Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

Dang, I had Cena. Last minute WWE changes? Or by the hands of The Shovel?

So what was the point of the Mack Mans being out there?

And HHH is totally cool with Orton now after giving him the Pedigree on Monday?
lol Glad they switched up and didn't give Cena the *big match* win. But can we please get Punk/Bry back in the main event scene
It's a TLC match.  What kind of finish did you expect?  That was about as clean as it possibly gets.

I'm talking about the handcuffs. That was NOT a clean finish because you know tomorrow in raw they are going to pull the angle that Orton couldn't beat Cena with out the cuffs
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