Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

What is your favorite WrestleMania match of all time?

  • Savage v Steamboat - IC Title Match (WM3)

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  • Hogan v Savage - Superpowers Collide (WM5)

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  • Warrior v Hogan - Title v Title (WM6)

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  • Warrior v Savage - Retirement Match (WM7)

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  • Bret v Owen (WM10)

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  • Razor v HBK - IC Title Ladder Match (WM10)

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  • Shawn v Bret - WWF Title Iron Man Match (WM12)

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  • Bret v Austin (WM13)

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  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title Ladder Match (WM2000)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title TLC Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Austin v Rock - WWF Title No DQ Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rock v Hogan (WM18)

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  • Michaels v Jericho (WM19)

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  • Benoit v HHH v HBK - World Title Match (WM20)

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  • Angle v Michaels (WM21)

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  • Michaels v Flair - Retirement Match (WM24)

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  • Undertaker v Michaels (WM25)

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  • Undertaker v Michaels - Streak v Career Match (WM26)

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  • Undertaker v HHH - No Holds Barred Match (WM27)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - Hell in a Cell, HBK Special Guest Referee (WM28)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i thought wrestlemania 30 was supposed to be in madison square garden, wa happen?

WWE decided to throw tradition out the window for more money, MSG has a capacity of like 20,000 people and the NOLA stadium is like 4 times that.
I also read that booking MSG is expensive as hell.
Before the pre show began me and my two boys wanted to walk around so we walked towards the floor and we asked the security guard to take our picture. Then we walked right in to the floor area and he didnt ask for our ticket. We proceeded to take pictures next to the ring, the ramp, the stage, etc. I even got videos of Miz and Barrett entrances. Spent bout 30 minutes taking endless pics on the floor area.

Mania was decent. I'm very happy Cena won, as I can't stand Rock.
When Levesque hit that lariat on Lesnar early in the match, i thought he broke his neck.

I guess the big question going forward is who nutted on Levesque? You know, he did have a mean wet spot on his pants that Raw when he busted Lesnar open.

Hopefully my brother is safe.
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Crowd wasn't too much into the HHH/Lesnar match, but i don't blame them. It was right after Punk/Taker and they were exhausted. They needed to put a match in between those 2 matches.
Got around to watching it.

Painfully average show, but not terrible.

- 6 man tag was solid, The Shield looking strong. Heel Big Show turning....heel was hilariously awful though.

- Ryback/Henry was forgettable. Kinda feel bad for Ryback.

- Jericho/Fandango was okay. Fandango wasn't really that impressive.

- Tag title was also okay. Big E is awesome.

- ADR/Swagger happened. lol @ Swagger getting the jobber entrance. Shocked at no cash in. Don't really care about Dolph cashing in now..it would be kinda meh at this point.

- Mad that I didn't get to see Naomi's mass in HD.

- Punk/Taker was great. Taker no selling that GTS and immediately hitting the tombstone had me like :wow:

- HHH/Brock was lame. ...and I'm not even going to comment on HHH's entrance. :lol:

- Cena/Rock sucked. Their match at 28 was 10x better. The stuff afterward was so damn corny.

This was definitely an event that you needed to attend as opposed to watching it on TV.

I was disappointed with The Shield and Orton, Sheamus and Show's match. I preferred Orton turn to heel it was just so predictable with Show being the bad seed of the group.

The Mark Henry and Ryback match had a lot of potential but definitely fell flat. Another disappointing ending.

The tag team champion match was also disappointing because IMO Team Hell No has ran it's course. I called Ziggles to get his tag team championship and cash in his money in the bank briefcase and neither occurred. I mean how long is he suppose to carry that for?? WWE really dropped the ball with this faction of Ziggler Big E and AJ. They could have had a divas title match and have AJ win it and really do damage with this group. Many of us was really disappointed with the outcome of this match.

The Fandango and Jericho match was also disappointing. I get Jericho is a company guy but enough is enough dude should have won this match. When's the last time he's won the big one? Fandango is a heel he would of bounced back from the lost.

Del Rio and Swagger was okay. Nothing too crazy with this match. I'm glad he retained. I just don't like Swagger. Never will.

Punk and Taker was AWESOME. They definitely stole the show. They had me on the edge of my seat, losing it as cold as it was out there :lol: At one point I was actually second guessing if Taker was gonna win. Punk really has a chance to go far man. I just hope they continue to push him to the moon. He was awesome tonight. Great match to witness live.

Lesnar and HHH was boring. I mean it's gotten to a point where you know when to expect a match to heat up and when it should get ready to end. That was the case with this match. I really didn't get into it at all.

Finally the main event. I was 99% sure Cena was winning but I was hoping just maybe they reenact Austin and Rock where it takes Cena the third time to actually beat Rock. I think I lost my voice form booing Cena lol. The hate for this man was so real, ironically I was next to 4 Cena fans :lol: but they were cool. This match was od rushed, but it was okay. Wasn't that bad but it sucks when you know when to expect certain things so it's not that exciting. I knew when Rock was going for that last Rock Bottom it was over for him. Disappointing. And what a way to end Wrestlemania. The face of the company being booed out the building and not even The Rock could help him.

That belt doesn't even look good on him man. Yes I'm hating. I can't stand that goof ball.

Anyway all in all it wasn't a bad Wrestlemania. I enjoyed it a lot. But like I said before I think it was the atmosphere and being there more than the actual matches.
I saw on one if the dirt sheets I follow on twitter is that Punk is apparently about to take some extended time off. That's why he never fought in a match in the build up to mania because he is beat up. Also Rock is suppose to be around until ER to try and fill the void of punk being gone. But that's what the sheet said so take that with a grain of salt.
Why are people talking about the possibility of Ziggler cashing in for the WWE championship? that briefcase is for the Heavyweight title last time I checked.
I had fun at wrestlemania. Met a few NT heads briefly since I got there later then originally expected, the chants on the nj transit and from the people in my section were hilarious. Glad I could cross attending wrestlemania off my bucket list, I sat way the hell up top but just to expierence a wrestlemania live was worth it to me.

I think I might just do it again next year if my schedule will allow me to.
Overall I thought Mania was decent.  I'm glad The Shield won. I  wish WWE would put Reigns in the WWE Title mix while they have Rollins and Ambrose go for the tag titles and/or the Intercontinental and US Titles.  

Jericho was awesome and he carried Fandango though their match.  Fandango was still impressive in his debut though.  

The tag match could have been better.  I feel like WWE rushed through the match.   Big E looked impressive.  Dude needs to get a singles push if they're gonna continue having Ziggler lose all the time.   Big E vs Cesaro for the US Title would be a great match in my opinion.

Ryback vs Mark Henry was weak.   All I remember is Mark Henry running Ryback over to start the match and the finish.  lol

ADR vs Swagger was weak also.   Del Rio needs to be more aggressive if he wants to get over better as a face.   Swagger mocks his race and breaks his friends ankle. Yet  he doesn't start off the match rushing Swagger like Stone Cold would have done.  smh That's why the story wasn't getting over with the crowd.   Del Rio never did a good job selling the story. 

Punk vs Taker was awesome! Punk looked excited as hell standing in the corner before the match.   Punk vs Taker stole the show.  Punk jumping off the ropes onto Taker on the table had to hurt.   It was sick when Punk hit GTS and Taker bounced off the ropes and hit the Tombstone before he fell out.  lol Punk mocking Taker's walk on the ropes was cool too.  Best match I have saw in a while.  Taker surprised the s**t outta me.  I thought he was gonna be moving around like a old man but he looked good in there.

Triple H vs Brock had it's moments but overall it was boring. They took to many breaks.   Triple H beat Brock just like how Cena beat Brock if I'm not mistaken.   Didn't Cena hit his special on the steps also to get the win?

Cena vs Rock was a slow paced match until the last couple of minutes.   With a lot of the Rock's family at ringside I think this was his last match at ever being in the Title picture again.   I thought it was cool how he passed the torch to Cena at the end of Mania.  They could have left the corny salute to each other out though lol

I'm hoping we get some fresh feuds started on Raw tomorrow otherwise it's gonna get  boring fast.  
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Like I said last night, Dolph and Orton need to join them and have an ULTIMATE heel stable.

Heyman Family

Too many alphas. All are main event level, it be better with a stable of young dudes fronted by Punk/Lesner. Thats why i thought the shield would have been dope to have, but alas its not meant to be
Like I said last night, Dolph and Orton need to join them and have an ULTIMATE heel stable.

Heyman Family

Too many alphas. All are main event level, it be better with a stable of young dudes fronted by Punk/Lesner. Thats why i thought the shield would have been dope to have, but alas its not meant to be

I like that idea. But at the same time I want Punk to flourish on his own again.
I like that idea. But at the same time I want Punk to flourish on his own again.

He did have a year long reign on his own. Let him come back after alittle break and just be a mouth piece only wrestling alittle while pushing the young dudes along with Heyman and Lesnar. This of course will eventually lead to the dream match of Lesner Vs Punk
I def think Punk needs some time off, not that I'm tired of him by any means.. but he's probably burnt the eff out.
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