Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

Even tho He was out of his prime during my younger days Flair is still the goat to me followed by Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Kurt Angle.

Flair to me is the pinnacle of pro wrestling..He is, flat out, the best of all time..I remember watching him with my great-grandpa in the early 80's when I'd visit him in Tennessee..Lawler was huge down there too..But Flair coming through was always a huge deal..
I have to admit Kurt Angle has just as much of an argument to be the goat. I mean literally got 4 decent(one was near classic) matches out of Mr. Anderson the biggest flop of the past 15 years. That's an goat accomplishment by itself. :x
I have to admit Kurt Angle has just as much of an argument to be the goat. I mean literally got 4 decent(one was near classic) matches out of Mr. Anderson the biggest flop of the past 15 years. That's an goat accomplishment by itself. :x

I was never an Angle fan, but I will not deny how great of a worker he is/was..But he can't touch Flair..
You guys born in the late 80 should probably choose somebody from the attitude era as your favorite, me included. We were too young to understand what was going on with Hogan, Macho Man, Warrior, etc.

HBK, Razor, and Taker :pimp:

I've always appreciated what Hogan did for the business has far as bringing it to the mainstream and setting trends, but I can honestly say i never marked for him other than when he was in the NWO. i was watching more WCW programming though just cause at the time I didn't have cable, and WCW had a lot more shows on regular network tv than the WWE back then.

Miz vs John Morrison vs Daniel Bryan (Submissions Count Anywhere, 2010 or 2011)

Steve Corino vs Tajiri (Hardcore Heaven 2000)

Blitzkrieg vs Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jr vs Pscicosis (Nitro 99)

Al Snow vs Jeff Hardy (Raw 2000, Cage Match)
I read a scenario on another forum where all this Corporation vs D.Bry storyline leads to him winning the title @ WM XXX against HHH.

With HHH saying that Orton is just carrying the belt for him I could see this being and option.
Brock should've came out and F5'ed him against the fence then said he'll get on top of his wife tonight.
You guys born in the late 80 should probably choose somebody from the attitude era as your favorite, me included. We were too young to understand what was going on with Hogan, Macho Man, Warrior, etc.
Bret Hart for me. Taker was real dope too. Especially his earlier days.
I never hated hogan as a kid but wasn't a fan of his either. Didn't like the yellow and red combo or his lame legdrop or his terrible haircut.
I read a scenario on another forum where all this Corporation vs D.Bry storyline leads to him winning the title @ WM XXX against HHH.

With HHH saying that Orton is just carrying the belt for him I could see this being and option.

:smh: Wouldn't put it past HHH to pull this.

Or I would want to see it playing out this way. HHH as referee again, so D-Bry has to truly defy the odds (again). With a little help from a face turn by Vince, who orders Hunter to call it down the middle because (at this point in time, months later) "it's good for business", Hunter has no choice but to 3-count Bryan as the new champ. HHH then walks out of the ring in disgust as Bryan celebrates.
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I read a scenario on another forum where all this Corporation vs D.Bry storyline leads to him winning the title @ WM XXX against HHH.

With HHH saying that Orton is just carrying the belt for him I could see this being and option.

:smh: Wouldn't put it past HHH to pull this.

Or I would want to see it playing out this way. HHH as referee again, so D-Bry has to truly defy the odds (again). With a little help from a face turn by Vince, who orders Hunter to call it down the middle because (at this point in time, months later) "it's good for business", Hunter has no choice but to 3-count Bryan as the new champ. HHH then walks out of the ring in disgust as Bryan celebrates.

Then creates an instantaneous MITB case that only he knew about, Pedigrees Bryan, cashes in the case, Pedigrees him again, then wins the title.
All I know is I'm salty as hell that Ziggler isn't main eventing any more. Hopefully this angle with him not being able to speak up against HHH leads to something other than *** kicking from The Shield
WWE.com has issued a poll on who AJ Lee burned the worst during her tirade from Last Monday's Raw, including: The Bella Twins, The Funkadactyls, Natalya, Eva Marie, JoJo, and Tyson Kidd.

The Bella Twins are currently leading the poll at 39%

I'd forgive HHH's years of burial if he put dolph over at a pay per view one on one clean
Earlier today it was reported that Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) has been removed from the opening video for the NXT show. Ohno was not used at the latest TV tapings, and word is that officials are keeping him off TV until he focuses on getting his body into better shape. It had been previously reported that officials have been upset with Ohno's lack of focus conditioning and training.

Credit: The Wrestling Observer

Basically, what I observed a week or so back.

Punk and Colt talked about Hero on AOW a while back. They said that he hated going to the gym and most of the time just never bothered and a lot of guys (Punk and Colt included) questioned his commitment and passion for wrestling because he couldn't drive himself to fulfill a basic obligation of the sport.

He was on the indies then and obviously he spent a great deal of time travelling but now he's in the WWE and he can't really use that excuse anymore considering the physiques of the other people on the roster. WWE just spent a great deal of money on a performance center specifically for people in Ohno's position and for someone who they've put a lot of time and effort into to not use it is pretty much like slapping them in the face.

Get your **** together, Kassius.
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10's of 1000's of guys would love to be in Hero's spot, and he doesn't want it because he's too lazy to hit the weights.  I don't feel one ounce of remorse for this guy if he gets cut.
WWE.com has issued a poll on who AJ Lee burned the worst during her tirade from Last Monday's Raw, including: The Bella Twins, The Funkadactyls, Natalya, Eva Marie, JoJo, and Tyson Kidd.

The Bella Twins are currently leading the poll at 39%


Double Entendre?
Ha. That made me have an image of them starring in a double trouble themed pron.
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