Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I wish there was a way to "favorite" posts so I could can show you all how right I was and how wrong you were about Neville in about 3 months.
:lol: :smh:

i was at the Mets game last night, we got a mean wave going throughout the stadium. white people love that **** man.
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I wish there was a way to "favorite" posts so I could can show you all how right I was and how wrong you were about Neville in about 3 months.
Yea, as if you were the only one that said dude would basically just fall into the mid-card in no time. SUCH a bold prediction. 
Off topic: I feel bad for him based on his support for a political party that wants nothing to do with him or his wife. Let that sink in...

They just want his money. They want him to be a rich donor that says nothing, maybe throw a dinner/gala on a issue they want backed etc etc. Linda running or Even Vince is what they hate......
I would call that inverted hetero but I don't want the Feline Safety Patrol Team crying.

But this is some "soft"  stuff
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Bryan pulled from the rest of the UK tour...dude is fragile....no wonder management don't believe in him as a main event draw. Say good bye to main eventing Bryan.
dude had a good run. body's giving out. he's been doing this a long time. i say have him get hit by a car and write him off tv for 6 months.
This company is ******* stupid for having him still do those flying headbutt spots. And idiotic for letting their hottest commodity since the AE era to fizzle like this.
Pencil Neck B+ Player needs to change his style. He can't keep trying to go full throttle like he was going during his memorable Championship chase. I'd hate to see the company feel they have to part ways with him just like they did Angle.

I don't know why they didn't ban him from doing Flying Headbutts and Suicide Dives :smh:
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