Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

What is your favorite WrestleMania match of all time?

  • Savage v Steamboat - IC Title Match (WM3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hogan v Savage - Superpowers Collide (WM5)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior v Hogan - Title v Title (WM6)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior v Savage - Retirement Match (WM7)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bret v Owen (WM10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Razor v HBK - IC Title Ladder Match (WM10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shawn v Bret - WWF Title Iron Man Match (WM12)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bret v Austin (WM13)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title Ladder Match (WM2000)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title TLC Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Austin v Rock - WWF Title No DQ Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rock v Hogan (WM18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michaels v Jericho (WM19)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Benoit v HHH v HBK - World Title Match (WM20)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Angle v Michaels (WM21)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michaels v Flair - Retirement Match (WM24)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v Michaels (WM25)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v Michaels - Streak v Career Match (WM26)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - No Holds Barred Match (WM27)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - Hell in a Cell, HBK Special Guest Referee (WM28)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Haven't payed much attention, but if HHH & Cena go over it'll be another predictable lame WM.



I keep on thinking what will be the "Shock" on Raw the next night. Last year we had Brock come in and F5 Cena.

I would think it would be overkill for a Rock win and then Cena ends Raw with the Rock saying he will put his career on the line for one more shot at Extreme Rules especially for the payoff a WM would be to Cena.

I also have kept in mind where they place the matches for Brock/HHH and Punk/Taker. if that rumor about HBK/HHH was at all true, and they still played off the Punk trying to get Taker disqualified, would HBK be involved (Yes it is completely random) if he screws HHH in his match with Brock and then later, comes out during Punk/Taker and tries to screw the Undertaker as well (Kinda working for Heyman type deal) Taker pulls out a win of course and it leads to some sort of match (Still trying to figure out the HHH angle if he somehow wins) being setup the next night on raw for a WM 30 match between HHH/HBK with Taker's blessing. ( Since they were all tied into it for about 4 years between HBK/Taker and HHH/Taker, the tie in this year is Heyman. I mean, I am surprise during this Brock/HHH thing that not ONCE they had Heyman saying to HHH that he will have a client do something he and his friend were unable to do and have another one end his career like his friend HBK). Remember, HBK was not involved in the first one between HHH/Taker because of his feelings towards not beating the streak, then last year, he attempted to help HHH for it to backfire. It could be three years in a row where Shawn is left heartbroken at WM. (of course leaving out his HOF induction). Could be a nice build for Shawn to end with a win taking out HHH for his career and the two going off in the sunset.

I wish there was more tie in that could be done. I guess the one scenario would be Heyman gets knocked out, everyone is down, HBK gets into the ring to superkick Brock, he turns to HHH and nails him into an F5 and while HBK gets the ref to come to, he only gets a count of 2, HBK does his famous corner drop in shock. HHH comebacks to get win. HBK leaves with HHH looking at his friend. Then my scenario above occurs and the same thing happens again in that match between Taker/Punk. etc etc.
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WrestleMania 29 Preview from Bryan Alvarez WITH Current Time Estimates from WWE for Each Match

The WrestleMania line-up is virtually complete (I expect a few minor changes are possible and maybe an added match, but everything else is locked in stone) and here is the preview:
One hour pre-show: They've got one match scheduled, Wade Barrett vs. Miz. What they're doing for the rest of the hour is unknown, likely tons of video packages. With 60 minutes, they may add a US Title match with Antonio Cesaro since it's a crime he's not on the card. The one-hour pre-show, by the way, means it's a five-hour show for the live crowd (PPV is four hours), outside in likely 48-degree weather.
Tons of Funk (Tensai & Brodus Clay & Naomi & Cameron) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) & Bella Twins in an eight-person tag. This is scheduled for eight minutes. It's WrestleMania so presumably the good guys win and then dance. Should be OK.
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango. At press time this was scheduled for ten minutes. All times aren't counting entrances. This is a big match for Fandango as he's a Vince McMahon project, he's getting pushed hard, this is his wrestling debut, and he needs to have a good match. Jericho is the best possible opponent but it's unlikely they can steal the show with ten minutes. Hopefully will be as good a ten-minute match as can be had. Jericho is likely leaving so Fandango should win, though Jericho has been beaten up a million times prior to the show so maybe he'll win at Mania and then Fandango could beat him on Raw before a far-bigger audience. No way Fandango should lose in his debut, however, especially if Jericho is leaving.
Brock Lesnar vs. HHH. This could be the show-stealer. They're being given 20 to 30 minutes, so they'll have time, plus Shawn Michaels will be out there for a big spot near the finish and Brock always gets a great reaction. The big question is the finish. Everyone expected Paul Heyman to interfere and get thwarted, and then Shawn hits the superkick and Hunter hits the pedigree for the pin. But that's a two-on-one babyface screwing the heel finish, which they may not want to do since they don't want Brock as a babyface. Whatever they do they have to keep him strong because the plan is Brock vs. Rock at Mania next year, and with that being the plan, Brock shouldn't lose and if he does they have to protect him. At press time HHH was planned to win, and while that could change, I don't expect it.
Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston for the tag titles. There was talk over the weekend of adding AJ and Kaitlyn to the match and making it a six-person with all the titles on the line. That wouldn't surprise me because they apparently have decided it's time to push the heels strong, and I can see a situation where they end up with the World, Tag and Divas titles all within the stable. They are giving this 12 to 15 minutes.
Ryback vs. Mark Henry. These guys haven't gotten great reviews for their house show matches. Maybe the big MetLife Stadium will be right place right time for them to do battle to a great reaction, or maybe it will flop. Either way, they're being given 12 minutes (!!!) and that sounds like way too long. This is designed to give Ryback his big powerful WrestleMania moment.
Sheamus & Randy Orton & Big Show vs. Shield. At one point the babyfaces were scheduled to win, but that's been changed. What makes the most sense is Orton and maybe Big Show turning on Sheamus. They could do it in the body of the match (I see a situation where Sheamus is about to Brogue kick one of the heels with Orton and Big Show cheering him on, exactly like on Smackdown, but as he's running across the ring he gets punched by Show into an RKO by Orton leading to the finish), or they could have the heels pin Orton clean and then he snaps and goes crazy. They could also swerve it up a bit by having the babyfaces win, then the turn and angle happens before the larger Raw viewing audience. I wouldn't beat the Shield yet. This is being given 15 minutes.
Undertaker vs. CM Punk. This is being given 20 minutes. I don't expect a ****3/4 Undertaker WrestleMania match as he's had for years now, but it should be fine. The storyline building it up has sucked, and nothing they've done has led me or anyone else to thing Punk has any chance of winning. And he doesn't unless they've completely lost their minds. For whatever it's worth, WWE approached Paul Bearer's sons about the angle on Raw, and one of them, Mike, has publicly stated that the angle they presented to him was one he approved of, but the one they actually did on TV has him shaking his head.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger. This one is interesting. The Swagger character really only has one guy to feud with, Del Rio, so this program has to continue for a while. I originally thought all the way through SummerSlam, but it's not getting over like that kind of long-term program, plus Ziggler has to cash in before SummerSlam and take the title, so that kind of ruins the title aspect of the program. Many ways they could go. Ziggler might not be involved at all and Swagger wins the title to lead to a rematch at Extreme Rules (original plan). Or Del Rio could win and they could set up a rematch with him just defending. Or either guy could win and Ziggler could take the title out of the program and the program could continue. One way or another, whatever they're doing, the plan is to try to get Del Rio over as a Latin superhero, so he'll get the win in the end. This is booked for 15 minutes.
Rock vs. Cena for the WWE title. This is being booked for 25 to 30 minutes. The whole idea was for Rock to put over Cena for the title in the big WrestleMania rematch, but since everyone knows that it could change. Rock is being booked for Extreme Rules (as is Brock, which is interesting since their paychecks are so high that it makes it almost impossible for a B-show to make any real money with both working on the card), so conceivably he could beat Cena again at Mania and then Cena could, I don't know, put his career on the line for the rematch at Extreme Rules (although with HHH putting his career on the line on this show that seems like overkill, plus if there is concern that people know the finish it's not like anyone will believe Cena isn't winning at Extreme Rules). This storyline just hasn't clicked this year, largely because it's built around Cena talking about how his career went off the rails after he lost to Rock last year, and the reality is that the first thing he did after losing to Rock was beat Brock Lesnar clean, then he won every single match of 2013 in main events except for the ones where he was blatantly screwed versus Punk. Fans, to me, have to see storylines happen before their own eyes, not be told something happened when they saw everything go do and, in fact, that isn't what happened. Cena will probably be booed mightily, although you never know how New York fans will react. In the end, most likely the AA finish clean in the middle. Hopefully it's a good match and Rock doesn't get too tired.
They've also scheduled eight minutes for a Diddy performance; seven minutes for the Hall of Fame ceremony where everyone is brought out on stage to wave; seven minutes for the pyro and National Anthem to open up the show; and 10 minutes for assorted segments throughout the show.

So he pretty much spoils WM...
They need to do something about Cena's gimmick **** is soo boring him playing 80's Hulk Hogan in cargo shorts
So he pretty much spoils WM...
I'm glad you said this because I was about to go back and read that after I caught up with the last few pages. Even though we're all considered "smarks", there IS such a thing as knowing too much IMO. Gotta draw that line somewhere.
NT, yall helped me come back as a fan man. I am not sure if I would be watching wrestling if it weren't for the weekly threads from 4W and the crew. This is where I belong. Wrestling is home for me.
I feel you g. 4dub pulled me back in '07 with the wrestling threads. He's forever appreciated for that.
I remember back in those days IF we got to 8-10 pages on a Monday night, it would be a success...now we hit anywhere from 15-20+ easy by the conclusion of RAW. So there's plenty of others like us too.

That's why I've tried to pay it forward with News & Notes.
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WrestleMania 29 Preview from Bryan Alvarez WITH Current Time Estimates from WWE for Each Match

The WrestleMania line-up is virtually complete (I expect a few minor changes are possible and maybe an added match, but everything else is locked in stone) and here is the preview:
One hour pre-show: They've got one match scheduled, Wade Barrett vs. Miz. What they're doing for the rest of the hour is unknown, likely tons of video packages. With 60 minutes, they may add a US Title match with Antonio Cesaro since it's a crime he's not on the card. The one-hour pre-show, by the way, means it's a five-hour show for the live crowd (PPV is four hours), outside in likely 48-degree weather.
Tons of Funk (Tensai & Brodus Clay & Naomi & Cameron) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) & Bella Twins in an eight-person tag. This is scheduled for eight minutes. It's WrestleMania so presumably the good guys win and then dance. Should be OK.
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango. At press time this was scheduled for ten minutes. All times aren't counting entrances. This is a big match for Fandango as he's a Vince McMahon project, he's getting pushed hard, this is his wrestling debut, and he needs to have a good match. Jericho is the best possible opponent but it's unlikely they can steal the show with ten minutes. Hopefully will be as good a ten-minute match as can be had. Jericho is likely leaving so Fandango should win, though Jericho has been beaten up a million times prior to the show so maybe he'll win at Mania and then Fandango could beat him on Raw before a far-bigger audience. No way Fandango should lose in his debut, however, especially if Jericho is leaving.
Brock Lesnar vs. HHH. This could be the show-stealer. They're being given 20 to 30 minutes, so they'll have time, plus Shawn Michaels will be out there for a big spot near the finish and Brock always gets a great reaction. The big question is the finish. Everyone expected Paul Heyman to interfere and get thwarted, and then Shawn hits the superkick and Hunter hits the pedigree for the pin. But that's a two-on-one babyface screwing the heel finish, which they may not want to do since they don't want Brock as a babyface. Whatever they do they have to keep him strong because the plan is Brock vs. Rock at Mania next year, and with that being the plan, Brock shouldn't lose and if he does they have to protect him. At press time HHH was planned to win, and while that could change, I don't expect it.
Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston for the tag titles. There was talk over the weekend of adding AJ and Kaitlyn to the match and making it a six-person with all the titles on the line. That wouldn't surprise me because they apparently have decided it's time to push the heels strong, and I can see a situation where they end up with the World, Tag and Divas titles all within the stable. They are giving this 12 to 15 minutes.
Ryback vs. Mark Henry. These guys haven't gotten great reviews for their house show matches. Maybe the big MetLife Stadium will be right place right time for them to do battle to a great reaction, or maybe it will flop. Either way, they're being given 12 minutes (!!!) and that sounds like way too long. This is designed to give Ryback his big powerful WrestleMania moment.
Sheamus & Randy Orton & Big Show vs. Shield. At one point the babyfaces were scheduled to win, but that's been changed. What makes the most sense is Orton and maybe Big Show turning on Sheamus. They could do it in the body of the match (I see a situation where Sheamus is about to Brogue kick one of the heels with Orton and Big Show cheering him on, exactly like on Smackdown, but as he's running across the ring he gets punched by Show into an RKO by Orton leading to the finish), or they could have the heels pin Orton clean and then he snaps and goes crazy. They could also swerve it up a bit by having the babyfaces win, then the turn and angle happens before the larger Raw viewing audience. I wouldn't beat the Shield yet. This is being given 15 minutes.
Undertaker vs. CM Punk. This is being given 20 minutes. I don't expect a ****3/4 Undertaker WrestleMania match as he's had for years now, but it should be fine. The storyline building it up has sucked, and nothing they've done has led me or anyone else to thing Punk has any chance of winning. And he doesn't unless they've completely lost their minds. For whatever it's worth, WWE approached Paul Bearer's sons about the angle on Raw, and one of them, Mike, has publicly stated that the angle they presented to him was one he approved of, but the one they actually did on TV has him shaking his head.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger. This one is interesting. The Swagger character really only has one guy to feud with, Del Rio, so this program has to continue for a while. I originally thought all the way through SummerSlam, but it's not getting over like that kind of long-term program, plus Ziggler has to cash in before SummerSlam and take the title, so that kind of ruins the title aspect of the program. Many ways they could go. Ziggler might not be involved at all and Swagger wins the title to lead to a rematch at Extreme Rules (original plan). Or Del Rio could win and they could set up a rematch with him just defending. Or either guy could win and Ziggler could take the title out of the program and the program could continue. One way or another, whatever they're doing, the plan is to try to get Del Rio over as a Latin superhero, so he'll get the win in the end. This is booked for 15 minutes.
Rock vs. Cena for the WWE title. This is being booked for 25 to 30 minutes. The whole idea was for Rock to put over Cena for the title in the big WrestleMania rematch, but since everyone knows that it could change. Rock is being booked for Extreme Rules (as is Brock, which is interesting since their paychecks are so high that it makes it almost impossible for a B-show to make any real money with both working on the card), so conceivably he could beat Cena again at Mania and then Cena could, I don't know, put his career on the line for the rematch at Extreme Rules (although with HHH putting his career on the line on this show that seems like overkill, plus if there is concern that people know the finish it's not like anyone will believe Cena isn't winning at Extreme Rules). This storyline just hasn't clicked this year, largely because it's built around Cena talking about how his career went off the rails after he lost to Rock last year, and the reality is that the first thing he did after losing to Rock was beat Brock Lesnar clean, then he won every single match of 2013 in main events except for the ones where he was blatantly screwed versus Punk. Fans, to me, have to see storylines happen before their own eyes, not be told something happened when they saw everything go do and, in fact, that isn't what happened. Cena will probably be booed mightily, although you never know how New York fans will react. In the end, most likely the AA finish clean in the middle. Hopefully it's a good match and Rock doesn't get too tired.
They've also scheduled eight minutes for a Diddy performance; seven minutes for the Hall of Fame ceremony where everyone is brought out on stage to wave; seven minutes for the pyro and National Anthem to open up the show; and 10 minutes for assorted segments throughout the show.

Those times sound kind of bogus. I'm fully expecting the Funkasaurus match to last around 3 minutes, Jericho/Fandango, Ryback/Mark Henry, and Hell No/Ziggler clocking in under 10, and the world title match being around 10 too (this could be a potential squash).

I dont know why they keep booking Rock into these 30 minute match ups when it clearly hasnt been working. Book them into a 15-min match like Rock/Hogan or Cena/Batista and just let them go all out and hit their spots and go home.
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I'm with the majority as far as not liking the build up to WM, but I've been feeling like a kid this week. Can't wait to be there in person, hopefully they put on a good show for us.
I said this about a month ago but after going to another live event, I am fully BACK into the wrestling world.

NT, yall helped me come back as a fan man. I am not sure if I would be watching wrestling if it weren't for the weekly threads from 4W and the crew. This is where I belong. Wrestling is home for me.

I wouldn't say I'm fully back into the wrestling world, as I think most of the current product is rubbish, but I can definitely cosign this. This thread is always more entertaining than the best of Raws or PPVs. 4W does a hell of a job each week creating these threads and they are always definitely appreciated. I use this thread to actually gauge if whatever PPV or Raw is actually worth watching. It's saved me both time and money. Plus, more often than not, the best bits are usually posted in a gif :D

I am officially on the bandwagon.

I wanna hate this dude with all my soul, but I'll be damned if he doesn't get it..Just remember when them vignettes came out I told you he was your next IC/US champ..And I'm betting he'll be getting his shot at the next ppv..
I'm in the group that rediscovered wrestling thanks to this thread (4w)

I stopped watching when hbk first stopped. Missed a lot of great matches but I've been catching up.
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