Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Who do yall think the NXT callups are gonna be after SummerSlam? If any (I know there's already been a ton of callups in the past 6 mos.). Nakamura? Aries? Bayley?? They GOTTA be trolling Bayley if she doesn't make the next round of callups
Don't think Nakamura is gonna be called up right now because he's likely gonna win the NXT title at Takeover.

He'll probably have at least one rematch with Tongan Jeff so Joe isn't likely coming directly after SummerFest either.

I think Bayley is the most likely candidate.
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Who do yall think the NXT callups are gonna be after SummerSlam? If any (I know there's already been a ton of callups in the past 6 mos.). Nakamura? Aries? Bayley?? They GOTTA be trolling Bayley if she doesn't make the next round of callups :lol:

Don't think Nakamura is gonna be called up right now because he's likely gonna win the NXT title at Takeover.

He'll probably have at least one rematch with Tongan Jeff so Joe isn't likely coming directly after SummerFest either.

I think Bayley is the most likely candidate.


Not impressed to be honest..He was pretty smooth in his delivery, although he did have a couple flubs, but it lacked any impact..Crowd gave almost no reaction to anything he said and it felt kinda forced..Dude really does need to be a babyface..
What on earth are they thinking having Backlash go against Week 1 of the NFL/SNF :x
Sparknotes on the Braun Strongman / Austin podcast

  • The biggest Braun has ever been is 415 pounds (6'8 tall), right now he walks around closer to 380. He's 32 years old now, he said that competing in strongman competitions has definitely taken a toll on his body.

  • He was borm in Sherrills Ford, NC and now he lives in Orlando, FL. Braun played football in high school, but his grades weren't that good, so he didn't go to college. He played semi-pro footballl, but without college experience no pro team wanted to give him a look.

  • His dad thought that lifting a lot of weight would stunt his growth, but he's always considered himself country strong.

  • When he was younger, Braun was working security in Charlotte, NC. He met there another strongman and they invited him to give it a try.

  • He eats at the restaurant Chipotle a lot, he might go there up to 5 times a week. Braun said he would get fat if he eats garbage, he loads up on protein bars. He eats about 5000-7000 calories a day.

  • The most he's ever bench pressed is 585. He's the fastest American to start competing in strongman competitions and get his pro card. He did strongman events for several years. He won nationals in 2011.

  • He likes Metallica, Korn or Marilyn Manson, but he's also into listening to Mozart and Lombardi speeches. He flies coach, but it's tough on him. Austin joked it's probably a lot tougher on the person sitting next to him.

  • Mark Henry helped Braun get into WWE. He signed with them in May, 2013. He went into company very confident, because he felt like he had a lot to offer. He does have an amateur wrestling background from High School. After the first week of practice he was terrible sore, he said he felt like a 90 year old man.

  • Coming out on stage is a special feeling for him and he was happy that he got to wear a mask in the beginning, because he was marking out like 6 years old kid. He was so nervous when he first debuted and feels like he still has a lot to learn. Braun thinks he's been lucky to work with Kane and Big Show on live events.

  • Him and Bray had a special connection ever since they met. Bray wanted Braun to be a part of the family long before he was put into the family. He feels like he couldn't have been in a better spot - it helped him a lot to have the opportunity to hone his craft while hiding some of his weaknesses. He looks as Bray as a big inspiration, they did everything together.

  • He likes to watch Bruiser Brody's matches as references. He prefers being a heel because it allows him to be someone's he's not - he looks at it as more of a challenge.

  • Braun feels like this is what he was born to do and he can't picture himself doing anything else now. He doesn't want to be a big lumbering giant and he wants to eventually be a heavyweight champion. He doesn't feel ready for that right now though.
Paige has that same anchor tattoo on her ring finger like Bray. I wonder if he was getting in them guts, dropping some chips in her fish.

I've peeped Bray's anchor tat and thought it was homage to his Dad when he was Captain Mike Rotunda, before joining the Varsity Club.

I should've included Jericho in my list, he was able to evolve his character thru the years, looks and even a new finisher though it was Carlito's or similar.

Rey did have a good run in WWE, but prefer when he was in his cruiserweight days in WCW as well as his matches in ECW. His Hurricanrana into a pin was awesome. Didnt do it much in WCW or WWF, should've pulled it out in the big matches but I guess he can only do that move with people his height.

@DCAllAmerican why did Konnan break off into doing his own podcasts? I liked the return of @Mister Saint Laurent and need to listen to more of the extras on the show. Some good stories like the evolution of the Great American Bash, and I believe some good Dusty stuff.

Is Ambrose slowly transitioning into a heel with yesterday's attack on Ziggler after their tag match? Should've been the other way around, but reminded me of Austin back in the day.
I've peeped Bray's anchor tat and thought it was homage to his Dad when he was Captain Mike Rotunda, before joining the Varsity Club.

Start at 1:40. I had just seen this and it seemed like too random of a coincidence. Same tattoo, same location.

Rambo Apocalypse >>>>

"Diego & Fernando"
This is soooo wrong 

They got simon and the other guy but they cant update these dudes? Really ****** up
Pretty pathetic to only be know for makeup paint job entrances and not the stuff that actually matters. Mic work

Im willing to places bets this loser wont be the first champion of the galaxy or whatever the **** is

Not impressed to be honest..He was pretty smooth in his delivery, although he did have a couple flubs, but it lacked any impact..Crowd gave almost no reaction to anything he said and it felt kinda forced..Dude really does need to be a babyface..[/quote]

Hahaha you never give dude any credit :lol:
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