Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

That bathurd Bobby Lashley was a Heyman guy? Don't even remember that
How you DA OVW dawg// There was a interview a year or so back where he talked about how Heyman would sit down with him and try to learn who he was as a person and from there write storylines based on his actual human character.
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I hope Big E is Heyman's new guy.

Wouldn't be mad at all. First thing Paul E needs to do is buy the guy some tights if this occurred.

re: Smackdown
return of the nWo?! :smokin

Also why don't all the superstars just walk out on Trips like they did years back. "Unsafe working conditions" I believe the reasoning was.
Good stuff gents.

Has he always been a tag-team manager? Never knew who he was before this We The People gimmick.
Hogan never appealed to me either and I was born in '83

Never was a Hulkamaniac. Found his "say your prayers, eat your vitamins" shtick to be extremely corny.

Dug his Hollywood Hogan persona and his NWO run though. Still remember how
I was when he was revealed as the third member It really shook up the wrestling world at the time.

I appreciate what he's done for wrestling, but I can't say that I was ever a Hogan fan.
So are you saying you, looking back on his WWF days, found his shtick to be corny?..Or are you saying you found it corny during his heyday?..
Honestly back when Hulkamania was literally running wild in the 80s I wasn't as into wrestling as I am now, but I'd watch it every now and then.

Anytime Hogan came on I was like

Guess that man in the middle:
Warrior, Dutch, Sting..
Funny seeing this pic.

Back in the day I legit thought Warrior and Sting were brothers in real life.

Had me like "Why don't these two stop messing around and form a tag team? They're brothers!"
^^You would be the only 6-7-8 yr. old that found Hulkamania corny..Find that kinda hard to believe..
Y'all in here lying saying you never liked Hogan or Warrior. :lol: Unless you were over 13 during their runs, I'm not buying it.

:lol: @ Naomi and Cameron having a cat fight on total divas. They shoulda kissed when they made up. :wow: :pimp:
I liked warrior until I really paid attention to him. But from day one I was a Shawn michaels guy, all cuz of that rumble win and Pamela Anderson. I was only 5 when he won the rumble (89 born)
I liked taker and the hart family. Honestly, I was a WCW kid growing up. My favorites were Macho Man & Sting. I was 6 when I started watching wrestling. Born in 87.
Damn I was born in 1992. Was always a WWF kid, I was a huge Hardy Boys fan. I will always remember when Jeff won the WWF title off Triple H at the beginning of an episode of Raw. Don't think they counted it though
Y'all in here lying saying you never liked Hogan or Warrior. :lol: Unless you were over 13 during their runs, I'm not buying it.

This..I was 12 when Hogan and Warrior faced off at WM 6 and I was a total mark for both..I guess that means a bunch of 6 yr olds were just way cooler and hipper than me..

For the posers..

You guys born in the late 80 should probably choose somebody from the attitude era as your favorite, me included. We were too young to understand what was going on with Hogan, Macho Man, Warrior, etc.
Y'all in here lying saying you never liked Hogan or Warrior. :lol: Unless you were over 13 during their runs, I'm not buying it.

This..I was 12 when Hogan and Warrior faced off at WM 6 and I was a total mark for both..I guess that means a bunch of 6 yr olds were just way cooler and hipper than me..

I saw that match when I was like 10 years old on tape and I thought it was the biggest match ever :lol:. Looking back their matches were terrible, they were like Cena before Cena.

My top 5

The Rock
Stone Cold
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