batista but for some reason hhh/steph feel that dbry was done dirty and changes the WM match to a triple threat. dbry wins the title at WM solidifying his career and confetti drops from the sky as the crowd chants YES! YES! YES!


probably wont happen though 
Cool documentary (non-WWE made) with Bret Hart about the events leading up to the Montreal Screwjob and his displeasure with the direction the WWF/E went in the late 90's. I guess they were filming before the screwjob just as a Bret Hart doc, and then struck gold when the screwjob happened.​
A lot of you might have already seen it, but I'm sure there's at least one person who hasn't.​
WWE should try that Good Guy Heel character with Cena. I don't know who would be Austin today though. Crazy how the fans dictated everything back then but now they literally mute the crowd on the Rumble replay during the Rumble and Cena/Orton matches.​
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I'm cool with Bryan retaining at Mania in a triple threat as confetti drops and he's got the YES chant loud to end the show.
I'd rather Bryan win at WM than the EC. They've held off this long, might as well cook the storyline to it's fullest potential. Rather the roof blow off at WM, than at EC for a ratings boost.

Would rather have Batista screw Bryan and go heel at EC.
I don't believe Bryan is winning at the elimination chamber.. I think that they're releasing these reports.. So elimination chamber butyrate won't be in the toilet..
SmackDown spoilers:

* SmackDown opens with a RAW recap and out comes The Shield. Dean Ambrose says the Elimination Chamber is made for The Shield. He said the WWE Universe, The Authority and Randy Orton knew if The Shield got in the Chamber one of them would have walked out champion. Dean talks to Roman Reigns about him setting a record at the Royal Rumble. They talk about eliminating each other at the Rumble. Seth Rollins is the voice of reason. He then talks about The Wyatt Family & says they are the reason The Shield isn't in the Chamber. He doesn't know why they did what they did and he doesn't care but they need to be dealt with. He praises the other two members of The Shield. Ambrose said they will wipe The Wyatt Family off the earth. Vickie Guerrero came out to major heat. You couldn't hear what she was saying but Triple H came out next.

Triple H says he understands where The Shield is coming from. He said The Wyatts cost them. He said it's water under the bridge and to let it go. There is no benefit from it & all there is is loss & more problems and to just let it go. Reigns steps up & says he doesn't need Triple H's approval. Triple H says there is no talking them out of it and asks us if we want to see The Wyatts and The Shield go at it. He announces The Shield vs. The Wyatts for Elimination Chamber.

* Dolph Ziggler vs. Antonio Cesaro in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match is next. Cesaro is announced as from the United States now. Zeb Colter is with him but Jack Swagger is not. A solid back and forth match that went outside of the ring. Cesaro eventually hits a Cesaro Swing and the Neutralizer for the win.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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