Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Punk said he doesn't care for belt ceremonies so he stays at a white belt

yep. he said that in that interview with Helwani

also said he'd beat Batista if they rolled.

He's not TUF material though. He's too big of a name but too inexperienced in MMA to suddenly become relevant.

People will be quick to say Brock did it, but Brock was younger and not for nothing but Brock was a college Div. 1 champion and nearly was a 2x time champ had he not lost in 99.

Punk simply does not have the same pedigree.
That just made me like punk. I know dudes that all they care about is the color of their belt.


man Punk just tryna be different.

It's so Punk to sit there and say "naw man I don't do belts. I don't care if you have a blue **** or a purple ****, I'm CM Punk I'm the best in the world".


Taker is another one of those types "yeah man, had MMA been bigger back in the day safe bet I would've been doin that man".


Helwani need to start hittin' these dudes with the

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Perhaps Phil should adapt the same attitude for WWE titles too

Imagine if DBry did face sheamus at WM30:smh: and lost again off one kick :lol: it would be hilarious. Fans would jump the barricades

Do fans really love him like that? I keep thinking they just like doing that stupid yes chant.

Also if punk tried to triangle choke batista he would get batista bombed and dave would take his white belt and use it to tie up aj.
I don't see why he wouldn't; NOAH is in the dumps and obviously he's at the center for a reason. I wonder what his moveset WOULD be like if he were to sign though, seeing as CM Punk & Bryan stole his finishers. 
LOL Pepsi Plunge and Cattle Mutilation
Bleachereport just posted in article a couple hours ago with Rener Gracie and he claims Punk could make transition to MMA without much problem.
Imagine if DBry did face sheamus at WM30:smh: and lost again off one kick :lol: it would be hilarious. Fans would jump the barricades

Do fans really love him like that? I keep thinking they just like doing that stupid yes chant.

Also if punk tried to triangle choke batista he would get batista bombed and dave would take his white belt and use it to tie up aj.

Damn :rofl:
Bleachereport just posted in article a couple hours ago with Rener Gracie and he claims Punk could make transition to MMA without much problem.


Please someone sign him.

Throw him in with, let's see..........

Travis Wiuff....

WWE is in the midst of one of the most eventful weeks in years – and the company’s existing storyline plans through WrestleMania could be scrapped entirely by Friday night.

WWE has called for all-day creative meetings on Thursday and Friday, according to a report by Wade Keller of PWTorch.com. A source says that “nothing is sacred” in terms of long-standing booking plans plans and “everything will be reevaluated.”

The roller coaster ride began on Sunday night when it became apparent to fans that Daniel Bryan would not be part of the Royal Rumble match. The strong negative reaction to Batista winning the Rumble, Daniel Bryan’s continuing popularity growth and the shocking departure of CM Punk from the company are all being cited as reasons for the shakeup.

We’ll have more details on this story later in the week, but it appears that things are going to get even more interesting by the time the week is over.
Wasn't watching wrestling during MVP's WWE run..Was he any good?..
One of the most charismatic dudes on the roster at the time and was a victim of that 2007-2010 era of them not giving anyone not named Orton, Cena, Edge, Batista a run.

If TNA got him RIGHT after he left WWE, he would have been a problem. But dude is 40 now and long term I don't see him doing much for the company.

Still will probably be entertaining as hell though.

Hope he is not the investor though.
i HATED MVP's in ring attire.
Yeah I didn't like it at first but it fit his gimmick lol . . . Like one of those cocky *** athletes decked head to toe in the latest unnecessary gear but can't play worth a damn

I think he had it because he had some gang tattoos or some ****

Almost forgot Umaga existed bruh
didnt he die of a cocaine overdose

liked his run with armando estrada
People also said mvp had that weird ring attire when he started out because he was a little fat and it covered him up.
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