Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

tag team division on SD :lol:
zack ryder went from having his WM moment and little push to this...
Was going to say something like this. Seems dumb to have American Alpha and a bunch of other jobber teams. I guess Breezango can be built to be strong though and Usos are there too...
Job Ziggles has to come out next week and cut a promo on the crowd for chanting YES when he got hit with the Dirty Deeds
Idk if it's been brought up but it looks to me like Orton def has more ink on his arms

damb i missed this :\

What happened here?
If y'all were getting someone that was into wrestling back into it what 5 shows/PPV would y'all recommend?

Tryna get my cousin back into it. He stopped after attitude era

I feel like you have to show someone more recent stuff (within last 12 months). If you're showing them matches from say 3+ years ago and then they take interest and watch current product they are going to be confused at drop in quality and the roster/gimmick changes.

Show them WM from this year, first Raw and Smackdown post draft, and pick an NXT show as well.
Becky with another L :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I get that she's a sympathetic though naive face, and Alexa is debuting, but she loses more than Jillian Hall. At least her promos are more convincing than Finn Balor

Tiny Alexa :pimp:

I don't have the slightest interest in seeing an Orton/Del Rio match, but I'll just leave it on in the background incase something happens
Slater doesn't need NXT. He's already better on the mic than half the roster, and he's not bad in the ring either...
He doesn't need it, but I think it would help as far as portraying him as a legit competitor instead of a 100% comedy guy
Thing is what would he do in nxt? He cant feud for the title the top nxt stars would look terrible losing to a guy who can win a match on the main roster
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