Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

What is your favorite WrestleMania match of all time?

  • Savage v Steamboat - IC Title Match (WM3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hogan v Savage - Superpowers Collide (WM5)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior v Hogan - Title v Title (WM6)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior v Savage - Retirement Match (WM7)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bret v Owen (WM10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Razor v HBK - IC Title Ladder Match (WM10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shawn v Bret - WWF Title Iron Man Match (WM12)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bret v Austin (WM13)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title Ladder Match (WM2000)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title TLC Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Austin v Rock - WWF Title No DQ Match (WM17)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rock v Hogan (WM18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michaels v Jericho (WM19)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Benoit v HHH v HBK - World Title Match (WM20)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Angle v Michaels (WM21)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michaels v Flair - Retirement Match (WM24)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v Michaels (WM25)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v Michaels - Streak v Career Match (WM26)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - No Holds Barred Match (WM27)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undertaker v HHH - Hell in a Cell, HBK Special Guest Referee (WM28)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
For all the crap we give 4W I'm sure he's responsible for getting around 60% of us back into wrestling. :nerd:

I had given up on wrestling around 03/04 I think..And about 2 1/2 years ago I came across this thread..If it weren't for 4w's weekly run downs at the beginning of the thread and the NTWT stuff that caught my attention I probably still wouldn't be watching..

So 4w thank you for re-kindling my love of a sport I started watching way back in 1982..
Here's a rundown of everything going down WM weekend. If anyone is around the area, you might want to check some of these shows out.
You forgot to add TNA's event in Long Island on Friday night.  Pretty decent card too:

AJ Styles vs Austin Aries

Sting & Hardy vs The Dudley Boyz

Bobby Roode vs James Storm in a New York Street Fight

Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels

Kurt Angle vs Wes Briscoe

Joseph Park vs Robbie E

Gail Kim vs Velvet Sky

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I wouldn't say I'm fully back into the wrestling world, as I think most of the current product is rubbish, but I can definitely cosign this. This thread is always more entertaining than the best of Raws or PPVs. 4W does a hell of a job each week creating these threads and they are always definitely appreciated. I use this thread to actually gauge if whatever PPV or Raw is actually worth watching. It's saved me both time and money. Plus, more often than not, the best bits are usually posted in a gif :D
Man I am borderline obssesed. Right now I am contemplating watching the McDonald's All American game or NXT from Season 1 since I missed them all.

I am about to watch NXT.......bye
Just a fair warning DC, It took NXT about 5 seasons until they switched up the format and it became what it is now.
Appreciate it guys.

I have something planned for the morning to hold everyone over while I work on the PPV prediction contest.
Some WrestleMania Week photos











News & Notes: Part 1

Why it took so long for WWE to get Undertaker to commit to Wrestlemania.
There was a lot of chatter about whether or not The Undertaker would wrestle at Wrestlemania 29 this year. Obviously he’s banged up and WWE tried their best to steer the story so the focus remains on Undertaker’s health. However, the real hangup was not about health but rather about money. Just like the with Steve Austin, Undertaker is not interested in wrestling for less than main event money.

With a show that already has The Rock and Brock Lesnar in separate matches, Undertaker felt it was not worth wrestling this year if he’s going to get “third from the top” type money. He could've sat out a year, which only increases his value next year, and perhaps Vince McMahon ponies up the type of cash Undertaker wants for a Wrestlemania match.

Just like with Mark Henry not being ”healthy” enough to return unless it was in a top spot, Taker wasn’t willing to come back unless it’s for main event type money. His health issues are genuine, but if the money is right, he’d wrestle anyway.

WWE has been planting stories through third party publications to make sure the public perception isn’t that it’s a money issue. With Undertaker not the type of person that’s going to get involved with the Internet, it’s easier for WWE to paint the picture how they wish.
Full details on how HHH locked up Bruno Sammartino to Hall of Fame deal.
HHH was finally able to close the deal with Bruno Sammartino during a conference call that also included Bruno’s attorney and WWE’s attornies. All parties went into the call under the impression if the deal wasn’t finished that night, the deal was off as WWE was simply running out of time to adequately promote Bruno’s induction.

Nothing was easy though, not even the call, as Bruno originally had plans he was reluctant to cancel. WWE made it clear they needed to get on the phone and hammer out the minor details of the deal that had been holding things up. Bruno ended up agreeing, much to the relief of Triple H.

Obviously the call ended up being successful but things really came down to the wire. Hunter was confident he could get the deal done and had a lot of extra motivation - Vince McMahon originally thought a deal would be impossible and didn’t think Hunter could pull it off. Vince was very impressed that Triple H got the deal done and even a little jealous he was able to do it without much involvement on his end.

Once it was finalized, Bruno and Hunter kayfabed everyone on how the conference call went as WWE didn’t want the story out until that following Monday. They allowed for ESPN’s John Robinson to interview Bruno and Triple H about the deal to increase the mainstream exposure.
HHH continues to do good things.
Triple H had a lot of momentum after getting the deal done to induct Bruno Sammartino into the WWE Hall of Fame. As a result, Vince McMahon gave him even more freedom to make changes, lay out future plans, etc.

One major focus for Hunter has been the new training center WWE is opening in Orlando, FL. While some of the ideas are nothing particularly groundbreaking like the desire to be bigger than the NXT facilities in Tampa with more rings (Hunter is pushing for seven instead of five), there is one idea that has people excited.

Hunter wants the Orlando facility to include a state of the art injury rehabilitation inside the training compound. Not only would injured developmental workers rehab there but when someone from the main roster gets injured, they’ll be sent to Orlando for rehab so the company can monitor their progress.

Triple H is targeting a May opening for the center. Construction for the facility is already underway and WWE officials are pleased with the progress.
What the backstage reaction was during the infamous Miz vs. Brock Lesnar confrontation.
Some backstage were joking that if The Miz even remotely potatoed Brock Lesnar, Brock would have just killed him. Many laughed when Lesnar chucked the chair at him. As one of our sources put it, no matter what Miz does in the business he’s always going to have the “you didn’t pay your dues” stigma.
DCAllAmerican might get wet again.
WWE still has preliminary plans for an all-cruiserweight show, as the series was originally tapped for the WWE Network. WWE is also still targeting top cruiserweight talent on the independent circuit to possibly use on the show.

There have been serious discussions between WWE and Full Sail University about hosting the tapings. WWE has been thrilled with the facility for NXT and are looking to tape the cruiserweight series there as well. As for where it would air, it could end up on Hulu Plus like NXT. The WWE Network is obviously not a viable outlet at this point.

Discussions with Full Sail have progressed to the point of potential scheduling for the filming of a second show, what would be done to give the show a distinct look separate from NXT, etc.
Vince is on a "manager" kick (for now).
Vince McMahon is currently on a “manager kick” which is evident in Paul Heyman, AJ Lee, Ricardo Rodriguez and now Zeb Colter. Some of this has to do with Triple H’s old school wrestling approach but Vince reportedly won’t use the term "manager".
Latest on the WWE Network; how a possible deal with DirecTV failed.
There was some chatter online a couple of weeks ago that WWE was looking at potential partners for the WWE Network to lighten the financial burden. WWE then tried to get word out they were not looking for partners even though they were. Dave Meltzer, who first reported the story, ran a retraction from his original report.

The company “freaked out” when word leaked because they didn’t want potential partners to know they were soliciting other offers. The main deal WWE was hoping to get done would have been a partnership with DirecTV where the network would have been exclusive to the satellite provider domestically, much like they are with the NFL’s Sunday Ticket package. However, we’re told DirecTV was not willing to help fund the network.

Our source notes DirecTV was looking to offer WWE a very favorable split of the subscription revenue, much more than WWE would typically receive from cable or satellite providers. What DirecTV would get out of it would be the incentive for wrestling fans to switch to DirecTV while WWE would get to keep the lion’s share of the money generated by the network, while also finally having an agreement with a major carrier so they could actually launch the network.

While WWE officials feel selling the network at $29.99 (at most) will kill the pay-per-view business except for Wrestlemania, it will guarantee them money. Piracy and online stream sites remain a problem and are seen as part of the reason for reduced pay-per-view revenue. Guaranteeing a monthly amount for the WWE Network will be a way to combat this.

The downside is a deal of this nature would surely alienate the other providers which WWE still depends on to help promote their pay-per-view events. WWE wanted a multimillion annual rights fee for exclusivity of the service to help offset some of the costs of launching the network.

The last we heard, the DirecTV deal was dead and WWE was looking at other potential partners. This is what resulted in the Meltzer report, followed by a retraction with WWE frantically looking to erase word they were looking at possible network partners.
HHH to the rescue once again.
Bob Backlund made an unusual request when he was contacted for the WWE Hall of Fame.

Backlund originally requested a return as a wrestler to the main WWE roster. He wasn’t looking for a push, in fact he was looking to return for a few months to put over a lot of the newer talent.

This was going to be a deal breaker as WWE was not interested in signing a 63-year-old to a Performer’s Contract. He held out for awhile but it was Triple H that was able to change his mind to agree to do the Hall of Fame without also returning to the main roster as a wrestler.

Backlund was last seen in a WWE ring on the July 9, 2012 episode of WWE Raw when he attacked Heath Slater.
What's MVP up to?
After announcing he was finished in New Japan Pro Wrestling, there’s been a lot of discussion about Montel Vontavious Porter.

He was not fired from NJPW and actually gave notice last year. His final date ended up being the Tokyo Dome show in January and MVP left on great terms. NJPW would “definitely” use him again.

As for the television show MVP is working on with Lions Gate, we’re told it’s a reality program and has nothing to do wrestling.

MVP would be the host and he would travel to different prisons around the country. He would spend time with the prisoners, show the differences from some of the roughest prisons, etc. The project isn’t a sure thing but it’s far enough along where MVP didn’t want to commit to any future dates with New Japan out of fear it could end up conflicting with the TV show at some point.
Ryback was "very unhappy" when ADR beat Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Ryback was very unhappy with Alberto Del Rio beating Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship. Ryback was under the impression that he would be beating Big Show for the title at Wrestlemania 29. He was hoping the company had plans to keep the title on Show until they had a main event match at Wrestlemania.

One observer tells us that Ryback voiced his displeasure over the situation to a few people backstage.

This same observer says they wouldn’t be surprised if WWE tested Ryback by teasing him with the title and seeing how he reacts when plans appear to change. There is still a lot of nervousness about how he’ll handle the pressure and responsibility if/when he’s really given the ball and depended on to carry one of the brands later this year.
What happened to Little Jimmy?
R-Truth is back after suffering a lacerated knee at WWE TLC in December. As you may have noticed, WWE has not been referencing Little Jimmy upon his return.

This was Vince McMahon’s call as he felt the Little Jimmy bit was silly and he wanted Truth to have a more serious tone from now on. Some people backstage are wondering why it took Vince so long to figure this out. However, this all part of a bigger plan.

Vince is said to be “comfortable” with Alberto Del Rio as the top Latino star and has shifted his attention to solidifying a top African American star. There had been a lot of internal debate as to whether it should be Truth or Kofi Kingston. Given Kofi’s recent heat, Vince ultimately decided Truth has a better chance of getting over at the top level. In the past, Vince has always sided with R-Truth over Kofi in similar situations.

A top African American star isn’t something Vince has remained consistent on. He’s made it a priority before but usually loses interest. With Truth just coming back, it’s once again something Vince is pushing for. Truth wanted to keep the Little Jimmy bit but is considered easy to work with and didn’t make an issue of it when Vince wanted it dropped.
Kaitlyn receives mixed reviews.
WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn received mixed reviews backstage for her match on last week's RAW. While some praised her for trying to go the extra mile by making all her bumps look over-the-top and giving 100%, others were concerned she was reckless with her own body and could have hurt herself.
CM Punk's promo last week gets criticized.
CM Punk was actually criticized for his promo on last week’s WWE Raw as the feeling was it wasn’t “up to par.” This goes deeper than just an “off-night” as Punk is very concerned about his Wrestlemania match against The Undertaker. Punk is concerned about the match’s quality and is having a hard time even selling it to himself.
Celebrity surge for Wrestlemania 29.
WWE made a late surge for celebrity involvement at this year’s Wrestlemania 29. The company has announced both Sean “Diddy” Combs and Maria Menounos will take part at the event. A deal was finalized for Arnold Schwarzenegger to induct Bruno Sammartino into the WWE Hall of Fame.

While Wrestlemania traditionally features celebrity tie-ins, there had some been some back and forth about how much celebrity involvement was needed with both The Rock and Brock Lesnar on the show. While WWE has been negotiating with Arnold for weeks, the acquisition of Diddy was seen as more of a panic move to assure the show had a musical performance by a celebrity.
I'll probably get around to Part 2 sometime tomorrow.
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More WrestleMania Week Photos


Did you go to the Yankees game with the rest of the Dibiase Posse?








You coulda filled the whole WWE & NXT roster with how empty Yankee stadium was :lol:
Mick gave his body to the WWF/WWE(hell wrestling period) and he can't even get TV time for his HOF speech. Wow. That's foul man.
Really is.  Trust that he'll get a standing ovation from me and the rest of the MSG crowd.  Too bad WWE will prob screw him with a 5 minute time limit.
Son..I honestly forgot Ted Jr was still in WWE until I seen the picture that was posted. :lol:

What happened to dude? I remember he had came back a few months ago but then disappeared again.

Albert made sure he stood DIRECTLY behind Naomi. :lol: he knows what he's doing.
Mick gave his body to the WWF/WWE(hell wrestling period) and he can't even get TV time for his HOF speech. Wow. That's foul man.

I know he's doing it for the fans and it being a accomplishment, but I would have made some demands.Or just said screw it. Mick doesn't seemed pressed for cash. We'll always remember what he put his body through for us.
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