Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Only crappy thing about Albert getting the head trainer gig is he doesn't do commentary anymore... I really enjoyed him there....
Work 3 12hr shifts a week so it's not that bad ...didn't feel like coming in tonight so **** is dragging
ive done overnight before. **** sucks. that feeling of you going to work at night while everyone on their way home is not a good feel.

I didn't mind during weekdays I felt extra left out during weekend tho :lol: only did it for 2 months when I first started working promised myself never again
my co-worker would argue with me about working overnight and that you do lose half a day.

my schedule was sunday night - thursday night. so i get home friday morning..sleep.. and that's half my friday. then sunday i gotta go to sleep early to prepare for sunday night work so satruday is my only full day off. **** was turrible
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That's a terrible schedule man the hell did you do 7 hours a shift? :lol: na man 4 days max and I had to get out by 7 am
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I did a 6pm-6am job for about 4 months... Plastic factory... MISERABLE... I was doing entirely to much coke and other **** on that job... Came to on the job once after a night of vodka and valium... Only time I've ever driven messed up...
My friend's a nurse working that kind of schedule. She's becoming a cat lady. The female Jesse if you will.
Does she look good though?
Yes :lol: her current boyfriend is a moron though. i always joke with her about getting married so I can get health insurance.
i'm wondering if CP34 made a new thread and if jesse made a new thread who would post where... everybody's true colors would come out and the line would be drawn... :nerd:

i'd follow the buzzard...
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i'm wondering if CP34 made a new thread and if jesse made a new thread who would post where... everybody's true colors would come out and the line would be drawn... :nerd:

i'd follow the buzzard...

In order for your scenerio to work... I'd have to start a thread the same week faithful leader does... And I lost count which week it is in out 7-week thread shelf life now...
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