Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Pencil Neck B+ Player needs to change his style. He can't keep trying to go full throttle like he was going during his memorable Championship chase. I'd hate to see the company feel they have to part ways with him just like they did Angle.

I don't know why they didn't ban him from doing Flying Headbutts and Suicide Dives :smh:
What if they change him to a more technical wrestler and have a wide array of submission finisher moves. May not be cute but the more mature audience would enjoy it. The Yes Lock looks so gruesome with the torque on the shoulder, I could believe some of the top talent tapping to it.

Can still have the Running Knee as a finisher, in fact he'll rarely do it but when he does, its lights out.
He should just act like Shibata, style wise. Just be a primary striker and technician. He has gone away from his submission days as well. He has the tools man. Just chill out

But what happened forreal
Howling right now :rofl:

Wore this shirt to WrestleMania 31. People laughed. I didn't care. Because I CAN, and I WILL.

Then I wore it to school. Was made fun of. Couldn't focus for exams. Failed all of my classes. But I didn't care. Because I CAN, and I WILL.

So I dropped out of school and got a job working as a stockboy at the local Wal-Mart. Wore this shirt underneath my blue vest. Was a mediocre stockboy at best. Had a long feud with this guy named Tyler, who was always burying me to the supervisor. Didn't matter. The supervisor liked me anyway despite my lack of talent. Told me I had a great "look." Set me up to get a promotion to an office job at the Wal-Mart headquarters. Then, Tyler showed up to the job interview and got the job instead, and I'll be working as a stockboy for the rest of my life. Sufferin' succotash. But I don't care. Because I CAN, and I WILL.

Excellent quality, excellent fit, and excellent purchase. BELEE DAT!



48 of 48 people found the following review helpful
***** Great shirt
By Enrique "SLAM! Let the boys be boys!"on April 13, 2015

This shirt was hand crafted by the gods and handed down to us mere mortals to enjoy and appreciate. I remember the first time I saw Finn Balor in FCW. I told my wife at the time that in 2015 he will win all the belts. My wife and I are now divorced because she didn't beleet dat. Finn Balor is the pride of the indigenous Samoan population of Ireland, so if you wear this shirt there you will be touched. When I bought this I was instantly transported to the top of a set of stairs where I had to walk down and be touched and adored by the populace. I never felt so great. In the end if you think you can, you know you can. Beleet Dat.

crying @ "Beleet"
@Peep Game

AOW 243 Michael Tarver by ColtCabana

Original Nexus member and WWE product, there is a lot more to Michael Tarver than most people know. Colt and Tarver spent time together in the developmental system. This conversation shows a lot more aspects than just wrestling. Sponsor: SuplexApparel.com
havent seen emma much lately so i forgot , but paste basically does the same 5 moves she even loses that way too , i like naomi explosiveness for a girl her size she is bigger than most divas 
Naomi is athletic.

I don't consider that "talented." 

She isn't better than either one of them. Not even close to Paige at all.
havent seen emma much lately so i forgot , but paste basically does the same 5 moves she even loses that way too , i like naomi explosiveness for a girl her size she is bigger than most divas 

Paige has been toned down on the main roster but she's still better than everybody else except maybe Mattie
So you are saying Paige only has 5 moves? How many do you think Little Bill has?? She is a great athlete, but isn't polished whatsoever as an actual wrestler.
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