Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

I'm just gonna leave this here because I found it hilarious to think about Swagger listening to this before he got pulled over.

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Let's not forget the great Beware of Dog 2 where Savio Vega went over Stone Cold Steve Austin, Marc Mero went over HHH, Vader went over Yokozuna, and Goldust beat Taker in a casket match :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I remember this !!! Didn't the lights go out or something ? I remember Bulldog and Shawn Michaels had a HORRIBLE Ending with 2 refs..something along those lines.

I wish they'd included the 6 man tag team match from "International Incident" with Shawn Michaels/Sid/Ahmed Johnson vs. Owen Hart/Vader/British Bulldog. I'd need to watch it again, but back then that match was GREAT to me lol. Wasn't Ultimate Warrior originally supposed to be in the match ??

I need a yearbook for 95-97, all these random WWF/WCW memories
Smackdown is clearly not live, but Mitchell keeps mentioning things that happened today in an attempt to have us believe it is.
Why not do both? Different months.

Wish they went back to the traditional Survivor Series Format. With the 4 man tag matches.

for me it only works if theres enough stables to put together good 4 man teams, or if feuds are already in place with enough guys.

i hate when survivor series comes around and to fill the card they have to Booker T up some quick feuds/random teams
Problem with trying to do a Survivor Series now is back when they were good there was 3 or 4 solid stables and a bunch of great tag teams that made things interesting...

Now they have a couple good teams, and besides the Shield no stable to write home about... WWE is too individual centric for a great Survivor Series.
Maybe they could mix the Lethal Lottery and the Survivor Series then.

If you are part of a Tag Team or Stable fine, you stay with them. But everyone else is randomly drawn?
KOTR is such a good PPV that writes itself. Only thing i hated was in the latter years of KOTR, the brackets weren't seemingly random like they used to be. They became very predictable cause you could already see who would match up in latter rounds. Plus, they really stopped making qualifying rounds. They just slapped 8 ( :stoneface: just eight) wrestlers in a bracket and called it a tournament. Hell, sometimes they didn't even put brackets up. The older versions seemed random, and the feuds would gradually build throughout.

Just look at some of these
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The King of the Ring was a great ppv. Have it start late may and run into late June.

Between 16-32 Superstars.

Something else that I miss is the old ppv stage set ups.
During Friday night's NTWT Live Event in Pawnee Indiana, the main event scheduled between JNSQ vs. Club for the NTercontinental championship never took place. Instead, Club came out with the NTercontinental title, proclaiming that JNSQ "has misplaced his grin" and wont be showing his face around here for a while. The match was started without JNSQ and Club declared himself the winner via countout and the new NTercontinental champion.

During Friday night's NTWT Live Event in Pawnee Indiana, the main event scheduled between JNSQ vs. Club for the NTercontinental championship never took place. Instead, Club came out with the NTercontinental title, proclaiming that JNSQ "has misplaced his grin" and wont be showing his face around here for a while. The match was started without JNSQ and Club declared himself the winner via countout and the new NTercontinental champion.

Seems legit..

During Friday night's NTWT Live Event in Pawnee Indiana, the main event scheduled between JNSQ vs. Club for the NTercontinental championship never took place. Instead, Club came out with the NTercontinental title, proclaiming that JNSQ "has misplaced his grin" and wont be showing his face around here for a while. The match was started without JNSQ and Club declared himself the winner via countout and the new NTercontinental champion.

Seems legit..
- There has been an ongoing discussion within WWE about how John Cena will defeat The Rock at WrestleMania 29 in New York City without upsetting a lot of fans. There’s a feeling among some that Cena must get the win this time. It’s already expected that Cena will be booed out of the building.

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