Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

-WWE.com has published an interesting article looking at “Five Ways WWE Will be Changed After TLC” – when the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship are unified. Here’s a summary:
1. The Royal Rumble Match is changed: The winner of the Royal Rumble will no longer have to choose which champion he wants to face at WrestleMania, as there will be one Unified WWE Champion.

I'm kind of hoping for a screwy finish at TLC and the Royal Rumble match being for the unified title
- Word from Monday’s Slammys RAW from Seattle was that Randy Orton expressed anger backstage at John Cena’s promo that happened in the Championship Ascension ceremony. This is something that used to happen early in Orton’s career when he was known for getting frustrated with crowds. Cena was “shooting” during his promo about Daniel Bryan because he knew what the crowd wanted and how not to get booed.

A WWE source called it a brilliant move and said it was one of the best promos Cena has had in years, maybe ever.

- Also coming out of RAW, the talk was that they’re going “full steam ahead” with Brodus Clay’s heel turn and it’s believed he is reverting back to his old monster gimmick.

- It was noted before how both Triple H and Shawn Michaels were interested in having Daniel Bryan vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XXX and how Vince was upset that the match wasn’t working out because Shawn wasn’t interested in coming out of retirement.

Word from this week’s RAW is that both Vince and Triple H talked to Shawn about coming out of retirement for the match against Bryan and he does seem more receptive then he was at first. Originally, Shawn wasn’t believed to have put much thought into it.

Still, one WWE source doesn’t expect Shawn will want to come out of retirement when the decision has to be made.

- John Cena’s recent TMZ interview where he implied Hulk Hogan was too old to wrestle is said to have been something of significance and not an off-the-cuff remark. Cena isn’t going to insult Hogan publicly with a remark like that unless it’s to tease something for business. People close to Hogan say there’s no way he should try to wrestle a match.

- Mark Henry is saying he’s going to wrestle for two more years, until his current contract expires, and then he wants to work with kids in urban communities in some form.

- For what it’s worth, betting odds for WWE TLC are in favor of Natalya winning the Divas Title, Cena defeating Randy Orton, The Wyatt Family defeating Daniel Bryan, The Shield defeating CM Punk and huge odds in favor of Big E Langston defeating Damien Sandow.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
never understood odds on wrestling....like, I know its a thing, but i just don't get it
- Word from Monday’s Slammys RAW from Seattle was that Randy Orton expressed anger backstage at John Cena’s promo that happened in the Championship Ascension ceremony. This is something that used to happen early in Orton’s career when he was known for getting frustrated with crowds.

-WWE.com has published an interesting article looking at “Five Ways WWE Will be Changed After TLC” – when the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship are unified. Here’s a summary:
1. The Royal Rumble Match is changed: The winner of the Royal Rumble will no longer have to choose which champion he wants to face at WrestleMania, as there will be one Unified WWE Champion.
2. The Intercontinental Title Gets a Boost: The WWE Intercontinental title will be elevated and will once again become the second most coveted championship in WWE.
3. Money in the Bank Gets a Shake-Up: WWE teases whether the annual Money in the Bank pay-per-view will feature only 1 MITB match – or if there will be 2 separate MITB briefcase holders able to cash in on the Undisputed Champion.
4. The Field of Play Gets Tighter: With one less top title, there will be more people vying for the Unified WWE Championship.
5. The Best of the Best is Determined: No longer will fans have to debate who the top champion in WWE is (were we?). With a Unified champion, the ‘king’ of WWE will be very clear.

Interesting coming straight from their website.

This is complete BS smark-baiting until further notice. I dont believe one bit that they would go through with this logical line of thought.

Heel Brodus coming soon :pimp:

Mizark Henry's post-WWE future :pimp: good to see he finally got a legit shot, though I'd like him to get one more.
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:evil: :pimp:
View media item 690422
One of the most embarrassing title wins I remember
View media item 690423
:rofl: Bo knows best :pimp:

Tough indeed

I mostly remember this match being Billy Gunn sucking wind cause he hadn't been back long after his shoulder surgery, and the WWE just wanted to get the title off of him




Kofi's pre-tailspin
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This Nattie/Alicia Fox match was probably one of the least botched divas matches I've seen in a long time. It was fairly smooth throughout. Seriously, im shocked nothing was botched at all. I'm also shocked Alicia Fox stayed heel throughout the entire match.

The replay of HBK selling Bryan's move :rofl: :rofl: :pimp:
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What's up guys?

I have a couple questions. Are there any wrestlers right now that are truly unhappy with being in the WWE? If so, how do you know?

I was a HUGE wrestling fan during the AE (who wasn't) and then I found out that it was fake and it crushed my little soul. So from about 2001/02 til about August of this year, I haven't watched ANYTHING. I got into it not to long ago, and I regret not continuing to watch. 

Been lurking this thread since, but I don't know how you guys react to the casual wrestling fan. 

Keep it up guys. 
But then who gets the Mania match?

winner of the chamber match? it would work.

they need hunter to come down and take both belts to make things interesting. i'd rather have him be the champ than cena and orton.
What's up guys?

I have a couple questions. Are there any wrestlers right now that are truly unhappy with being in the WWE? If so, how do you know?

I was a HUGE wrestling fan during the AE (who wasn't) and then I found out that it was fake and it crushed my little soul. So from about 2001/02 til about August of this year, I haven't watched ANYTHING. I got into it not to long ago, and I regret not continuing to watch. 

Been lurking this thread since, but I don't know how you guys react to the casual wrestling fan. 

Keep it up guys. 

One of the cardinal rule in WWE is to keep to yourself and do your job as you are told. There's been substantial precedents where if your contentions are publicly displayed towards the company you will be buried, unless you are a top guy like John Cena or CM Punk (even so they astutely tread lightly). I'm sure there are definitely wrestlers who aren't happy with the product and their character but there's not much you can really do; you're contractually obligated and if you aren't happy then there's always TNA or Indies. Being in the WWE means you made it, whether you're Dolph Ziggler (doghouse) or 3MB.
Looks like someone is leaking the WWE scripts, this is the 2013 Royal Rumble script

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