Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

See Hart was great in every other aspect. He had charisma, was great technical wise, very marketable. But he was average on the mic. He said so himself that he had trouble cutting promos as well as the other guys. Neidhart did most of the talking in their early days in the Hart Foundation
Kurt cold do it all, he is phenomenal in the ring could always tell a story in the ring, can be both a great heel and a great face , can be funny and serious and cut pretty damn good promos . Dude became great in such a short period of time to. came in wwe in 1999 and was already pretty well polished a year later .

and its true, its damn true.
'I am a wrestling machine..." 
Who do you guys think is the greatest wrestler of all time? Greatest In-Ring Worker and Greatest all around (In Ring, Mic, etc)
Kurt cold do it all, he is phenomenal in the ring could always tell a story in the ring, can be both a great heel and a great face , can be funny and serious and cut pretty damn good promos . Dude became great in such a short period of time to. came in wwe in 1999 and was already pretty well polished a year later .

and its true, its damn true.

Oh, it's true. It's true.
I figured HBK would get a lot of nods. Dude really was the total package.

What are your thoughts on Jericho? In my opinion, he was the best all around guy post attitude era

Totally agree with you on this one. Edge could be a close second to him (post attitude era)
Totally agree with you on this one. Edge could be a close second to him (post attitude era)
Absolutely. The one thing I always liked about Edge was his intensity. On the mic, in the ring. Dude was so intense it was almost psychotic 
The sad thing about the Generico gimmick being cut, is that the WWE will retain the rights to his real name and make money off of his real name.

Surprised to see Edge brought up. I personally think that he should have never won the strap.
The sad thing about the Generico gimmick being cut, is that the WWE will retain the rights to his real name and make money off of his real name.

Surprised to see Edge brought up. I personally think that he should have never won the strap.
I wasn't a fan of him winning the strap the first time, but then he made his runs and proved me wrong. Dude was solid in ring, on the mic. Could do everything. Very very intense wrestler and a GREAT heel
The sad thing about the Generico gimmick being cut, is that the WWE will retain the rights to his real name and make money off of his real name.

Surprised to see Edge brought up. I personally think that he should have never won the strap.

But what if Generico never wanted to wear the mask in WWE? I mean, it will give him more exposure since he's in the "E" now. And he's not really a "true luchador"that he should be tied to that gimmick all the time.

As for Edge, the thing I liked aout the dude besides his work is that when he was given the ball so to speak, he never dropped it. He rolled with it and had the best run of his career.
If he gets to keep his real name when he makes it to the main roster I would think they have faith in the dude, if he were to make it big in WWE and leave he can still market off his own name.

When's the last time someone got to keep their real name heading into the main roster?
Who do you guys think is the greatest wrestler of all time? Greatest In-Ring Worker and Greatest all around (In Ring, Mic, etc)
Kurt cold do it all, he is phenomenal in the ring could always tell a story in the ring, can be both a great heel and a great face , can be funny and serious and cut pretty damn good promos . Dude became great in such a short period of time to. came in wwe in 1999 and was already pretty well polished a year later .

and its true, its damn true.

Kurt Angle get my vote too. He had lots of charisma on the mic. Over as a face & heel, and could be hilarious, yet serious. In ring he could blend with lightweights & big guys. It wasnt easy for guys to get over as a true main eventer during that period unless HHH, Taker, Rock & Austin but he got over FAST.

Still pissed he's in TNA :smh:
I figured HBK would get a lot of nods. Dude really was the total package.

What are your thoughts on Jericho? In my opinion, he was the best all around guy post attitude era

Totally agree with you on this one. Edge could be a close second to him (post attitude era)

:pimp: @ Edge getting credit where credit is due

the guy pretty much carried the 'E during the 2nd New-Generation era when Taker, Hunter, HBK, Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, Rock, Guerrero, Benoit were all gone in one way shape or form

His match with Foley @ WM 22 in Chicago > *
Kurt Angle get my vote too. He had lots of charisma on the mic. Over as a face & heel, and could be hilarious, yet serious. In ring he could blend with lightweights & big guys. It wasnt easy for guys to get over as a true main eventer during that period unless HHH, Taker, Rock & Austin but he got over FAST.

Still pissed he's in TNA
I am also pissed he's in TNA. But I read that he left simply because he needed a better challenge. He did everything in WWE. He beat everyone. Pretty much accomplished everything. Then he went to TNA and dominated there.

One of my favorite moves by him. Here he does it during a tag match but during singles matches he would usually play possum on the ground until his opponent got to the top turnbuckle. Then he would explode up, run up the turnbuckle and give you a massive Belly to Belly. Literally came out of nowhere, in one fluid motion

The thing about Angle is that when you faced him, you knew you were getting the match of your life. Dude never got tired in the ring and would beat you until you couldn't move. 
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Avy check :pimp:

Whenever I saw a Kurt Angle match I knew I was in for a great match, the dude never quit and was great in anything he did.
I remember going with my older brother to his book signing and was able to meet him.

Always loved this spot
Avy check :pimp:

Whenever I saw a Kurt Angle match I knew I was in for a great match, the dude never quit and was great in anything he did.
I remember going with my older brother to his book signing and was able to meet him.

Always loved this spot

I remember that spot. Dude had a mean arsenal of maneuvers from moonsaults to suplexes.

One of my fav Angle spots.
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Angle is a great choice too..Dude always brought his A game and could have a 4* match with anyone..Only thing about Kurt I can't stand is the stupid ankle lock finisher..I hated when Shamrock did it (even though it made sense), I hated when Kurt did it, and I hate it that Thwagger does is..

Does anyone else think Kurt kinda diminished his legacy a little bit by going to TNA?..
I actually love the Ankle lock. My favorite submission next to the Sharpshooter. I loved the idea of having someone at your mercy just by controlling a small body parr
Vote goes to HBK too. Glad to see Edge getting some cred as well. His Rated R Superstar gimmick was awesome! Sad that he had to retire.

it was sad what he was becoming towards the end of his run. Rated R Superstar was one of the best gimmicks I've seen. Damn PG era had to squash it mad quick and turn Edge into a generic rock fan who wrestled, pretty much.

Dude had his character stripped down to the ******g core. :smh: :x
Surprised Austin isn't getting more love. I think everyone can agree that his gimmick and mic skills were at GOAT levels. His ring work is pretty underrated I feel. Austin had some great, technical matches before his neck injury. Check his WCW series with Ricky Steamboat or his Survivor Series match with Bret Hart. Post injury, he had to change his style up a lot but was still able to put on some great brawls like his match with HHH at No Way Out 01 and his series with The Rock. I would put him second to HBK if we're talking about all around package
Surprised Austin isn't getting more love. I think everyone can agree that his gimmick and mic skills were at GOAT levels. His ring work is pretty underrated I feel. Austin had some great, technical matches before his neck injury. Check his WCW series with Ricky Steamboat or his Survivor Series match with Bret Hart. Post injury, he had to change his style up a lot but was still able to put on some great brawls like his match with HHH at No Way Out 01 and his series with The Rock. I would put him second to HBK if we're talking about all around package

I'd agree with you that Austin had the total package as well (promo/ring work/charisma). I think the reason Austin wasn't mentioned more is because most people only remember his SCSA persona. Don't get me wrong, SCSA was a great brawler (and a great technician pre-injury) but his best in-ring work was during his WCW days. So technically, he has the whole package but they just weren't all there/manifest at the same time.
Angle is a great choice too..Dude always brought his A game and could have a 4* match with anyone..Only thing about Kurt I can't stand is the stupid ankle lock finisher..I hated when Shamrock did it (even though it made sense), I hated when Kurt did it, and I hate it that Thwagger does is..

Does anyone else think Kurt kinda diminished his legacy a little bit by going to TNA?..

I thought the Ankle Lock was a fit submissions seeing all technician need a submission. His different set-ups were clean. He'd lock it in on one knee, standing up, or in a leg triangle.

He didnt diminish his legacy IMO cuz his accomplishments will still stand as impressive, but I feel he had the opportunity to be elevate more up the totem as one of the greatest in WWE. So somewhat yes.
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