Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I'm sure this will help then...

I've watched this so many times that I can replay it in my head without the video. The part of Alberto's music when zigglers music hits, the pop, the strut of dolph as he walks down, the commentary, every part of the celebration and which part of dolphs song they occur at.

Greatest moment of my life
Same here. Easily the wrestling clip I have watched the most since 2012. AJ's facials and E's Expressions make the video special as well. And that Step Up Enzuguri by Del Rio, My Goodness

Fantasy-Booking the NBA Playoffs: The Chris Paul Heel Turn, the James Harden Disguise Shocker, and other NBA Narratives Reimagined WWE-Style « http://grantland.com/the-triangle/f...estling-lebron-james-chris-paul-james-harden/
What're some "high" points for yall with your favorite wrestler at the time? Mine is actually recent cause I was there live and marked out hard when sext cashed in at WM31.

Some examples...

Dbry at mania30
Cesaro joining heyman
Edge cashing in
RVD winning against chena
Krispenwah and Eddie winning the belt

Or meanjeans... The miz winning the wwe title :lol: :x

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Same here. Easily the wrestling clip I have watched the most since 2012. AJ's facials and E's Expressions make the video special as well. And that Step Up Enzuguri by Del Rio, My Goodness

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Who was it on here that was a mark for A-Ry? think it was hombrelobo 

I thought he was great though, charismatic & a great talker...passable in the ring. Thought he was going to be the guy to replace Cena but then he botched taking that Doctor Bomb from Swagger and got de-pushed from that point forward 

I remember when A-Train straight buried him in his return 
I think it was Peeps- @Peep Game  
Man Titus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sheamus  its not even close. Titus got the size and he can talk. What does Sheamus even bring to the table but we all know who will get the major push
They had to put him back with Young. Titus will never get his chance man.
Originally Posted by 22stylez

What're some "high" points for yall with your favorite wrestler at the time?


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Man Shawn had the sickest boots. When I was younger id always wish they had his boots in shoe form so I could wear it to school :lol:
@Peep Game

AOW 243 Michael Tarver by ColtCabana
Original Nexus member and WWE product, there is a lot more to Michael Tarver than most people know. Colt and Tarver spent time together in the developmental system. This conversation shows a lot more aspects than just wrestling. Sponsor: SuplexApparel.com

Appreciated Deep Segal :smokin

Pencil Neck B+ Player needs to change his style. He can't keep trying to go full throttle like he was going during his memorable Championship chase. I'd hate to see the company feel they have to part ways with him just like they did Angle.

I don't know why they didn't ban him from doing Flying Headbutts and Suicide Dives :smh:
What if they change him to a more technical wrestler and have a wide array of submission finisher moves. May not be cute but the more mature audience would enjoy it. The Yes Lock looks so gruesome with the torque on the shoulder, I could believe some of the top talent tapping to it.

Can still have the Running Knee as a finisher, in fact he'll rarely do it but when he does, its lights out.

Agreed. Sucks that Bryan spent so much time in the Indies, and basically peaked pretty fast in the WWE. I mentioned this before about Cesaro, but the WWE needs to do a better job of recognizing guys in the Indies, instead of signing them and making them languish before getting behind them. Cesaro is 34 right now, and though I dig him and Kidd as a team, he should've already been in the WWE beforehand, and already been a major player. Then when these guys start to breakdown, they blame in on the wrestlers instead of who is signing them. Look at them, signing Samoa Joe at thirty ******* six. Then if he doesn't pan out as a major player, they can shovel him back to the Indies as if he wasn't there.
Man Shawn had the sickest boots. When I was younger id always wish they had his boots in shoe form so I could wear it to school
Konnan says he dresses like a..................yea. 
His attires were always dope too(minus the brown one
Yea WrestleMania the Arcade game, from Midway, did a good job with is costumes. That game did a good job with their frankensteiner animation

I think it was Peeps- @Peep Game

Didn't you already post that like 3 pages ago :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:lol: :rofl:....yes yes yes, me, lobo, and I think one other person were Team A-Ry, and I'm not embarrassed to say that. This guy was getting legit unedited pops lounge after Miz and his split :lol: i was baffled yet impressed

As far as Sheamus/Titus, Sheamus is obviously the better wrestler, but Titus has gotten better in the ring, and i would've loved a solid heel run for him with an IC/US title reign. He can talk, has a distinct look, has charisma, and it alright in the ring. There's guys who have a least gotten a decent who are missing half of those.
:lol: :rofl:....yes yes yes, me, lobo, and I think one other person were Team A-Ry, and I'm not embarrassed to say that. This guy was getting legit unedited pops lounge after Miz and his split :lol: i was baffled yet impressed

As far as Sheamus/Titus, Sheamus is obviously the better wrestler, but Titus has gotten better in the ring, and i would've loved a solid heel run for him with an IC/US title reign. He can talk, has a distinct look, has charisma, and it alright in the ring. There's guys who have a least gotten a decent who are missing half of those.

His run on NXT was decent.
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