Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

Heyman is awesome.  If they wanted people to actually watch these pre/post shows, they should let their talent actually TALK without using a script.  And keep Alex Riley off my tv.....

Paul Heyman is incredible... He has a reaction to everything, which is how it should be.. His blank staring of disbelief at Rose was perfect... Loved him whispering to Nattie to hit her while her back was turned... I think I'm actually going to buy his DVD in August...
Paul Heyman is incredible... He has a reaction to everything, which is how it should be.. His blank staring of disbelief at Rose was perfect... Loved him whispering to Nattie to hit her while her back was turned... I think I'm actually going to buy his DVD in August...
I'm definitely getting that DVD.
why doesnt paul heyman have a bigger role in the wwe,i feel like he would be a good boss type villian sort of like vince.orrr at least give him a heenan style type stable.i would love some heenan/cornette style antics during matches.

i also loved the those million dollar man managed maches where they would be wondering which wrestler sold out lol 
Backstage Expectations High for WWE Payback Event

F4WOnline.com reports that there are people backstage at WWE who believe the Payback event on Sunday will be a good show because there is no way WWE can let the developmental talent on the NXT Takeover special outshine the main roster on PPV.

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Backstage Expectations High for WWE Payback Event

F4WOnline.com reports that there are people backstage at WWE who believe the Payback event on Sunday will be a good show because there is no way WWE can let the developmental talent on the NXT Takeover special outshine the main roster on PPV.

well i sure hope this means we will get a great ppv,but i doubt it.but i really hope this forces them to make everything better not just wrestling but storylines and feuds and gimmicks for all the talent they have.if they can turn dudes like road dog and dlo brown and val venis and all them dudes from the late 90s in stars then they should have no problem with this current great talent
MVP suffered a knee injury last night in Preston, UK for Preston City Wrestling. He was wrestling in a tag match, teaming with PCW champ Joey Hayes, vs Kris Travis & Danny Hope. Towards the end of the match whilst brawling outside the ring with Travis, MVP  suffered a knee injury that he later categorised as 'popping his knee'. He immediately limped to the back. He was in town for a PCW Supershow 4 weekend, where they book a lot of international stars across 3 shows on Friday & Saturday. reDRagon, Hurricane Helms, Al Snow, Juventud Guerrera, Chris Masters & Uhaa Nation also featured. Also in town was Jeremy Borash, who guest ring announced the Friday night main event & was at the Meet & Greet this afternoon.

MVP was set to face Kris Travis in a singles match tonight but was on crutches. He cut a promo at the start of the show, explaining that he couldn't wrestle tonight. He said that he heard his knee pop & went to the hospital today for an x-ray. He said it was inconclusive and that he'd need an MRI done. Whether this affects his ppv match with Eric Young in 2 weeks on the TNA ppv is a big question.
Tough luck there with MVP, never wanna see someone sidelined. Hope he recovers.

Uso channeling his inner Jeff Harvey. Nice job keeping it unique with the super kick at the end.
i really hope payback is good,wish they couldve squeezed a tag title match in there but whatever,i just want the cena feud over and evolution over i want sheamus gone and rvd no more ppv for these dudes man
I'm still trying to decide between payback or game of thrones tomorrow night. The past few raws have not helped payback's case.
Watched Takeover today.

Best show WWE has put out since probably Wrestlemania 30

Zayn v. Breeze, Nattie v. Charlotte and Tyson Kidd v. Neville were top notch.

Flair losing his mind and getting emotional after Charlotte won.

Rusev squashing that lame Mojo Rawley.

Now way the Payback PPV will be better than Takeover IMO, but stranger things have happened.
Mania seemed so long ago. I remember the matches Bryan matches were good.

The ending of the battle Royal was great. Also the shock of the a Taker match.

So a show with great book ends and a few other memorable moments.

The Shield squash match was meh. The Women's match was chaos. Cena/Bray has been pretty uninspired in ring. Harper seems to have gotten better matches out of Cena. And the Taker match was poor compared to the Michaels, HHH and Punk matches.
The reason XXX was great because for the first time in a long time, the WWE is ushering in the new talent and the future of the company in one show. And the fact that they did it at the biggest event of the year goes to show the confidence they have for them.
Dont forget the opening segment. It was damn near as perfect as it gets. NO one ecpected Rock to show up. Still giving it some time before I rewatch the show.
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