Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

What is your favorite WrestleMania match of all time?

  • Savage v Steamboat - IC Title Match (WM3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hogan v Savage - Superpowers Collide (WM5)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior v Hogan - Title v Title (WM6)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior v Savage - Retirement Match (WM7)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bret v Owen (WM10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Razor v HBK - IC Title Ladder Match (WM10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shawn v Bret - WWF Title Iron Man Match (WM12)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bret v Austin (WM13)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title Ladder Match (WM2000)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title TLC Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Austin v Rock - WWF Title No DQ Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rock v Hogan (WM18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michaels v Jericho (WM19)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Benoit v HHH v HBK - World Title Match (WM20)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Angle v Michaels (WM21)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michaels v Flair - Retirement Match (WM24)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v Michaels (WM25)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v Michaels - Streak v Career Match (WM26)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - No Holds Barred Match (WM27)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - Hell in a Cell, HBK Special Guest Referee (WM28)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The problem with WWE it is so dang predicatable now

Taker/Punk was match of the night, was let down the table didn't break after punk did that elbow drop.

HHH/Lesnar was good but don't like the fact HHH won, Bane Lesnar pretty much went HAM on HHH the whole match and loses at the end....pointless

Rock/Cena.......as expected Hulk Hogan Super Sayian Cena won but the match had not flow to it all...........It must be in The Rock's contract that he can only take minimum bumps, thus match contatins only finishers, punches, and chokeholds....
WWE decided to throw tradition out the window for more money, MSG has a capacity of like 20,000 people and the NOLA stadium is like 4 times that.
I also read that booking MSG is expensive as hell.

So is it safe to say Mania will never be at MSG again?

Cena is boring period. His moves are so repetitive.

Thus allowing him to continue to wrestle longer than we all hope.
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You can tell Cena enjoys these matches against The Rock...

Dude gets to yuck it up and play the douche he'll never portray on television.
If it wasnt for an awesome Punk/Taker match I wouldve been sick to my stomach this morning. It saved the whole card. Taker looked so good
Too many alphas. All are main event level, it be better with a stable of young dudes fronted by Punk/Lesner. Thats why i thought the shield would have been dope to have, but alas its not meant to be
They all don't have to wrestle on EACH card. Dolph isn't "there" yet anyways. Orton isn't at the top exactly right now either. Brock will hardly be there.

I think it can work.

In the 1990's The Heenan Family had Flair, Rude, and Mr. Perfect.

It can work if done correctly.

Also, this would allow us to go back to traditional Survivor Series matches come November.
Also, it seems like I did a good job of going to bed after the HHH/Brock match. I "cut" it off before Cena/Rock even came out. 8)
So the day after attending WM I can confidently say I am 100% disappointed and angry and think I wasted $300+ for my floor tickets.

First off all I was seated on the floor but had one of those beams that was holding up the giant WM statue of liberty overhand blocking a portion of the ring. It was infuriating and our entire section kept chanting "we cant see."

How the hell do you charge $300+ for tickets and don't say you're view will be obstructed. I understand that the tix go on sale well before WM is being planned and built but what a disservice to the fans who spend the $ and then can't see and there is nothing I can do about it.

Punk and Taker was amazing, it was electric and exciting. But everything else was rather terrible including the boring, repetitive main event. The crowd was sooo dead for most of the PPV it was shocking. I'm very unhappy.

I can take solace in the Punk and Taker match and saying I saw Taker live and witnessed his entrance at at WM and all that but I feel like I did not get my moneys worth.

I had a lot of fun in the parking lot 3 hrs before the show. Right where I parked I saw a drunk dude egging on a fat guy to hit him with a steel chair. After a while the fat guy belts the drunk, shirtless man in the back with the chair and said shirtless man collapses.

Saw a ton of funny people dressed up.

Stood by the wrestling back stage entrance and saw HBK, Alicia Fox, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow etc. I also saw Bob Backlund who walked out and came right up to me. He was in dingy sweats and sweater holding a box trying to sell us signed posters and pictures for $20. Sad.

I guess it's cool to say I was at WM, but there was a ton of poor matches and nothing special really happened. Can't help but feel disappointed. Here's to a great new wrestling year.
Man Bob Backlund used to terrify me as a kid. I remember he was a heel during the 90s and played this psycho character. He used to go around giving people the Cross face Chicken wing. Dude had me straight shook
So the day after attending WM I can confidently say I am 100% disappointed and angry and think I wasted $300+ for my floor tickets.

First off all I was seated on the floor but had one of those beams that was holding up the giant WM statue of liberty overhand blocking a portion of the ring. It was infuriating and our entire section kept chanting "we cant see."

How the hell do you charge $300+ for tickets and don't say you're view will be obstructed. I understand that the tix go on sale well before WM is being planned and built but what a disservice to the fans who spend the $ and then can't see and there is nothing I can do about it.

I've read reports on a couple different sites, this morning, that a bunch of people in the stadium seats complained about obstructed views..WWE officials relocated them and most got upgraded to floor seats..Apparently WWE kept a bunch of floor seats and lower bowl seats available just in case this issue came up..

Sorry about your seats man, but still jelly you got to see Taker live at Mania..
Anyone here know how to go about getting front row tickets to sit right up on the barricade, camera side?

Ask SuNi! Dude is the king when it comes to getting good seats. Thank god Mania is inside a dome next year and there won't be any stupid pillars blocking people's views! Can't wait to be there next year!
I woke up today feeling like crap.

I'm going to file a dispute with my bank to get my money back over that streaming fiasco.

If worse comes to worse...

I'm going to sue the wwe, and take them to small claims court.
So the day after attending WM I can confidently say I am 100% disappointed and angry and think I wasted $300+ for my floor tickets.

First off all I was seated on the floor but had one of those beams that was holding up the giant WM statue of liberty overhand blocking a portion of the ring. It was infuriating and our entire section kept chanting "we cant see."

How the hell do you charge $300+ for tickets and don't say you're view will be obstructed. I understand that the tix go on sale well before WM is being planned and built but what a disservice to the fans who spend the $ and then can't see and there is nothing I can do about it.

Punk and Taker was amazing, it was electric and exciting. But everything else was rather terrible including the boring, repetitive main event. The crowd was sooo dead for most of the PPV it was shocking. I'm very unhappy.

I can take solace in the Punk and Taker match and saying I saw Taker live and witnessed his entrance at at WM and all that but I feel like I did not get my moneys worth.

I had a lot of fun in the parking lot 3 hrs before the show. Right where I parked I saw a drunk dude egging on a fat guy to hit him with a steel chair. After a while the fat guy belts the drunk, shirtless man in the back with the chair and said shirtless man collapses.

Saw a ton of funny people dressed up.

Stood by the wrestling back stage entrance and saw HBK, Alicia Fox, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow etc. I also saw Bob Backlund who walked out and came right up to me. He was in dingy sweats and sweater holding a box trying to sell us signed posters and pictures for $20. Sad.

I guess it's cool to say I was at WM, but there was a ton of poor matches and nothing special really happened. Can't help but feel disappointed. Here's to a great new wrestling year.

Sounds like you were parked in the J section. I saw the two ambulances and cops go over there and heard people talking about that.

I was upset as well that I spent 450 bucks on my "floor" seats. It sucks that they were not elevated. I was facing the stage and didnt have a beam in my way but I was in row u so there is like 20 rows in front of me in my section then the ring side seats so it was hard to see over everybody especially when people stood up. For most of the show I just walked where I wanted. I was by the stage for a while, I sat ringside for some of the taker match, stood with x pac and lita for a little over by the production area..

This show did not feel like a wrestlemania at all. This felt like a normal summer ppv. No shock value at all, no "wrestlemania moments", typical predictable finishes.

The taker vs punk match was good. Everybody stood the whole match. HHH vs brock was 2nd imo.

No national anthem or america the beautiful?

Botches all over. Hell they even started playing the undertakers music for a second during the pre show.

I wont spend that much again unless im within 3 rows of the ring like I usually do for every sporting event. If im further than 3 rows away its not as enjoyable for me.

I took a bunch of pics. Ill post a few here and post a link for my photobucket for those interested.

Hall of fame was cool. Met up with 4w to have a few drinks as well.
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