Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

First round draft pick and your on the clock:
Hogan or Flair in there prime? Flair is better at everything but hogan was the biggest draw of that era.

I'm taking Flair..Better worker, better talker, better story teller..And Flair was a better draw than Hogan..He wrestled probably 3 times the matches Hogan did and was filling up venues..

MacIntyre,?,?, Future Legend, hornswoggle?, Claudio, ADR..
First round draft pick and your on the clock:
Hogan or Flair in there prime? Flair is better at everything but hogan was the biggest draw of that era.

Hogan... Flair is the better pro wrestler by years... But HH was the very first sports entertainer, and has was to many intangibles....
Sheamus and Cesaro all buddy-buddy?

Luke Harper looking like he took a shower?

DC is gonna be pissed.
:smh: But this is the new school type of wrestling yall dudes like. Everybody friends in public after hellacious fights. From the SAME NIGHT.

Yet you purchased his album, along with Nick Cannon's.
:lol: Yea I noticed Peep likes that off the wall Wayne Brady type humor.
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Ill be a rose bud and a boliever.dont try to hop on the bandwagon later.

The usos been working on their mic skills,wwe also desperately needs nore charasmatic mic workers.always been a huge fan of mic work,make the character more believable.
Lol i already watched it no need to watch it again if u watched it already unless u want to refresh for the discussion
I hope he picks a different PPV how many times do we have to watch SS 95.

With that said.....

Tournament for the WWE Championship. Semi-Final battles between The Rock and The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mankind.

I remember everyone was rooting for the Rock in this one. Vince pulled the ULTIMATE swerve in the final match.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
I think the Wednesday PPV sounds good. I couldn't keep up with the Network thread because of school, but now that I'm out I have more free time.
Can someone point me in the direction of a really good Royal Rumble? I have a little time to kill...
Supposedly Layla vs Summer is gonna be added to Payback, with Fandango possibly the special guest ref. My question is, who exactly is the face in that match? Summer is the one who dissed Fandango on Total Divas, yet Fandango dumping Summer is the storyline they ran with on twitter. So lazy :lol:
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