Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

So cena wins royal rumble again?
Daniel Bryan should win.

Was hoping for a pedigree at the end
Bryan v Shawn is a much bigger match than going for the title imo.
Not surprised Orton won but surprised it was clean.

That last segment of Raw had me hyped. PPV was decent.
Last match was pretty damn good, these two.. as terrible as they are to see feud over and over again.. have pretty good chemistry in the ring.
It was a clean finish in the sense that there was no outside interference of anything.

But I'm talking about how I KNOW they are going to use the handcuffs angle with Cena
Why were Trips and Steph all of the sudden completely cool with Randy tonight after what transpired on Monday?
Now I can see why Steph is with HHH after the Nattie meeting. They kinda have the same personality.
How about waiting until tomorrow night and maybe they redeem it. Hence, something to turn into Raw for.

(I sound like a WWE Writer)
Hope you did terrible bro so I can get 1st overall haha

my predictions were horrible. i think i got 1 right. oh well... always next year.

definitely Romo'd the contest this year. Was doing fine until the 4th quarter (of the year).
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