Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

What move was Neville going for before BNB washed him with that Bullhammer? A regular 450?
He just does that to fake like he was going for the Red Arrow. He has done that in just about any competitive match he has wrestled. Almost like how Eddie Guerrero would.......as a matter of fact. I just remembered. Me > Had Pants

It is just a planned spot. Eddie wasn't going to do a Frog Splash but, you know. Tease it
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if the sox are gonna continue to wear those lame *** red little league lookin friday jerseys....they can lose every friday for all i care!
if the sox are gonna continue to wear those lame *** red little league lookin friday jerseys....they can lose every friday for all i care!

Those and the all blue ones are terrible man :lol: like they forgot to wash the regular grey jerseys and used the spring training ones.
Arod the biggest heel in Boston :lol: they tried to boo that man out the building but he still won :lol:

A-Rod can suck my ****...

if the sox are gonna continue to wear those lame *** red little league lookin friday jerseys....they can lose every friday for all i care!

I'm not a fan of either of of our alt's... I do love the hat though... I think we should have an alt, but can't think of what a good one would be...
-Regarding WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins no longer using the Curb Stomp as his main finisher, the main reason for the change was Vince McMahon not liking the move. Vince reportedly has been voicing displeasure for the move more and more over the past few months, especially during Rollins’ work with Brock Lesnar.

It was said that Vince did not like the visual of Lesnar having to lay there “like an idiot” each time he was waiting for Rollins to deliver the Curb Stomp. Following WrestleMania 31, Vince made the decision and put out an edict that Rollins needed a new finisher as soon as possible.

Reports of WWE wanting a move for Rollins that’s more versatile and concerns about concussions are also true but the main reason for dropping the move was because Vince didn’t like it and wanted a change.

:smh: Vince :stoneface:
i don't know, it's a shame they got rid of the curb stomp...but i have seen a few that were very poorly timed...and it did look stupid imo
Only person that made it look stupid was cena. Dude jumped 10 feet to sell the stomp jack!
I'm all for the curb stomp being a suprise and/or super finisher ala the punt... I do agree he needs another move he can use... Give him the pedigree and call it a day...
i've got a date tonight with my female friend's younger sister. need to make up for not pulling my blonde from toronto.

you need to whip it out on her b
anything less aggressive & i'll be disappoint
just got back from the date. solid first date. just couldn't do anything of that sort since I'm too close to her sister :lol: random skeezer it would've been different, but i gotta be classy with this chick.

Summer Bae is below basic B
stop it slime

I'm all for the curb stomp being a suprise and/or super finisher ala the punt... I do agree he needs another move he can use... Give him the pedigree and call it a day...
agreed. totally fine for this new move being a signature/occasional win but its not a full time finisher.
i always felt brock handled the curb stomp very well and realistically. no qualms with him during it. never felt like he looked like an idiot.
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