Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

I think they would take Hardy back in a heartbeat just because of the merchandise sales. Angle would love to go back but I don't think they'd have any interest in him.
Angle was a free agent recently (forget when exactly, but it was within the past 2 years), and WWE showed no interest in him.
I don't see either, but Jeff would be much more likely than Kurt if either were to go back.
Would love to see my dude back in WWE.

You guys should check out some old Dutch Mantell stuff with his whip "Shoo Baby." Had some classic matches with Lawler and in SMW.

Anyone listen to the live MLW podcast after Summerfest last week? Comparing MLW's podcast to Austin's is like apples to oranges. Both are good, just different flavors and although Austin is new, he does keep the listeners' attention. Catching part 2 of Austin's interview with Flair in a few on my commute home. He does exaggerate some stuff, him thinking that he was in Puerto Rico when Bruiser Brody was stabbed, but other than that, a really great listen.

Not big on the LAW's podcast and havent been following too much of Cabana's AOW. Any other good wrestling podcasts out there?
Yall know I love MLW. That is probably my favorite Podcast right now. If there are new episodes of Stone Cold, MLW, and LAW; it goes in this order of listening. MLW, LAW, Stone Cold.

I like all of them but the chemistry of MLW is cool. And Flair had some good stories. All wrestling fans need to listen.

Currently listening to Steve Austin's podcast with Samoa Joe. Really really good listen.
Started listening to it earlier on my bike but the damn IPOD died. Then I left it at work. SMH
"Let it go AJ, that was a year ago!" 
I have no idea where this AJ promo is going.  He's flipping heel to face to heel every 30 seconds.
hogan shouting out his jordans is too funny. Let MJ buy tna and have them all wrestle in his sneakers and wear my style jeans.
Man did Hogan butcher that promo.  Aces of Eights.  Then most importantly, he says Bully is going to face Sting THIS WEEK.  Sting runs out, I expect a match, and then Tenay says the match will be next week.
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