Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

That finisher was cute but nowhere near as perfect as the Curb Stomp was for Best Heel in the Business' character
so that's Seth's new finisher now that the Curb Stomp is banned?
Yes. If he has the Phoenix Splash as his finisher, he'll get too over.
I've been outta the loop for a few days, so why is Seth's finisher different?
I'm not watching bc I turned off after they sent out kane. but I forgot I read earlier they were changing seths move. the curb stomp is one of the best finishers in the game and an original one at that.

also case you must get the best pain killers out there. praying for you though. back pain is the worst pain out there man.
That new Rollins finisher is not a main eventer's finisher :lol: That's something Amazing Red should be doing after a 720 senton
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I'm not watching bc I turned off after they sent out kane. but I forgot I read earlier they were changing seths move. the curb stomp is one of the best finishers in the game and an original one at that.

also case you must get the best pain killers out there. praying for you though. back pain is the worst pain out there man.

150 Percocet 10's a month bro.. :tongue:
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