Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

@Peep Game

AOW 243 Michael Tarver by ColtCabana
Original Nexus member and WWE product, there is a lot more to Michael Tarver than most people know. Colt and Tarver spent time together in the developmental system. This conversation shows a lot more aspects than just wrestling. Sponsor: SuplexApparel.com

I remember Tarver was only average in the ring, but he was one hell of a talker. Doesn't dude really hate Cena too?
Man I was saying the same thing on Monday night
That is like when people used to call JaVale McGee talented. No, he is fast and can jump high.

That isn't TALENT. Those are physical gifts. Difference.

Naomi hasn't shown me much more than her athletic ability.

Go back and watch any Paige match from NXT if you aren't a believer
But I do understand what penny was trying to say. Naomi does deserve a title shot/reign even if it's only for a month. Divas division is like 10 deep and they always put the belt on the same girls. Naomi is better than both Bella's in ring but you know Vince trying to cash in that total divas money
Naomi looks like a stuntwomen out there in a ring. She reminds me of John Morrison on that season of Tough Enough when he was cut during tryiuts. She always seems pressed to get in as many athletic spots in as she can in her limited amout of ring time.
These damn allergies man.

And yes I mean real ones, not the ones you have when something hits you in the feels.

Never had seasonal allergies before until now. No idea if I have a cold either. Brenda HALP
In my opinion, going public was the worst thing to happen to the WWE. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious.
Naomi looks like a stuntwomen out there in a ring. She reminds me of John Morrison on that season of Tough Enough when he was cut during tryiuts. She always seems pressed to get in as many athletic spots in as she can in her limited amout of ring time.

I would too if I was given 3 min a night.
-WWE officials have begun the process of recruiting talents for the returning season of their old reality show, “Tough Enough,” which begins airing on the USA Network in June.

As things stand now, WWE is planning on using a mix of legitimate pro wrestlers and aspiring pro wrestlers on the newest season of the show.

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, you can expect a number of recognizable names from the independent pro wrestling scene on the cast. WWE is also reportedly in negotiations with some other talents that die-hard fans may have heard of.

One European wrestler that was invited to a WWE tryout in London this week saw his tryout get canceled, as WWE opted instead to have the talent apply to be part of the Tough Enough cast.

Another un-named independent talent has been telling friends that he has “all-but-been-promised” a spot in the final cast for the show.

WWE is reportedly working with other reality show casting companies that have worked on major hit-shows in the past to help with the recruiting process. One company in particular was brought on board specifically to try and cast some college and professional sports athletes.
But I do understand what penny was trying to say. Naomi does deserve a title shot/reign even if it's only for a month. Divas division is like 10 deep and they always put the belt on the same girls. Naomi is better than both Bella's in ring but you know Vince trying to cash in that total divas money
She does deserve a title shot. I can agree with that. 
yall can blame AJ brooks for Naomi's heel turn.

Taz parts ways with TNA
Super Lucha Jr............Where is the proof?
These damn allergies man.

And yes I mean real ones, not the ones you have when something hits you in the feels.

Never had seasonal allergies before until now. No idea if I have a cold either. Brenda HALP

My dude you don't need a pharmacist for this just take Benadryl, Allegra, Claritin..... Go to the pharmacy area in your nearest drug store take id and ask for any of the above 3 in D form. Benadryl will put you to sleep fam.
My dude you don't need a pharmacist for this just take Benadryl, Allegra, Claritin..... Go to the pharmacy area in your nearest drug store take id and ask for any of the above 3 in D form. Benadryl will put you to sleep fam.

That **** too $$$$$ need some home remedies B!
After watching RAW. And listening to Cole again. I learned to miss saxton on commentary :lol:
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