Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Seth's new finisher is trash. I'm guessing he'll be using the Phoenix Splash at PPV's.

That RKO was dope though.
Only caught the last 10 minutes of RAW, how was the show aside from that? I miss spending Mondays with you guiz
I'm not watching bc I turned off after they sent out kane. but I forgot I read earlier they were changing seths move. the curb stomp is one of the best finishers in the game and an original one at that.

also case you must get the best pain killers out there. praying for you though. back pain is the worst pain out there man.

150 Percocet 10's a month bro.. :tongue:

shewwww you gotta tell them they hurt your belly too much aspirin. and you need them 30s. they will put you right.
Since they're making such a big deal about him being the authorities hand picked champ why not give him the pedigree? :nerd:
Seth probably used that as a temp finisher since he didn't have much time to think of anything. Or so I hope. Jeans needs a new one regardless.
Case Case

Sending some prayers your way big homie...and when you're feeling down..just thinK about smashing Nattie...
shewwww you gotta tell them they hurt your belly too much aspirin. and you need them 30s. they will put you right.

Nah they are actually ok on my stomach..They're thinking me of switching my meds to something else..I don't know what but it should be a little stronger with less pills per day..Which is fine with me cause I'd rather take less but have longer lasting relief..
Is Seth's new move better or worse than the stroke?...
No clue what the stroke is but the move seth uses sucks



That. And ehhhhhhh, I guess Jarrett's is better :lol:
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So WWE banned Curb Stomp + God's Last Gift (Small Package Driver).

He already uses Skywalker, Running Powerbomb, Diving Knee. All his other moves are babyface moves.
shewwww you gotta tell them they hurt your belly too much aspirin. and you need them 30s. they will put you right.

Nah they are actually ok on my stomach..They're thinking me of switching my meds to something else..I don't know what but it should be a little stronger with less pills per day..Which is fine with me cause I'd rather take less but have longer lasting relief..
Just always be careful fam.

That goes for everyone. Be smart fam.
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